The following is a simplified outline of this Subdivision:
This Subdivision sets out the emergency process for the inclusion of places in the Commonwealth Heritage List.
The emergency process involves the following steps:
(a) the Minister may include a place in the Commonwealth Heritage List if it is under threat (see section 341JK);
(b) the Minister asks the Australian Heritage Council to assess the place (see section 341JL);
(c) the Australian Heritage Council publishes notice of the listing and invites comments (see section 341JM);
(d) the Australian Heritage Council assesses the place, and gives the assessment to the Minister (see sections 341JN and 341JO);
(e) the Minister has 12 months from the listing of the place to decide whether it should continue to be listed, and the listing will lapse if the Minister does not make a decision within that period (see section 341JP).