(1) This section explains how to work out the * tax free component, and the * taxable component, of your * superannuation benefit that:
(a) is a repayment by the Commissioner under subsection 131 - 80(1) in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 of an amount (the released amount ) paid to the Commissioner in relation to you; or
(b) is a payment by the Commissioner under subsection 131 - 80(3) in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 of an equivalent amount to an amount (the released amount ) paid to the Commissioner in relation to you.
(2) The * tax free component of your * superannuation benefit is equal to the total amount that the released amount reduced the tax free components of your * superannuation interests.
(3) The * taxable component of your * superannuation benefit is equal to the total amount that the released amount reduced the taxable components of your * superannuation interests.