(1) If you are under your * preservation age when you receive a * superannuation income stream benefit, the * taxable component of the benefit is assessable income.
Note: For taxable component , see Subdivision 307 - C.
Offset for disability benefit
(2) If the benefit is a * superannuation income stream benefit and a * disability superannuation benefit, you are entitled to a * tax offset equal to 15% of the * taxable component of the benefit.
Table of sections
301 - 90 Tax free component and element taxed in fund dealt with under Subdivision 301 - B, but element untaxed in the fund dealt with under this Subdivision
Member benefits (element untaxed in fund)--recipient aged 60 or above
301 - 95 Superannuation lump sum--element untaxed in fund taxed at 15% up to untaxed plan cap amount, top rate on remainder
301 - 100 Superannuation income stream--element untaxed in fund attracts 10% offset
Member benefits (element untaxed in fund)--recipient aged over preservation age and under 60
301 - 105 Superannuation lump sum--element untaxed in fund taxed at 15% up to low rate cap amount, 30% up to untaxed plan cap amount, top rate on remainder
301 - 110 Superannuation income stream--element untaxed in fund is assessable income
Member benefits (element untaxed in fund)--recipient aged under preservation age
301 - 115 Superannuation lump sum--element untaxed in fund taxed at 30% up to untaxed plan cap amount, top rate on remainder
301 - 120 Superannuation income stream--element untaxed in fund is assessable income
301 - 125 Unclaimed money payments by the Commissioner