Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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           Long Title


   1.      Short title  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Repeal and saving  
   4.      Interpretation  
   4AA.    De facto relationships  
   4AB.    Definition of family violence etc.  
   4A.     Third party proceedings to set aside financial agreement  
   4B.     Third party proceedings to set aside Part VIIIAB financial agreement  
   4C.     Meaning of proceeds of crime authority  
   5.      Debtor subject to a personal insolvency agreement  
   6.      Polygamous marriages  
   7.      Extension of Act to certain Territories  
   7A.     Application of the Criminal Code  
   8.      Supersession of existing laws  


   9A.     Use of protected names and symbols  


           Division 1--Accreditation of family counsellors, family dispute resolution practitioners and other family service providers

   10A.    Accreditation Rules  

           Division 2--Family counselling

   10B.    Definition of family counselling  
   10C.    Definition of family counsellor  
   10D.    Confidentiality of communications in family counselling  
   10E.    Admissibility of communications in family counselling and in referrals from family counselling  

           Division 3--Family dispute resolution

   10F.    Definition of family dispute resolution  
   10G.    Definition of family dispute resolution practitioner  
   10H.    Confidentiality of communications in family dispute resolution  
   10J.    Admissibility of communications in family dispute resolution and in referrals from family dispute resolution  
   10K.    Family dispute resolution practitioners must comply with regulations  

           Division 4--Arbitration

   10L.    Definition of arbitration  
   10M.    Definition of arbitrator  
   10N.    Arbitrators may charge fees for their services  
   10P.    Immunity of arbitrators  

           Division 5--Post-separation parenting programs

   10PA.   Admissibility of communications in post - separation parenting programs  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   10Q.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   10R.    Definition of family safety risk screening person  
   10S.    Definition of family safety risk screening information  
   10T.    Definition of family safety risk screening process  

           Division 2--Protection of family safety risk screening information

   10U.    Confidentiality of family safety risk screening information  
   10V.    Admissibility of family safety risk screening information etc.  
   10W.    Immunity of family safety risk screening persons  


           Division 1--About family consultants

   11A.    Functions of family consultants  
   11B.    Definition of family consultant  
   11C.    Admissibility of communications with family consultants and referrals from family consultants  
   11D.    Immunity of family consultants  

           Division 2--Courts' use of family consultants

   11E.    Courts to consider seeking advice from family consultants  
   11F.    Court may order parties to attend, or arrange for child to attend, appointments with a family consultant  
   11G.    Consequences of failure to comply with order under section 11F  


   11H.    Family report writers  
   11J.    Designated family reports  
   11K.    Regulations prescribing standards and requirements for family report writers  
   11L.    Disclosure by court to regulator  
   11M.    Immunity of regulator  


           Division 1--Introduction

   12A.    Objects of this Part  

           Division 2--Kind of information to be provided

   12B.    Prescribed information about non - court based family services and court's processes and services  
   12C.    Prescribed information about reconciliation  
   12D.    Prescribed information about Part VII proceedings  

           Division 3--Who must provide information, and when

   12E.    Obligations on legal practitioners  
   12F.    Obligations on principal executive officers of courts  
   12G.    Obligations on family counsellors, family dispute resolution practitioners and arbitrators  


           Division 1--Introduction

   13A.    Objects of this Part  

           Division 2--Help with reconciliation

   13B.    Court to accommodate possible reconciliations  

           Division 3--Referrals to family counselling, family dispute resolution and other family services

   13C.    Court may refer parties to family counselling, family dispute resolution and other family services  
   13D.    Consequences of failure to comply with order under section 13C  

           Division 4--Court's role in relation to arbitration of disputes

   13E.    Court may refer Part VIII proceedings or Part VIIIAB proceedings to arbitration  
   13F.    Court may make orders to facilitate arbitration of certain disputes  
   13G.    Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia may determine questions of law referred by arbitrator  
   13H.    Awards made in arbitration may be registered in court  
   13J.    Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia can review registered awards  
   13K.    Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia may set aside registered awards  


           Division 1--Jurisdiction in matrimonial causes

   39.     Jurisdiction in matrimonial causes  

           Division 2--Jurisdiction in de facto financial causes

   39A.    Instituting proceedings  
   39B.    Jurisdiction in de facto financial causes  
   39C.    Ceasing jurisdiction of Supreme Court of the Northern Territory of Australia  
   39D.    Ceasing jurisdiction of State or Territory courts of summary jurisdiction  
   39E.    Revoking Proclamations ceasing jurisdiction of State or Territory courts  
   39F.    Territory court does not have jurisdiction unless a party is ordinarily resident in the Territory  
   39G.    Jurisdiction in relation to transferred matters under other Commonwealth laws  

           Division 2A--Jurisdiction in matters arising under Part VIIIC

   39H.    Instituting proceedings  
   39J.    Jurisdiction in matters arising under Part VIIIC  

           Division 3--Other provisions

   40.     Limitations on jurisdiction of Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) and of State and Territory Supreme Courts  
   41.     Establishment of State Family Courts  
   42.     Law to be applied  
   43.     Principles to be applied by courts  
   44.     Institution of proceedings  
   44A.    Proceedings for divorce order  
   45.     Stay and transfer of proceedings  
   46.     Transfer of proceedings from court of summary jurisdiction in certain cases  
   46A.    Prescribing value of property for the purposes of section 46  
   47.     Courts to act in aid of each other  

