Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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Exclusivity of assessable income etc.

  (1)   An amount that you are entitled to receive because you ceased to * hold a * registered emissions unit is not to be:

  (a)   included in your assessable income; or

  (b)   taken into account in working out your assessable income; or

  (c)   taken into account in working out an amount you can deduct;

under any provision of this Act outside this Division.

  (2)   Subsection   (1) does not affect the operation of Division   6 so far as that Division provides for the significance of residence or source for the assessability of ordinary and statutory income.

Note:   An amount included in your assessable income under this Division may be ordinary or statutory income for the purposes of Division   6.

  (3)   Subsections   (1) and (4) do not affect the application of:

  (a)   Division   392 (long - term averaging of primary producers' tax liability); or

  (b)   Division   393 (farm management deposits);

to an amount that you are entitled to receive because you ceased to * hold a * primary producer registered emissions unit.

Australian carbon credit units

  (4)   An amount is not to be included in your assessable income under any provision of this Act outside this Division because an * Australian carbon credit unit was issued to you in accordance with the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 .

Note 1:   A capital gain or capital loss you make from a registered emissions unit is disregarded (subsection   118 - 15(1)).

Note 2:   A capital gain or capital loss you make from a right to receive an Australian carbon credit unit is disregarded (subsection   118 - 15(3)).

This Division sets out the taxation consequences of the demutualisation of private health insurers.

Policy holders, demutualising health insurers and certain other entities can disregard capital gains and losses arising under a demutualisation (see Subdivision   315 - A).

Shares and rights issued under the demutualisation are given a cost base based on the market value of the demutualising health insurer at the time of issue (see Subdivisions   315 - B and 315 - D).

Assets held by a lost policy holders trust are given roll - over relief if transferred to the lost policy holder, or if the lost policy holder becomes absolutely entitled to them. Otherwise the trustee of the lost policy holders trust is taxed on any capital gains (see Subdivision   315 - C).

A legal personal representative can disregard capital gains and losses made when passing an asset to a beneficiary of a policy holder's estate (see Subdivision   315 - E).

Shares, rights or cash received under a demutualisation are not assessable income and not exempt income (see Subdivision   315 - F).

Method statement

Step 1.   Start with the * market value of the demutualising health insurer on the day the asset is issued.

Step 2.   Divide the result of step 1 by the sum of:

  (a)   the number of shares in the entity that are issued under the demutualisation; and

  (b)   the number of shares in the entity that can be * acquired under rights that are demutualisation assets issued under the demutualisation.

Step 3.   The result of step 2 is the first element of the * cost base and * reduced cost base of the asset, unless the asset is a right.

Step 4.   If the asset is a right, multiply the result of step 2 by the number of shares that can be * acquired under the right. The result is the first element of the * cost base and * reduced cost base of the asset.

  (a)   is or has been a member of the friendly society or insured through the society or any of its wholly - owned subsidiaries; and

  (b)   receives money for the event.

  (a)   entities that are or were members of the friendly society; or

  (b)   entities insured through the society or its subsidiaries; or

  (c)   successors of such entities; or

  (d)   the trustee of the lost policy holders trust.

  (a)   capital gains or losses from CGT events happening to beneficiaries' interests in the trust are disregarded, except where the capital proceeds include money; and

  (b)   when a CGT event happens involving the transfer of the shares or rights to a beneficiary, or a beneficiary's absolute entitlement to them, the trustee's capital gain or loss is disregarded and the beneficiary has the same cost base and time of acquisition as the trustee; and

  (c)   the trustee is assessed on any capital gains from other CGT events happening to the shares or rights.

In many cases, income from demutualisation is assessed through the CGT provisions rather than as ordinary income or other statutory income.

Franking debits arise for the friendly society and its subsidiaries to ensure they do not enjoy a franking surplus. Franking debits and credits arise to negate credits and debits from things attributable to the time before demutualisation.

