(1) Transitioned petroleum activities are petroleum activities (within the meaning of the * Timor Sea Maritime Boundaries Treaty) that are undertaken:
(a) pursuant to the terms of any of the following * production sharing contracts:
(i) Production Sharing Contract JPDA 03 - 12;
(ii) Production Sharing Contract JPDA 03 - 13;
(iii) Production Sharing Contract JPDA 06 - 105;
(iv) Production Sharing Contract JPDA 11 - 106; or
(b) pursuant to the terms of a production sharing contract that:
(i) comes into force after, or when, that treaty entered into force; and
(ii) has the effect of replacing, and relates to the same area as, a production sharing contract mentioned in paragraph (a); or
(c) in a part of the * Petroleum Exploration Permit WA - 523 - P permit area that, as a result of that treaty entering into force, ceased to be within the continental shelf of Australia.
Note: This part of the Petroleum Exploration Permit WA - 523 - P permit area includes the Buffalo Oil Field.
(2) The Petroleum Exploration Permit WA - 523 - P permit area is the area that, just before the * Timor Sea Maritime Boundaries Treaty entered into force, was the subject of Petroleum Exploration Permit WA - 523 - P, granted under Part 2.2 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 on 27 May 2016.
Table of sections
417 - 25 Deducting amounts for depreciating assets
417 - 30 Balancing adjustments
417 - 35 Allocating assets to a project pool
417 - 40 Deduction for expenditure on mining site rehabilitation
417 - 45 Capital expenditure
417 - 50 Transferring entitlement to deductions relating to a project pool