           Division 4--Appeals

   47A.    Appeals from courts of summary jurisdiction  
   47B.    Leave to appeal needed for child support matters  
   47BA.   Appeals relating to matters arising under Part VIIIC  
   47C.    Appeal may be dismissed if no reasonable prospect of success  
   47D.    Appeals to High Court may not be brought  
   47E.    Regulations to be sole source of certain appellate jurisdiction  


   48.     Divorce  
   49.     Meaning of separation  
   50.     Effect of resumption of cohabitation  
   51.     Nullity of marriage  
   52.     Court not to make divorce order where application for decree of nullity before it  
   53.     Circumstances occurring before commencement of Act or outside Australia  
   55.     When divorce order takes effect  
   55A.    Divorce order where children  
   56.     Certificate as to divorce order  
   57.     Rescission of divorce order where parties reconciled  
   58.     Rescission of divorce order on ground of miscarriage of justice  
   59.     Remarriage  
   60.     No appeal after divorce order takes effect  


           Division 1--Introductory

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   60A.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Object and outline

   60B.    Objects of Part  
   60C.    Outline of Part  

              Subdivision BA--Best interests of the child: court proceedings

   60CA.   Child's best interests paramount consideration in making a parenting order  
   60CB.   Proceedings to which Subdivision applies  
   60CC.   How a court determines what is in a child's best interests  
   60CD.   How the views of a child are expressed  
   60CE.   Children not required to express views  
   60CF.   Informing court of relevant family violence orders  
   60CG.   Court to consider risk of family violence  
   60CH.   Informing court of care arrangements under child welfare laws  
   60CI.   Informing court of notifications to, and investigations by, information sharing agencies  

              Subdivision BB--Best interests of the child: adviser's obligations

   60D.    Adviser's obligations in relation to best interests of the child  

              Subdivision C--Interpretation and application of Part

   60E.    Application of Part to void marriages  

              Subdivision D--Interpretation--how this Act applies to certain children

   60EA.   Definition of de facto partner  
   60F.    Certain children are children of marriage etc.  
   60G.    Leave may be granted for adoption proceedings by prescribed adopting parent  
   60H.    Children born as a result of artificial conception procedures  
   60HA.   Children of de facto partners  
   60HB.   Children born under surrogacy arrangements  

              Subdivision E--Family dispute resolution

   60I.    Attending family dispute resolution before applying for Part VII order  
   60J.    Family dispute resolution not attended because of child abuse or family violence  

           Division 2--Parental responsibility

   61A.    What this Division does  
   61B.    Meaning of parental responsibility  
   61C.    Each parent has parental responsibility (subject to court orders)  
   61CA.   Consultation between parents on major long - term issues  
   61D.    Parenting orders and parental responsibility  
   61DAA.  Effect of parenting order that provides for joint decision - making about major long - term issues  
   61DAB.  No need to consult on issues that are not major long - term issues  
   61E.    Effect of adoption on parental responsibility  
   61F.    Application to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children  

           Division 3--Reports relating to children under 18

   62A.    What this Division does  
   62B.    Court's obligation to inform people to whom Part VII orders apply about family counselling, family dispute resolution and other family services  
   62G.    Reports by family consultants  

           Division 4--Parenting plans

   63A.    What this Division does  
   63B.    Parents encouraged to reach agreement  
   63C.    Meaning of parenting plan and related terms  
   63CAA.  Parenting plans may include child support provisions  
   63D.    Parenting plan may be varied or revoked by further written agreement  
   63DA.   Obligations of advisers  
   63DB.   Registered parenting plans  
   63E.    Registration of a revocation of a registered parenting plan  
   63F.    Child welfare provisions of registered parenting plans  
   63G.    Child maintenance provisions of registered parenting plans--where not enforceable as maintenance agreements  
   63H.    Court's powers to set aside, discharge, vary, suspend or revive registered parenting plans  

           Division 5--Parenting orders--what they are

   64A.    What this Division does  
   64B.    Meaning of parenting order and related terms  
   64C.    Parenting orders may be made in favour of parents or other persons  
   64D.    Parenting orders subject to later parenting plans  

           Division 6--Parenting orders other than child maintenance orders

              Subdivision A--Introductory

   65A.    What this Division does  
   65AA.   Child's best interests paramount consideration in making a parenting order  
   65B.    Division does not apply to child maintenance orders  

              Subdivision B--Applying for and making parenting orders

   65C.    Who may apply for a parenting order  
   65D.    Court's power to make parenting order  
   65DAAA. Reconsideration of final parenting orders  
   65DAB.  Court to have regard to parenting plans  
   65DA.   Parenting orders  
   65F.    General requirements for counselling before parenting order made  
   65G.    Special conditions for making parenting order about whom a child lives with or the allocation of parental responsibility by consent in favour of non - parent  
   65H.    Children who are 18 or over or who have married or entered de facto relationships  
   65J.    Effect of adoption on parenting order  
   65K.    What happens when parenting order that deals with whom a child lives with does not make provision in relation to death of parent with whom child lives  
   65L.    Family consultants may be required to supervise or assist compliance with parenting orders  
   65LA.   Court may order attendance at a post - separation parenting program  
   65LB.   Conditions for providers of post - separation parenting programs  

              Subdivision E--Obligations under parenting orders relating to taking or sending children from Australia

   65X.    Interpretation  
   65Y.    Obligations if certain parenting orders have been made: taking or sending a child outside Australia  
   65YA.   Obligations if certain parenting orders have been made: retaining a child outside Australia  
   65Z.    Obligations if proceedings for the making of certain parenting orders are pending: taking or sending a child outside Australia  
   65ZAA.  Obligations if proceedings for the making of certain parenting orders are pending: retaining a child outside Australia  
   65ZA.   Obligations of owners etc. of aircraft and vessels if certain parenting orders made  
   65ZB.   Obligations of owners etc. of aircraft and vessels if proceedings for the making of certain parenting orders are pending  
   65ZC.   General provisions applicable to sections 65ZA and 65ZB  
   65ZD.   State or Territory laws stopping children leaving Australia not affected  
   65ZE.   Extended geographical jurisdiction--category D  