This Division provides for the taxation of life insurance companies in a broadly comparable way to other entities that derive similar kinds of income.

Because of the nature of the business of life insurance companies, the Division contains special rules for working out their taxable income.

Those rules:

  include certain amounts in assessable income;

  identify certain amounts of exempt income and non - assessable non - exempt income;

  identify specific deductions.

Life insurance companies can have one or both of these taxable incomes for any income year for the purposes of working out their income tax for that year:

  a taxable income of the complying superannuation class, which consists of taxable income that relates to complying superannuation business, and is taxed at the rate of tax that applies to complying superannuation funds;

  a taxable income of the ordinary class, which consists of taxable income that relates to other businesses and is taxed at the corporate tax rate.

Life insurance companies can also have tax losses that correspond to those 2 classes. The Division provides that tax losses of a particular class can be deducted only from incomes in respect of that class.

The Division ensures that the income tax worked out on the basis of these taxable incomes and tax losses is a single amount of income tax on one taxable income.

The Division also contains rules for segregating the assets of life insurance companies into:

  assets that relate to complying superannuation business;

  assets that relate to immediate annuity and other exempt business.

This Division also ensures that life insurance companies that are RSA providers are liable to pay tax on no - TFN contributions income.

This Subdivision explains how a life insurance company's income tax is worked out.

For that purpose, this Subdivision enables a life insurance company to have taxable incomes and tax losses of the following classes:

  the complying superannuation class;

  the ordinary class.

This Subdivision makes Subdivisions   295 - I and 295 - J apply to life insurance companies that are RSA providers.

The consequence is that those life insurance companies are liable to pay tax on no - TFN contributions income under Subdivision   295 - I. They may also be entitled to a tax offset under Subdivision   295 - J.

Method statement

Step 1.   Use the * applicable insurance contracts accounting standard to measure, at the end of the income year, the company's * liability for incurred claims under * general insurance policies, but when doing so disregard any claims handling costs that are neither attached to, nor directly attributable to, a particular claim.

Step 2.   Using that standard, reduce the result from step 1 by so much of that result as the company expects at the end of the income year to recover under a reinsurance contract:

  (a)   within the meaning of that standard; but

  (b)   that is not one to which subsection   148(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (about reinsurance with non - residents) applies.

Method statement

Step 1.   Use the * applicable insurance contracts accounting standard to measure, at the end of the income year, the company's * liability for remaining coverage under * general insurance policies, but when doing so disregard that standard's treatment of loss components and loss - recovery components of onerous contracts (within the meaning of that standard).

Step 2.   Using that standard, reduce the result from step 1 by any * asset for insurance acquisition cash flows.

Step 3.   Using that standard, reduce the result from step 2 by any premiums paid or payable by the company, in that or an earlier income year, for the reinsurance of risks covered by those * general insurance policies in respect of later income years, except:

  (a)   reinsurance premiums that the company cannot deduct because of subsection   148(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (about reinsurance with non - residents); and

  (b)   reinsurance premiums that were paid or payable in respect of a particular class of * insurance business if, under the reinsurance contract (within the meaning of that standard), the reinsurer agreed to pay, in respect of a loss incurred by the company that is covered by the relevant policy, some or all of the excess over an agreed amount.

Step 4.   Using that standard, add to the result from step 3 any reinsurance commissions received or receivable by the company that relate to reinsurance premiums counted under step 3.

This Act applies to a payment of an entitlement under Part   VC (Financial claims scheme for policyholders with insolvent general insurers) of the Insurance Act 1973 as if the payment were made by the insurer under the insurance policy concerned.

Disregard a capital gain or loss from:

  (a)   the disposal to APRA under that Part of rights against the insurer under an insurance policy; or

  (b)   the payment of an entitlement under that Part.

This Division explains the meaning of the terms small business entity , annual turnover , aggregated turnover and related concepts (Subdivision   328 - C).

