The following is a simplified outline of this Subdivision:
This Subdivision sets out the usual process for the inclusion of places in the National Heritage List.
The usual process involves an annual cycle that revolves around 12 - month periods known as assessment periods. The Minister determines the start of the first assessment period (see section 324G).
The usual process involves the following steps for each assessment period:
(a) the Minister may determine heritage themes (this step is optional) (see section 324H);
(b) the Minister invites people to nominate places for inclusion in the National Heritage List, and gives the nominations to the Australian Heritage Council (see sections 324J and 324JA);
(c) the Australian Heritage Council prepares, and gives to the Minister, a list of places (which will mostly be places that have been nominated) that it thinks should be assessed (see sections 324JB, 324JC and 324JD);
(d) the Minister finalises the list of places that are to be assessed (see sections 324JE and 324JF);
(e) the Australian Heritage Council invites people to make comments about the places in the finalised list (see section 324JG);
(f) the Australian Heritage Council assesses the places in the finalised list, and gives the assessments to the Minister (see sections 324JH and 324JI);
(g) the Minister decides whether a place that has been assessed should be included in the National Heritage List (see section 324JJ).
The steps mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d) will generally be completed before the start of the assessment period.