           Division 7--Child maintenance orders

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   66A.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Objects and principles

   66B.    Objects  
   66C.    Principles--parents have primary duty to maintain  
   66D.    Principles--when step - parents have a duty to maintain  

              Subdivision C--Relationship with Child Support (Assessment) Act

   66E.    Child maintenance order not to be made etc. if application for administrative assessment of child support could be made  

              Subdivision D--Applying for and making child maintenance orders

   66F.    Who may apply for a child maintenance order  
   66G.    Court's power to make child maintenance order  
   66H.    Approach to be taken in proceedings for child maintenance order  
   66J.    Matters to be taken into account in considering financial support necessary for maintenance of child  
   66K.    Matters to be taken into account in determining contribution that should be made by party etc.  
   66L.    Children who are 18 or over  
   66M.    When step - parents have a duty to maintain  
   66N.    Determining financial contribution of step - parent  

              Subdivision E--Other aspects of courts' powers

   66P.    General powers of court  
   66Q.    Urgent child maintenance orders  
   66R.    Specification in orders of payments etc. for child maintenance purposes  
   66S.    Modification of child maintenance orders  

              Subdivision EA--Varying the maintenance of certain children

   66SA.   Varying the maintenance of certain children  

              Subdivision F--When child maintenance orders stop being in force

   66T.    Effect of child turning 18  
   66U.    Effect of death of child, person liable to pay or person entitled to receive  
   66V.    Effect of adoption, marriage or entering into a de facto relationship  
   66VA.   Children who are 18 or over: change of circumstances  
   66W.    Recovery of arrears  

              Subdivision G--Recovery of amounts paid under maintenance orders

   66X.    Recovery of amounts paid, and property transferred or settled, under maintenance orders  

           Division 8--Other matters relating to children

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   67A.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Father's liability to contribute towards child bearing expenses if not married to mother

   67B.    Father liable to contribute towards maintenance and expenses of mother  
   67C.    Matters to be taken into account in proceedings under Subdivision  
   67D.    Powers of court in proceedings under Subdivision  
   67E.    Urgent orders  
   67F.    Who may institute proceedings  
   67G.    Time limit for institution of proceedings  

              Subdivision C--Location and recovery of children

   67J.    Meaning of location order and Commonwealth information order  
   67K.    Who may apply for a location order  
   67L.    Child's best interests paramount consideration in making a location order  
   67M.    Provisions about location orders, other than Commonwealth information orders  
   67N.    Provisions about Commonwealth information orders  
   67P.    Information provided under location order not to be disclosed except to limited persons  
   67Q.    Meaning of recovery order  
   67R.    How recovery orders authorise or direct people  
   67S.    How recovery orders to stop and search etc. name or describe vehicles, places etc.  
   67T.    Who may apply for a recovery order  
   67U.    Court's power to make recovery order  
   67V.    Child's best interests paramount consideration in making a recovery order  
   67W.    How long recovery order remains in force  
   67X.    Persons not to prevent or hinder taking of action under recovery order  
   67Y.    Obligation to notify persons of child's return  

              Subdivision D--Allegations of child abuse and family violence

   67Z.    Where interested person makes allegation of child abuse  
   67ZA.   Where member of the Court personnel, family counsellor, family dispute resolution practitioner or arbitrator suspects child abuse etc.  
   67ZB.   No liability for notification under section 67Z or 67ZA  
   67ZBA.  Where interested person makes allegation of family violence  
   67ZBB.  Court to take prompt action in relation to allegations of child abuse or family violence  

              Subdivision DA--Orders for information etc. in child-related proceedings

   67ZBC.  Meaning of information sharing agency  
   67ZBD.  Order to provide particulars of documents or information relating to certain matters  
   67ZBE.  Order to provide documents or information relating to certain matters  
   67ZBF.  Disclosure of protected material  
   67ZBG.  Advice to court about risk of disclosure  
   67ZBH.  Admission of particulars, documents or information into evidence  
   67ZBI.  Information sharing agencies and court must have regard to information sharing safeguards  
   67ZBJ.  When orders may be made  
   67ZBK.  Subpoena in respect of certain documents or information  
   67ZBL.  Review of provisions  

              Subdivision E--Other orders about children

   67ZC.   Orders relating to welfare of children  
   67ZD.   Orders for delivery of travel documents  

           Division 9--Injunctions

   68A.    What this Division does  
   68B.    Injunctions  
   68C.    Powers of arrest  

           Division 10--Independent representation of child's interests

   68L.    Court order for independent representation of child's interests  
   68LA.   Role of independent children's lawyer  
   68M.    Order that child be made available for examination  

           Division 11--Family violence

   68N.    Purposes of this Division  
   68P.    Obligations of court making an order or granting an injunction under this Act that is inconsistent with an existing family violence order  
   68Q.    Relationship of order or injunction made under this Act with existing inconsistent family violence order  
   68R.    Power of court making a family violence order to revive, vary, discharge or suspend an existing order, injunction or arrangement under this Act  
   68S.    Application of Act and Rules when exercising section 68R power  
   68T.    Special provisions relating to proceedings to make an interim (or interim variation of) family violence order  

           Division 12--Proceedings and jurisdiction

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   69A.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Institution of proceedings and procedure