If you are a small business entity, this Division allows you to change the way the income tax law applies to you in these ways:

  (a)   you can choose to put your depreciating assets into a general pool and treat the pool as a single asset (Subdivision   328 - D);

  (b)   you can choose not to account for annual changes in trading stock value that are not more than $5,000 (Subdivision   328 - E).

In usual circumstances, these changes will simplify the working out of your taxable income, and so reduce your compliance costs.

You may be entitled to a tax offset for any small business income included in your assessable income, if you are an individual (Subdivision   328 - F).

If you are a small business entity, you can choose to deduct amounts for most of your depreciating assets on a diminishing value basis using a pool that is treated as a single depreciating asset.

Broadly, the pool is made up of the costs of the depreciating assets that are allocated to it or, in some cases, a proportion of those costs.

The pool rate is 30%.

There is a deduction for assets whose cost is less than $1,000 in the income year in which you start to use the asset or have it installed ready for use.

This Subdivision sets out how to calculate the pool deductions, and also sets out the consequences of:

  (a)   disposal of depreciating assets; and

  (b)   not choosing to use this Subdivision for an income year after having chosen to do so for an earlier income year; and

  (c)   changing the business use of depreciating assets.

Method statement

Step 1.   Add to the * opening pool balance of the pool for the income year:

  (a)   the sum of the * taxable purpose proportions of the * adjustable values of * depreciating assets you started to use, or have * installed ready for use, for a * taxable purpose during the income year and that are allocated to the pool; and

  (b)   the taxable purpose proportion of any cost addition amounts (see subsection   328 - 190(3)) for the income year for assets allocated to the pool.

Step 2.   Subtract from the step 1 amount:

  (a)   the * taxable purpose proportions of the * termination values of * depreciating assets allocated to the pool and for which a * balancing adjustment event occurred during the income year; and

  (b)   your deduction under subsection   328 - 190(1) for the pool for the income year; and

  (c)   your deductions under subsection   328 - 190(2) for * depreciating assets you started to use, or have * installed ready for use, for a * taxable purpose during the income year and that are allocated to the pool; and

  (d)   your deductions under subsection   328 - 190(3) for the income year for cost addition amounts for assets allocated to the pool.

Step 3.   The result is the closing pool balance of the pool for the income year.

You may be entitled to a tax offset if you are an individual:

  (a)   who is a small business entity; or

  (b)   whose assessable income includes a share of the net small business income of an unincorporated small business entity; or

  (c)   whose assessable income includes an amount because you are a partner in a partnership, or a beneficiary in a trust, that is a small business entity.

In working out whether you are or another entity is a small business entity, a special $5 million turnover threshold applies (see section   328 - 357).

An R&D entity may be entitled to a tax offset for R&D activities. The tax offset may be a refundable tax offset if the R&D entity's aggregated turnover is less than $20 million.

To be entitled to the tax offset, the R&D entity needs one or more notional deductions under this Division.

There are 2 main kinds of notional deductions. One is for expenditure on R&D activities. The other is for the decline in value of tangible depreciating assets used for R&D activities.

An R&D entity can notionally deduct its expenditure on registered R&D activities for which certain conditions are met.

There are special conditions for R&D activities conducted for foreign residents.

An R&D entity can notionally deduct the decline in value of a tangible depreciating asset used for R&D activities.

If a balancing adjustment event later happens for the asset, the R&D entity may be able to actually deduct a further amount. Alternatively, an amount may be included in the R&D entity's assessable income.

Method statement

Step 1.   For each grouped entity, work out the sum of the amounts derived during the income year, or an earlier income year, by the grouped entity for goods or services relating to one or more of the * R&D activities while:

  (a)   the grouped entity was * connected with the * R&D entity; or

  (b)   the grouped entity was an * affiliate of the R&D entity or the R&D entity was an affiliate of the grouped entity.

Step 2.   From the sum of those amounts, subtract the actual cost to each grouped entity of providing the goods or services that correspond to those amounts.

