(1) If:
(a) section 328 - 455 applies in relation to the transfer of an asset under a transaction; and
(b) the transaction provides for * membership interests to be issued; and
(c) the membership interests constitute all or part of the consideration provided for the transfer of assets ( transferred assets ) under the transaction;
(d) the first element of the membership interests' * cost base is the sum of:
(i) the * roll - over costs of the transferred assets that are neither * depreciating assets nor * pre - CGT assets; and
(ii) the * adjustable values of the transferred assets that are depreciating assets;
(less any liabilities that a transferee of any of the transferred assets undertakes to discharge in respect of the transferred assets) divided by the number of membership interests; and
(e) the first element of the membership interests' * reduced cost base is worked out similarly.
(2) However, if the * membership interests constituted only a part of the total consideration provided for the transfer of the transferred assets, reduce accordingly the amounts worked out under paragraphs (1)(d) and (e).