   69B.    Certain proceedings to be instituted only under this Part  
   69C.    Who may institute proceedings  
   69D.    Institution of maintenance proceedings by authorised authority or person  
   69E.    Child or parent to be present in Australia etc.  
   69F.    Applicant may be in contempt  

              Subdivision C--Jurisdiction of courts

   69G.    Interpretation  
   69GA.   Operation of this Subdivision in relation to prescribed courts  
   69H.    Jurisdiction of Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2), State Family Courts and Northern Territory Supreme Court  
   69J.    Jurisdiction of courts of summary jurisdiction  
   69K.    Territory court does not have jurisdiction unless a party is ordinarily resident in the Territory  
   69L.    Jurisdiction in relation to transferred matters under other Commonwealth laws  
   69M.    Jurisdiction is additional to other jurisdiction  
   69N.    Transfer of proceedings from courts of summary jurisdiction in certain cases  

              Subdivision D--Presumptions of parentage

   69P.    Presumptions of parentage arising from marriage  
   69Q.    Presumption of paternity arising from cohabitation  
   69R.    Presumption of parentage arising from registration of birth  
   69S.    Presumptions of parentage arising from findings of courts  
   69T.    Presumption of paternity arising from acknowledgments  
   69U.    Rebuttal of presumptions etc.  

              Subdivision E--Parentage evidence

   69V.    Evidence of parentage  
   69VA.   Declarations of parentage  
   69W.    Orders for carrying out of parentage testing procedures  
   69X.    Orders associated with parentage testing orders  
   69XA.   Matters related particularly to parentage testing for purposes of an international agreement or arrangement  
   69Y.    Orders directed to persons 18 or over  
   69Z.    Orders directed to children under 18  
   69ZA.   No liability if parent etc. consents  
   69ZB.   Regulations about carrying out, and reporting on, parentage testing procedures  
   69ZC.   Reports of information obtained may be received in evidence  
   69ZD.   Parentage testing for purposes of international maintenance agreements  

              Subdivision F--Extension, application and additional operation of Part

   69ZE.   Extension of Part to the States  
   69ZF.   Unless declaration in force, Part's extension to a State has effect subject to modifications  
   69ZG.   Application of Part in, and in relation to, Territories  
   69ZH.   Additional application of Part  
   69ZJ.   Additional jurisdiction of courts  
   69ZK.   Child welfare laws not affected  

              Subdivision G--Short form reasons for decisions relating to interim parenting orders

   69ZL.   Short form reasons for decisions relating to interim parenting orders  

           Division 12A--Principles for conducting child-related proceedings

              Subdivision A--Proceedings to which this Division applies

   69ZM.   Proceedings to which this Division applies  

              Subdivision B--Principles for conducting child-related proceedings

   69ZN.   Principles for conducting child - related proceedings  
   69ZO.   This Division also applies to proceedings in Chambers  
   69ZP.   Powers under this Division may be exercised on court's own initiative  

              Subdivision C--Duties and powers related to giving effect to the principles

   69ZQ.   General duties  
   69ZR.   Power to make determinations, findings and orders at any stage of proceedings  
   69ZS.   Use of family consultants  

              Subdivision D--Matters relating to evidence

   69ZT.   Rules of evidence not to apply unless court decides  
   69ZV.   Evidence of children  
   69ZX.   Court's general duties and powers relating to evidence  

           Division 13--State, Territory and overseas orders

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   70A.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Registration of State and Territory orders

   70C.    General registration of orders made under law of prescribed State  
   70D.    Registration of orders in a particular State  
   70E.    Effect of registration  

              Subdivision C--Registration of overseas orders

   70G.    Registration of orders  
   70H.    Effect of registration--general  
   70J.    Effect of registration on exercise of jurisdiction  
   70K.    Cancellation of registration if Subdivision C parenting order made  
   70L.    Relationship between Australian orders and registered overseas child orders  

              Subdivision D--Transmission of Australian orders to overseas jurisdictions

   70M.    Registry Manager to send documents etc. to overseas jurisdiction  
   70N.    Regulations may deal with sending Australian orders etc. to overseas jurisdiction  

           Division 13A--Orders in proceedings relating to contraventions of child-related orders

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   70NAA.  Simplified outline  
   70NAB.  Objects  
   70NAC.  Meaning of contravene a child - related order  
   70NAD.  Meaning of reasonable excuse for contravening a child - related order  
   70NADA. Burden of proof in relation to reasonable excuse  
   70NAE.  Standard of proof  

              Subdivision B--Orders relating to contraventions of child-related orders

   70NBA.  Court may make orders in proceedings relating to contravention of child - related orders  
   70NBB.  Make - up time parenting orders  
   70NBC.  Variation and suspension of child - related orders that are parenting orders  
   70NBD.  Post - separation parenting programs  
   70NBF.  Orders where contravention established without reasonable excuse  

              Subdivision C--Further provisions relating to bonds and imprisonment

   70NCA.  Matters relating to bonds  
   70NCB.  Procedure for enforcing bonds  
   70NCC.  Matters relating to imprisonment  
   70NCD.  Powers of court in relation to imprisoned person  
   70NCE.  Rules relating to child maintenance orders and child support  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   70NDA.  Court may issue warrant for arrest of alleged offender  
   70NDB.  Relationship between Division and prosecutions for offences under other laws  
   70NDC.  Division does not limit operation of section 105  