An amount is included in an R&D entity's assessable income if:

  (a)   the R&D entity receives a recoupment from government of expenditure on R&D activities for which it has obtained tax offsets under this Division; or

  (b)   the R&D entity can deduct under this Division expenditure on goods, materials or energy used during R&D activities to produce marketable products or products applied to the R&D entity's own use; or

  (c)   a balancing adjustment event happens for an asset held by the R&D entity (or an R&D partnership in which the R&D entity is a partner) for which tax offsets have been obtained under this Division and for which an amount is otherwise included in the R&D entity's (or R&D partnership's) assessable income.

An R&D entity can deduct an amount under this Subdivision if:

  (a)   a balancing adjustment event happens for an asset held by the R&D entity (or an R&D partnership in which the R&D entity is a partner); and

  (b)   tax offsets have been obtained under this Division for deductions for the asset; and

  (c)   the R&D entity (or the R&D partnership) can otherwise deduct an amount for the asset and the balancing adjustment event.

This Subdivision modifies the rules in this Division for partners of R&D partnerships.

In particular, the rules about deducting R&D expenditure are modified to allow a partner to deduct the partner's proportion of the R&D partnership's expenditure on R&D activities.

A partner of an R&D partnership may also be able to deduct under this Subdivision the decline in value of partnership assets used for R&D activities.

You may be entitled to a tax offset if you are, or a trust or partnership of which you are a member is, issued with certain kinds of equity interests in a small Australian company with high - growth potential that is engaging in innovative activities.

A modified CGT treatment may also apply to those equity interests.

Companies may be entitled to a refundable tax offset in relation to qualifying Australian development expenditure incurred in completing or porting a digital game, or carrying on ongoing development of digital games in an income year.

This offset is designed to support the growth of the digital games industry in Australia by providing concessional tax treatment for Australian expenditure.

One of the requirements for entitlement to the digital games tax offset is that the company must be issued with a certificate in respect of the completion, porting or ongoing development of a digital game. The certificate specifies the amount of qualifying Australian development expenditure determined by the Arts Minister in respect of the completion, porting or ongoing development of the digital game.

The amount of the refundable tax offset for an income year for a company is up to 30% of the sum of the determined totals of qualifying Australian development expenditure specified in certificates issued to the company for the income year.

This Division provides a tax offset to certain entities as a result of certificates issued under the National Rental Affordability Scheme Act 2008 .

It also ensures that payments made, and non - cash benefits provided, by a State or Territory governmental body in relation to the National Rental Affordability Scheme are not assessable income and not exempt income.

You can elect to exclude from your assessable income the profit on a forced disposal or death of live stock that you held as assets of a primary production business you carry on in Australia.

The excluded profit is then brought into your assessable income over a 5 year period in one of 2 ways.

Method statement

Step 1.   Work out what would have been your taxable income for the income year if your assessable income for the income year:

  (a)   had not included any amount under section   82 - 65, 82 - 70 or 302 - 145 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (certain superannuation benefits and employment termination payments); and

  Note:   This means that certain deductions will also be excluded.

  (b)   had not included any * net capital gain for the income year.

Step 2.   Subtract from the Step 1 amount any * above - average special professional income included in your taxable income for the income year under Division   405.

Method statement

Step 1.   Add up your * basic taxable income for each of the income years over which you must average your basic taxable income.

Step 2.   Divide the sum by the number of those income years.

Step 3.   Round the result down to the nearest whole dollar if the result is not already a number of whole dollars.

Method statement

Step 1.   Compare your * assessable primary production income for the * current year with your * primary production deductions for the current year.

Step 2.   If your assessable primary production income is larger than your primary production deductions, your taxable primary production income is the difference between them.

Step 3.   If your primary production deductions are larger than (or equal to) your assessable primary production income, your taxable primary production income is nil.

Method statement

Step 1.   Compare your * assessable non - primary production income for the * current year with your * non - primary production deductions for the current year.

