If you are a death benefits dependant, and a child, you are not required to use your retirement transfer balance cap to receive a death benefits income stream.
However, there is a cap on the total amount of your death benefits income streams that receives the earnings tax exemption.
This cap is based on the deceased's superannuation interests in the retirement phase, or, if the deceased did not have any superannuation interests in the retirement phase, on the transfer balance cap.
Table of sections
Operative provisions
294 - 175 When this Subdivision applies
294 - 180 Transfer balance account ends
294 - 185 Transfer balance cap--special rule for child recipient
294 - 190 Cap increment--child recipient just before 1 July 2017
294 - 195 Cap increment--child recipient on or after 1 July 2017, deceased had no transfer balance account
294 - 200 Cap increment--child recipient on or after 1 July 2017, deceased had transfer balance account