           Division 14--Miscellaneous

              Subdivision A--What this Division does

   70P.    What this Division does  

              Subdivision B--Dealing with people who have been arrested

   70PA.   Situation to which Subdivision applies  
   70PB.   Arrested person to be brought before a court  
   70PC.   Obligation of court--where application before it to deal with contravention  
   70PD.   Obligation of court--where no application before it, but application before another court, to deal with contravention  
   70PE.   Obligation of court--where no application before any court to deal with contravention  
   70PF.   Applications heard as required by subsection 70PC(2) or paragraph 70PD(3)(b)  

              Subdivision C--Other matters

   70Q.    Certain instruments not liable to duty  


   71.     Interpretation  
   71A.    This Part does not apply to certain matters covered by binding financial agreements  
   72.     Right of spouse to maintenance  
   74.     Power of court in spousal maintenance proceedings  
   75.     Matters to be taken into consideration in relation to spousal maintenance  
   77.     Urgent spousal maintenance cases  
   77A.    Specification in orders of payments etc. for spouse maintenance purposes  
   78.     Declaration of interests in property  
   79.     Alteration of property interests  
   79A.    Setting aside of orders altering property interests  
   79B.    Notification of proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   79C.    Court to stay property or spousal maintenance proceedings affected by proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   79D.    Lifting a stay  
   79E.    Intervention by proceeds of crime authority  
   79F.    Notifying third parties about application  
   79G.    Notifying bankruptcy trustee etc. about application under section 74, 78, 79 or 79A  
   79H.    Notifying court about bankruptcy etc.  
   79J.    Notifying non - bankrupt spouse about application under section 139A of the Bankruptcy Act 1966  
   80.     General powers of court  
   81.     Duty of court to end financial relations  
   82.     Cessation of spousal maintenance orders  
   83.     Modification of spousal maintenance orders  
   85A.    Ante - nuptial and post - nuptial settlements  
   86A.    Certain maintenance agreements ineffective  
   86.     Registered maintenance agreements  
   87.     Operation of maintenance agreements entered into in substitution for rights under Act  
   87A.    Specification in maintenance agreements of payments etc. for maintenance purposes  
   88.     Enforcement of maintenance agreements  
   89.     Overseas maintenance agreements  
   89A.    Institution of spousal maintenance proceedings by authority or person  
   90.     Certain instruments not liable to duty  
   61CA.   Consultation between parents on major long - term issues  
   61DAA.  Effect of parenting order that provides for joint decision - making about major long - term issues  
   61DAB.  No need to consult on issues that are not major long - term issues  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Scope of this Part

   90AA.   Object of this Part  
   90AB.   Definitions  
   90AC.   This Part overrides other laws, trust deeds etc.  
   90ACA.  This Part not to apply to certain annuities  
   90AD.   Extended meaning of matrimonial cause and property  
   90ADA.  Other provisions of this Act not affected by this Part  

           Division 2--Orders under section 79

   90AE.   Court may make an order under section 79 binding a third party  

           Division 3--Orders or injunctions under section 114

   90AF.   Court may make an order or injunction under section 114 binding a third party  

           Division 4--Other matters

   90AG.   Orders and injunctions binding on trustees  
   90AH.   Protection for a third party  
   90AI.   Service of documents on a third party  
   90AJ.   Expenses of third party  
   90AK.   Acquisition of property  


   90A.    Definitions  
   90B.    Financial agreements before marriage  
   90C.    Financial agreements during marriage  
   90D.    Financial agreements after divorce order is made  
   90DA.   Need for separation declaration for certain provisions of financial agreement to take effect  
   90DB.   Whether or when certain other provisions of financial agreements take effect  
   90E.    Requirements with respect to provisions in financial agreements relating to the maintenance of a party or a child or children  
   90F.    Certain provisions in agreements  
   90G.    When financial agreements are binding  
   90H.    Effect of death of party to financial agreement  
   90J.    Termination of financial agreement  
   90K.    Circumstances in which court may set aside a financial agreement or termination agreement  
   90KA.   Validity, enforceability and effect of financial agreements and termination agreements  
   90L.    Financial and other agreements etc. not liable to duty  
   90M.    Notification of proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   90N.    Court to stay property or spousal maintenance proceedings affected by proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   90P.    Lifting a stay  
   90Q.    Intervention by proceeds of crime authority  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Meaning of key terms

   90RA.   Participating jurisdictions  
   90RB.   Meaning of child of a de facto relationship  

              Subdivision B--Relationship with State and Territory laws

   90RC.   Relationship with State and Territory laws  

              Subdivision C--Declarations about existence of de facto relationships

   90RD.   Declarations about existence of de facto relationships  
   90RE.   Effect of declarations  
   90RF.   Applying for declarations  
   90RG.   Geographical requirement  
   90RH.   Setting aside declarations  

           Division 2--Maintenance, declarations of property interests and alterations of property interests

              Subdivision A--Application of Division

   90SA.   This Division does not apply to certain matters covered by binding financial agreements  
   90SB.   When this Division applies--length of relationship etc.  
   90SC.   This Division ceases to apply in relation to a de facto relationship if the parties marry each other  

              Subdivision B--Maintenance

   90SD.   Geographical requirement  
   90SE.   Power of court in maintenance proceedings  
   90SF.   Matters to be taken into consideration in relation to maintenance  
   90SG.   Urgent maintenance cases  
   90SH.   Specification in orders of payments etc. for maintenance purposes  
   90SI.   Modification of maintenance orders  
   90SJ.   Cessation of maintenance orders  

              Subdivision C--Declarations and alterations of property interests

   90SK.   Geographical requirement  
   90SL.   Declaration of interests in property  
   90SM.   Alteration of property interests  
   90SN.   Varying and setting aside orders altering property interests  