Step 2.   If your assessable non - primary production income is larger than your non - primary production deductions, your taxable non - primary production income is the difference between them.

Step 3.   If your non - primary production deductions are larger than (or equal to) your assessable non - primary production income, your taxable non - primary production income is nil.

  (a)   you are an individual carrying on a primary production business (including a primary production business you carry on as a partner in a partnership or as a beneficiary of a trust); and

  (b)   you hold the deposit for at least 12 months; and

  (c)   you meet some other tests.

The amount of the deposit withdrawn is included in your assessable income in the income year in which it is repaid. Special rules apply if the deposit is repaid in the event of a severe drought or an applicable natural disaster.

Farm management deposits allow you to carry over income from years of good cash flow and to draw down on that income in years when you need the cash. This enables you to defer the income tax on your taxable primary production income from the income year in which you make the deposit until the income year in which the deposit is repaid.

  Note:   An FMD provider must, every calendar month, give certain information to the Agriculture Secretary about farm management deposits: see section   398 - 5 in Schedule   1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 .

  (a)   an entitlement under Division   2AA (Financial claims scheme for account - holders with insolvent ADIs) of Part   II of the Banking Act 1959 relating to a farm management deposit (the old deposit ); or

  (b)   a distribution from liquidation of an ADI that is attributable to a farm management deposit (also the old deposit );

Significant fluctuations can occur in the professional incomes of authors, inventors, performing artists, production associates and sportspersons.

To lessen the impact of these fluctuations on your marginal tax rates, special tax rates apply if your professional income is above your average.

This Division explains how the scheme works and sets out the rules for working out your above - average special professional income.

Method statement

Step 1.   Add up any amounts you can deduct for that year (except * apportionable deductions), so far as they reasonably relate to your * assessable professional income for the year.

Step 2.   Work out the amount using the formula:

Start formula *Apportionable deductions times start fraction open bracket *Assessable professional income minus Sum from Step 1 close bracket over Taxable income plus *Apportionable deductions end fraction end formula

  Note:   The result may be greater than the apportionable deductions. Also, it may be negative.

Step 3.   Add the sum from Step 1 to the result from Step 2. If the result is more than nil, it is the amount of your deductions to be subtracted from your * assessable professional income.

  (a)   a copyright collecting society to which section   51 - 43 applies makes a payment to a member of the society; or

  (b)   the resale royalty collecting society pays a resale royalty.

  (a)   carries on an infrastructure project designated under Subdivision   415 - C; and

  (b)   only engages, and has only ever engaged, in activities for the purposes of carrying on that designated infrastructure project.

The tests that apply in relation to tax losses and bad debts if there is a change of ownership of an entity are modified so that periods during which the entity is a designated infrastructure project entity are not tested.

The loss utilisation rules in Subdivision   707 - C do not apply if the head company of a consolidated group is a designated infrastructure project entity after another designated infrastructure project entity joins the group.

  Note:   The transfer rules in subsection   707 - 120(1A) do not apply if a designated infrastructure project entity joins a consolidated group: see subsection   707 - 120(5).

To receive the special treatment for tax losses and bad debts under Subdivision   415 - B, an entity must only engage in activities for the purposes of carrying on an infrastructure project designated by the Infrastructure CEO under this Subdivision.

Designation is dependent on:

  (a)   criteria prescribed by the Minister; and

  (b)   a cap on the total estimated private capital expenditure that would be incurred for all provisionally designated and designated infrastructure projects.

Generally, you are entitled to a tax offset for an income year for exploration credits issued to you for the income year.

A greenfields minerals explorer can create exploration credits for an income year. Before creating exploration credits, the explorer must obtain an allocation of exploration credits from the Commissioner for the year. Exploration credits cannot be created for the 2025 - 26 income year or later income years.

