(1) The Minister must obtain and consider the advice of the Scientific Committee on:
(a) the content of recovery and threat abatement plans; and
(b) the times within which, and the order in which, such plans should be made.
(2) In giving advice about a recovery plan, the Scientific Committee must take into account the following matters:
(a) the degree of threat to the survival in nature of the species or ecological community in question;
(b) the potential for the species or community to recover;
(c) the genetic distinctiveness of the species or community;
(d) the importance of the species or community to the ecosystem;
(e) the value to humanity of the species or community;
(f) the efficient and effective use of the resources allocated to the conservation of species and ecological communities.
(3) In giving advice about a threat abatement plan, the Scientific Committee must take into account the following matters:
(a) the degree of threat that the key threatening process in question poses to the survival in nature of species and ecological communities;
(b) the potential of species and ecological communities so threatened to recover;
(c) the efficient and effective use of the resources allocated to the conservation of species and ecological communities.