              Subdivision D--Notification of application

   90SO.   Notifying third parties about application  
   90SP.   Notifying bankruptcy trustee etc. about application under section 90SE, 90SL, 90SM or 90SN  
   90SQ.   Notifying court about bankruptcy etc.  
   90SR.   Notifying non - bankrupt de facto party about application under section 139A of the Bankruptcy Act 1966  

              Subdivision E--Court powers

   90SS.   General powers of court  
   90ST.   Duty of court to end financial relations  

           Division 3--Orders and injunctions binding third parties

   90TA.   Orders and injunctions binding third parties  

           Division 4--Financial agreements

   90UA.   Geographical requirement for agreements made in participating jurisdictions  
   90UB.   Financial agreements before de facto relationship  
   90UC.   Financial agreements during de facto relationship  
   90UD.   Financial agreements after breakdown of a de facto relationship  
   90UE.   Agreements made in non - referring States that become Part VIIIAB financial agreements  
   90UF.   Need for separation declaration for certain provisions of financial agreement to take effect  
   90UG.   Whether or when certain other provisions of financial agreements take effect  
   90UH.   Requirements with respect to provisions in financial agreements relating to the maintenance of a party or a child or children  
   90UI.   Certain provisions in financial agreements  
   90UJ.   When financial agreements are binding  
   90UK.   Effect of death of party to financial agreement  
   90UL.   Termination of financial agreement  
   90UM.   Circumstances in which court may set aside a financial agreement or termination agreement  
   90UN.   Validity, enforceability and effect of financial agreements and termination agreements  

           Division 5--Proceeds of crime and forfeiture

   90VA.   Notification of proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   90VB.   Court to stay property or maintenance proceedings affected by proceeds of crime orders etc.  
   90VC.   Lifting a stay  
   90VD.   Intervention by proceeds of crime authority  

           Division 6--Instruments not liable to duty

   90WA.   Certain instruments not liable to duty  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Scope of this Part

   90XA.   Object of this Part  
   90XB.   This Part overrides other laws, trust deeds etc.  
   90XC.   Extended meanings of matrimonial cause and de facto financial cause  

              Subdivision B--Interpretation

   90XD.   Definitions  
   90XDA.  Extended meaning of trustee  
   90XE.   Splittable payments  
   90XF.   Reversionary interest  
   90XG.   Meaning of in force  

           Division 2--Payment splitting or flagging by agreement

              Subdivision A--Superannuation agreements

   90XH.   Superannuation agreement to be included in financial agreement if about a marriage  
   90XHA.  Superannuation agreement to be included in Part VIIIAB financial agreement if about a de facto relationship  

              Subdivision B--Payment splitting

   90XI.   Operative time for payment split  
   90XJ.   Payment split under superannuation agreement or flag lifting agreement  

              Subdivision C--Payment flagging

   90XK.   Operative time for payment flag  
   90XL.   Payment flag  
   90XLA.  Some splittable payments payable if payment flag operating  
   90XM.   Payment flag may be terminated by court  
   90XN.   Flag lifting agreement etc.  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   90XO.   Limitation on section 79 or 90SM order  
   90XP.   Separation declaration  
   90XQ.   Superannuation interests in excess of low rate cap amount  
   90XR.   Enforcement by court order  

           Division 3--Payment splitting or flagging by court order

   90XS.   Order under section 79 or 90SM may include orders in relation to superannuation interests  
   90XT.   Splitting order  
   90XU.   Flagging order  
   90XUA.  Some splittable payments may be made without leave of court  

           Division 4--General provisions about payment splitting

   90XV.   Court may cancel payment split  
   90XW.   Deductions from splittable payment before calculating payment split  
   90XX.   Multiple payment splits applying to the same splittable payment  
   90XY.   Fees payable to trustee  
   90XZ.   Superannuation preservation requirements  
   90XZA.  Waiver of rights under payment split  
   90XZB.  Trustee to provide information  
   90XZC.  Death of non - member spouse  

           Division 5--Miscellaneous

   90XZD.  Orders binding on trustee  
   90XZE.  Protection for trustee  
   90XZF.  Service of documents on trustee  
   90XZG.  False declarations  
   90XZH.  Terminating employment because of payment flag etc.  
   90XZJ.  Requests for Commissioner of Taxation to provide superannuation information  


           Division 1--Preliminary

              Subdivision A--Scope of this Part

   90YA.   Object of this Part  
   90YB.   Application of this Part  
   90YC.   This Part overrides other laws, trust deeds etc.  

              Subdivision B--Interpretation

   90YD.   Definitions  
   90YE.   Meaning of child of a de facto relationship  
   90YF.   Extended meaning of trustee  
   90YG.   Splittable payments  
   90YH.   Reversionary interest  
   90YI.   Meaning of in force  

              Subdivision C--Rules of Court

   90YJ.   Rules of Court  

           Division 2--Payment splitting or flagging by agreement

              Subdivision A--Superannuation agreements

   90YK.   Superannuation agreement to be included in Western Australian financial agreement if about a de facto relationship  
   90YL.   Part VIIIB superannuation agreements that become superannuation agreements for the purposes of this Part  

              Subdivision B--Payment splitting

   90YM.   Operative time for payment split  
   90YN.   Payment split under superannuation agreement or flag lifting agreement  

              Subdivision C--Payment flagging

   90YO.   Operative time for payment flag  
   90YP.   Payment flag  
   90YQ.   Some splittable payments payable if payment flag operating  
   90YR.   Payment flag may be terminated by court  
   90YS.   Flag lifting agreement etc.  