The exploration credits created for an income year cannot exceed an amount based on the explorer's greenfields minerals expenditure or tax loss for the year. If the explorer's exploration credits allocation for the year is smaller than that amount, the amount of exploration credits that the explorer can create will be reduced to sit within the allocation. However, any unused allocation of exploration credits from the preceding year generally would be carried over and so would increase the amount of exploration credits that the explorer can create.

An exploration credit created by a greenfields minerals explorer can be issued to you if you have invested in the explorer. While the tax offset you receive for the exploration credit issued to you for an income year will apply to that income year generally, the investment that gives rise to that offset may have been made in that or the preceding income year.

There are rules to ensure that exploration credits are not streamed to some investors rather than others. There are also rules to ensure that the total of the exploration credits you receive because of an investment (whether those credits are issued to you for the year in which you invest or the subsequent year) do not exceed the corporate tax that might be paid by the greenfields minerals explorer on that investment.

The explorer is liable to pay excess exploration credit tax if the explorer issues exploration credits in breach of these rules.

There is a cap on total allocations made by the Commissioner for each income year, but if part of the cap from the preceding year is unallocated it generally will be carried over. Allocations are made in the order in which applications for an allocation are made.

If an exploration credit is issued to a corporate tax entity, it will give rise to a franking credit (rather than a tax offset).

This Division deals with amounts you can deduct, and amounts included in your assessable income, because of these situations:

  you acquire a registered emissions unit;

  you hold a registered emissions unit at the start or the end of the income year;

  you dispose of a registered emissions unit.


Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

No.   38, 1997

Compilation No.   250

Compilation date:   1 July 2024

Includes amendments:   Act No. 23, 2024 and Act No. 52, 2024

Registered:   29 July 2024

This compilation is in 12 volumes

Volume 1:   sections   1 - 1 to 36 12 pt">- 55

Volume 2:   sections   40 - 1 to 67 - 30

Volume 3:   sections   70 - 1 to 121 12 pt">- 35

Volume 4:   sections   122 - 1 to 197 12 pt">- 85

Volume 5:   sections   200 - 1 to 253 - 15

Volume 6:   sections   275 - 1 to 313 12 pt">- 85

Volume 7:   sections   315 - 1 to 420 - 70

Volume 8:   sections   615 - 1 to 721 - 40

Volume 9:   sections   723 - 1 to 880 12p t">- 205

Volume 10:   sections   900 - 1 to 995 - 1

Volume 11:   Endnotes 1 to 3

Volume 12:   Endnote 4

Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 July 2024 (the compilation date ).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes ) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self - repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Chapter   3--Specialist liability rules

Part   3 - 80--Roll - overs applying to assets generally

Division   615--Roll - overs for business restructures

Guide to Division   615

615 - 1   What this Division is about

Subdivision   615 - A--Choosing to obtain roll - overs

615 - 5   Disposing of interests in one entity for shares in a company

615 - 10   Redeeming or cancelling interests in one entity for shares in a company

Subdivision   615 - B--Further requirements for choosing to obtain roll - overs

615 - 15   Interposed company must own all the original interests

615 - 20   Requirements relating to your interests in the original entity

615 - 25   Requirements relating to the interposed company

615 - 30   Interposed company must make a particular choice

615 - 35   ADI restructures--disregard certain preference shares

Subdivision   615 - C--Consequences of roll - overs

615 - 40   CGT consequences

615 - 45   Additional consequences--deferral of profit or loss

615 - 50   Trading stock

615 - 55   Revenue assets

615 - 60   Disregard CGT exemption for trading stock

Subdivision   615 - D--Consequences for the interposed company

615 - 65   Consequences for the interposed company

Division   620--Assets of wound - up corporation passing to corporation with not significantly different ownership

Subdivision   620 - A--Corporations covered by Subdivision   124 - I

Guide to Subdivision   620 - A

620 - 5   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object of this Subdivision

