(1) An outworker entity includes a person, other than in the person's capacity as a national system employer, so far as:
(a) the person arranges for work to be performed for the person (either directly or indirectly); and
(b) the work is of a kind that is often performed by outworkers; and
(c) one or more of the following applies:
(i) at the time the arrangement is made, one or more parties to the arrangement is in a State that is a referring State because of this Division;
(ii) the work is to be performed in a State that is a referring State because of this Division;
(iii) the person referred to in paragraph (a) carries on an activity (whether of a commercial, governmental or other nature) in a State that is a referring State because of this Division, and the work is reasonably likely to be performed in that State;
(iv) the person referred to in paragraph (a) carries on an activity (whether of a commercial, governmental or other nature) in a State that is a referring State because of this Division, and the work is to be performed in connection with that activity.
(2) This section does not limit the operation of the definition of outworker entity in section 12.
Note: Section 30H may limit the extent to which this section extends the meaning of outworker entity .