              Subdivision D--Miscellaneous

   90YT.   Limitation on section 90YX order  
   90YU.   Separation declaration  
   90YV.   Superannuation interests in excess of low rate cap amount  
   90YW.   Enforcement by court order  

           Division 3--Payment splitting or flagging by court order

              Subdivision A--Orders in relation to superannuation interests

   90YX.   Orders in relation to superannuation interests  
   90YY.   Splitting order  
   90YZ.   Flagging order  
   90YZA.  Some splittable payments may be made without leave of court  
   90YZB.  Geographical requirement  
   90YZC.  Length of relationship etc.  
   90YZD.  Other rules relating to proceedings under section 90YX  
   90YZE.  Varying and setting aside orders under section 90YX  

              Subdivision B--Notification of application

   90YZF.  Notifying third parties about application  
   90YZG.  Notifying bankruptcy trustee etc. about application under section 90YX or 90YZE  
   90YZH.  Notifying court about bankruptcy etc.  
   90YZI.  Notifying non - bankrupt de facto party about application under section 139A of the Bankruptcy Act 1966  

              Subdivision C--Duty of court to end financial relations

   90YZJ.  Duty of court to end financial relations  

              Subdivision D--Orders and injunctions binding third parties

   90YZK.  Orders and injunctions binding third parties  

           Division 4--General provisions about payment splitting

   90YZL.  Court may cancel payment split  
   90YZM.  Deductions from splittable payment before calculating payment split  
   90YZN.  Multiple payment splits applying to the same splittable payment  
   90YZO.  Fees payable to trustee  
   90YZP.  Superannuation preservation requirements  
   90YZQ.  Waiver of rights under payment split  
   90YZR.  Trustee to provide information  
   90YZS.  Death of non - member spouse  

           Division 5--Miscellaneous

   90YZT.  Orders binding on trustee  
   90YZU.  Protection for trustee  
   90YZV.  Service of documents on trustee  
   90YZW.  False declarations  
   90YZX.  Terminating employment because of payment flag etc.  
   90YZY.  Requests for Commissioner of Taxation to provide superannuation information  


   91.     Intervention by Attorney - General  
   91A.    Delegation by Attorney - General  
   91B.    Intervention by child welfare officer  
   92.     Intervention by other persons  
   92A.    Intervention in child abuse cases  


           Division 1A--Overarching purpose of the family law practice and procedure provisions

   95.     Overarching purpose of the family law practice and procedure provisions  
   96.     Duty to act consistently with the overarching purpose  

           Division 1--General matters concerning procedure and evidence

   97.     Procedure  
   98.     Evidence by affidavit  
   98A.    Proceedings in absence of parties  
   100.    Evidence of husbands, wives or spouses  
   100B.   Children swearing affidavits, being called as witnesses or being present in court  
   101.    Protection of witnesses  
   102.    Proof of birth, parentage, death or marriage  
   102A.   Restrictions on examination of children  
   102B.   Assessors  

           Division 2--Use of video link, audio link or other appropriate means to give testimony, make appearances and give submissions etc.

   102C.   Testimony  
   102D.   Appearance of persons  
   102E.   Making of submissions  
   102F.   Conditions for use of links  
   102G.   Putting documents to a person  
   102J.   Administration of oaths and affirmations  
   102K.   Expenses  
   102L.   New Zealand proceedings  

           Division 3--Cross-examination of parties where allegations of family violence

   102NA.  Mandatory protections for parties in certain cases  
   102NB.  Court - ordered protections in other cases  
   102NC.  Review of this Division  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   102P.   Definitions  
   102PA.  Powers of a court not affected  
   102PB.  Other laws not affected  
   102PC.  Relationship with Part XIVB  

           Division 2--Suppression and non-publication orders

   102PD.  Safeguarding public interest in open justice  
   102PE.  Power to make orders  
   102PF.  Grounds for making an order  
   102PG.  Procedure for making an order  
   102PH.  Interim orders  
   102PI.  Duration of orders  
   102PJ.  Exception for court officials  
   102PK.  Contravention of order  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   102QAA. Simplified outline  
   102Q.   Definitions  
   102QA.  Interactions between provisions and with other powers of court  

           Division 1A--Summary decrees

   102QAB. Summary decrees  

           Division 1B--Harmful proceedings orders

              Subdivision A--Making harmful proceedings orders

   102QAC. Making harmful proceedings orders  

              Subdivision B--Consequences of harmful proceedings orders

   102QAD. Proceedings in contravention of harmful proceedings order  
   102QAE. Application for leave to institute proceedings  
   102QAF. Dismissing application for leave  
   102QAG. Granting application for leave  

           Division 2--Vexatious proceedings orders

              Subdivision A--Making vexatious proceedings orders

   102QB.  Making vexatious proceedings orders  
   102QC.  Notification of vexatious proceedings orders  

              Subdivision B--Consequences of vexatious proceedings orders

   102QD.  Proceedings in contravention of vexatious proceedings order  
   102QE.  Application for leave to institute proceedings by person subject to vexatious proceedings order  
   102QF.  Dismissing application for leave by person subject to vexatious proceedings order  
   102QG.  Granting application for leave by person subject to vexatious proceedings order  


   103.    Decrees under this Act  
   104.    Overseas decrees  
   104A.   Recognition in external Territories  


   105.    Enforcement generally  
   106.    Maintenance orders--more than 12 months in arrears  
   106A.   Execution of instruments by order of court  
   106B.   Transactions to defeat claims  
   107.    People not to be imprisoned for failure to comply with certain orders  
   109.    Inter - State enforcement of child bearing expenses order  
   109A.   Rules of Court relating to enforcement  
   109AA.  Rules of Court relating to enforcement--Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1)  
   109B.   Rules of Court relating to enforcement--Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)  


           Division 1--International maintenance orders and agreements etc.

