(1) An employer must not do any of the following in order to avoid any right or obligation under this Division:
(a) reduce or vary an employee's hours of work;
(b) change the employee's pattern of work;
(c) terminate an employee's employment.
Note: The general protections provisions in Part 3 - 1 also prohibit the taking of adverse action by an employer against an employee (which includes a casual employee) because of a workplace right of the employee under this Division.
(2) Nothing in this Division:
(a) requires an employee to change to full - time employment or part - time employment under this Division; or
(b) permits an employer to require an employee to change to full - time employment or part - time employment under this Division; or
(c) requires an employer to increase the hours of work of an employee who gives a notification to change to full - time employment or part - time employment under this Division.
(3) To avoid doubt, each of the following is a workplace right within the meaning of Part 3 - 1:
(a) giving an employer a notification under section 66AAB;
(b) receiving a response from an employer in accordance with section 66AAC;
(c) being taken to be a full - time employee or part - time employee under section 66AAD;
(d) receiving an offer or notice in accordance with sections 66B and 66C;
(e) accepting an offer and receiving a notice under section 66E;
(f) participating in a dispute about the operation of this Division in accordance with sections 66M and 66MA.
Note: The general protections provisions in Part 3 - 1 prohibit adverse action, coercion, undue influence or pressure, and misrepresentations because of a workplace right of an employee.