Your cost of a depreciating asset is a component in working out the amounts you can deduct for it.
There are 2 elements of the cost of a depreciating asset. This Subdivision shows you how to work out those elements.
Table of sections
Operative provisions
40 - 175 Cost
40 - 180 First element of cost
40 - 185 Amount you are taken to have paid to hold a depreciating asset or to receive a benefit
40 - 190 Second element of cost
40 - 195 Apportionment of cost
40 - 200 Exclusion from cost
40 - 205 Cost of a split depreciating asset
40 - 210 Cost of merged depreciating assets
40 - 215 Adjustment: double deduction
40 - 217 Cost of partial continuations of mining, quarrying or prospecting rights
40 - 220 Cost reduced by amounts not of a capital nature
40 - 222 Cost reduced by water infrastructure improvement expenditure
40 - 225 Adjustment: acquiring a car at a discount
40 - 230 Adjustment: car limit
40 - 235 Adjustment: National Disability Insurance Scheme costs