   110.    Overseas enforcement of maintenance orders etc.  
   110A.   Registration and enforcement in Australia of overseas maintenance agreements etc.  
   110B.   Transmission of agreements etc. to overseas jurisdictions  
   111.    Convention on Recovery Abroad of Maintenance  
   111A.   Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations  
   111AA.  Maintenance obligations with New Zealand  
   111AB.  Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Australia for the enforcement of Maintenance (Support) Obligations  

           Division 2--International child abduction

   111B.   Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction  

           Division 3--International agreements about adoption etc.

   111C.   International agreements about adoption etc.  

           Division 4--International protection of children

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   111CA.  Definitions  
   111CB.  Relationship between this Division and other provisions  

              Subdivision B--Jurisdiction for the person of a child

   111CC.  Application of this Subdivision  
   111CD.  Jurisdiction relating to the person of a child  
   111CE.  Limitation when a child is wrongfully removed from or retained outside a Convention country  
   111CF.  Limitations when prior proceedings pending in a Convention country  
   111CG.  If a court is asked to assume jurisdiction  
   111CH.  Limitation if a competent authority of a Convention country is asked to assume jurisdiction  
   111CI.  When a certain Commonwealth personal protection measure lapses  

              Subdivision C--Jurisdiction for decisions about a guardian of a child's property

   111CJ.  Application of this Subdivision  
   111CK.  Jurisdiction to appoint, or determine the powers of, a guardian for a child's property  
   111CL.  Limitation when a child is wrongfully removed from or retained outside a Convention country  
   111CM.  Limitations when prior proceedings pending in a Convention country  
   111CN.  If a court is asked to assume jurisdiction  
   111CO.  Limitation if a competent authority of a Convention country is asked to assume jurisdiction  
   111CP.  When a certain Commonwealth property protection measure lapses  

              Subdivision D--Applicable law

   111CQ.  Meaning of law  
   111CR.  Applicable law generally  
   111CS.  Applicable law concerning parental responsibility  

              Subdivision E--Recognition of foreign measures

   111CT.  Effect of registered foreign measures  

              Subdivision F--Co-operation

   111CU.  Obligation to obtain consent to place child  
   111CV.  Obligation to inform competent authority about serious danger to a child  
   111CW.  Court proceedings dealing with whom a child spends time with  
   111CX.  Jurisdiction for a location order or a Commonwealth information order  
   111CY.  Giving information to central authorities and competent authorities in Convention countries  

              Subdivision G--Regulations

   111CZ.  Regulations to implement the Convention  

           Division 5--Other matters

   111D.   Regulations may provide for rules of evidence  


           Division 1--Interpretation

   112AA.  Interpretation  
   112AB.  Meaning of contravene an order  
   112AC.  Meaning of reasonable excuse for contravening an order  

           Division 2--Sanctions for failure to comply with orders

   112AD.  Sanctions for failure to comply with orders  
   112AE.  Sentences of imprisonment  
   112AF.  Bonds  
   112AG.  Additional sentencing alternatives  
   112AH.  Failure to comply with sentence passed, or order made, pursuant to paragraph 112AD(2)(b)  
   112AK.  Variation and discharge of orders  
   112AM.  Relationship between Division and other laws  
   112AN.  Arrangements with States and Territories for carrying out of sentences and orders  
   112AO.  Division does not limit operation of section 105  


   112AP.  Contempt  


   112A.   Interpretation  
   113.    Proceedings for declarations  
   114.    Injunctions  
   114AA.  Powers of arrest  
   114AB.  Operation of State and Territory laws  


   114A.   Interpretation  
   114B.   Establishment of Institute  
   114C.   Minister may give directions to Director  
   114D.   Appointment of Director  
   114E.   Term of appointment  
   114F.   Acting appointments  
   114G.   Director's remuneration  
   114H.   Outside employment  
   114J.   Leave of absence  
   114L.   Other terms and conditions  
   114LA.  Resignation  
   114LB.  Termination of appointment  
   114LD.  Delegation  
   114M.   Staff  


   114N.   Simplified outline of this Part  
   114P.   Meaning of terms used in this Part  
   114Q.   Indictable offence--communication to the public of account of proceedings that identifies parties or others involved in proceedings  
   114R.   Indictable offence--communication to the public of list of court etc. proceedings that refers to names of parties  
   114S.   When a communication is not a communication to the public  
   114T.   Consent of Director of Prosecutions required to commence proceedings  


   115.    Family Law Council  
   117.    Costs  
   117AA.  Costs in proceedings relating to overseas enforcement and international Conventions  
   117AC.  Security for costs  
   117A.   Reparation for certain losses and expenses relating to children  
   117B.   Interest on moneys ordered to be paid  
   117C.   Offers of settlement  
   119.    Married persons may sue each other  
   120.    Criminal conversation, adultery and enticement  
   122.    Rights of legal practitioners  
   122AAA. Protection of Registrars conducting conferences about property matters  
   122A.   Making arrests under this Act or warrants  
   122AA.  Powers to enter and search premises, and stop conveyances, for making arrests under this Act or warrants  
   122B.   Arrangements with States and Territories  
   123.    Rules of Court  
   124.    Rules Advisory Committee  
   124A.   Regulations in relation to overseas - related maintenance obligations etc.  
   125.    Regulations  
           SCHEDULE 1 Child Protection Convention

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