620 - 10   Application

620 - 15   Object

CGT consequences

620 - 20   Disregard body's capital gains and losses from CGT assets

620 - 25   Cost base and pre - CGT status of CGT asset for company

Consequences for depreciating assets

620 - 30   Roll - over relief for balancing adjustment events

Consequences for trading stock

620 - 40   Body taken to have sold trading stock to company

Consequences for revenue assets

620 - 50   Body taken to have sold revenue assets to company

Part   3 - 90--Consolidated groups

Division   700--Guide and objects


700 - 1   What this Part   is about

700 - 5   Overview of this Part


700 - 10   Objects of this Part

Division   701--Core rules

Common rule  

701 - 1   Single entity rule

Head company rules

701 - 5   Entry history rule

701 - 10   Cost to head company of assets of joining entity

701 - 15   Cost to head company of membership interests in entity that leaves group

701 - 20   Cost to head company of assets consisting of certain liabilities owed by entity that leaves group

701 - 25   Tax - neutral consequence for head company of ceasing to hold assets when entity leaves group

Entity rules

701 - 30   Where entity not subsidiary member for whole of income year

701 - 35   Tax - neutral consequence for entity of ceasing to hold assets when it joins group

701 - 40   Exit history rule

701 - 45   Cost of assets consisting of liabilities owed to entity by members of the group

701 - 50   Cost of certain membership interests of which entity becomes holder on leaving group

Supporting provisions

701 - 55   Setting the tax cost of an asset

701 - 56   Application of subsection   701 - 55(6)

701 - 58   Effect of setting the tax cost of an asset that the head company does not hold under the single entity rule

701 - 60   Tax cost setting amount

701 - 60A   Tax cost setting amount for asset emerging when entity leaves group

701 - 61   Assets in relation to Division   230 financial arrangement--head company's assessable income or deduction

701 - 63   Right to future income and WIP amount asset

701 - 65   Net income and losses for trusts and partnerships

701 - 67   Assets in this Part are CGT assets, etc.


701 - 70   Adjustments to taxable income where identities of parties to arrangement merge on joining group

701 - 75   Adjustments to taxable income where identities of parties to arrangement re - emerge on leaving group

701 - 80   Accelerated depreciation

701 - 85   Other exceptions etc. to the rules

Division   703--Consolidated groups and their members

Guide to Division   703

703 - 1   What this Division is about

Basic concepts  

703 - 5   What is a consolidated group ?

703 - 10   What is a consolidatable group ?

703 - 15   Members of a consolidated group or consolidatable group

703 - 20   Certain entities that cannot be members of a consolidated group or consolidatable group

703 - 25   Australian residence requirements for trusts

703 - 30   When is one entity a wholly - owned subsidiary of another?

703 - 33   Transfer time for sale of shares in company

703 - 35   Treating entities as wholly - owned subsidiaries by disregarding employee shares

703 - 37   Disregarding certain preference shares following an ADI restructure

703 - 40   Treating entities held through non - fixed trusts as wholly - owned subsidiaries

703 - 45   Subsidiary members or nominees interposed between the head company and a subsidiary member of a consolidated group or a consolidatable group

Choice to consolidate a consolidatable group

703 - 50   Choice to consolidate a consolidatable group

Consolidated group created when MEC group ceases to exist

703 - 55   Creating consolidated groups from certain MEC groups

Notice of events affecting consolidated group

703 - 58   Notice of choice to consolidate

703 - 60   Notice of events affecting consolidated group

Effects of choice to continue group after shelf company becomes new head company

703 - 65   Application

703 - 70   Consolidated group continues in existence with interposed company as head company and original entity as a subsidiary member

703 - 75   Interposed company treated as substituted for original entity at all times before the completion time

703 - 80   Effects on the original entity's tax position

Division   705--Tax cost setting amount for assets where entities become subsidiary members of consolidated groups

Guide to Division   705

705 - 1   What this Division is about

Subdivision   705 - A--Basic case: a single entity joining an existing consolidated group

Guide to Subdivision   705 - A

705 - 5   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

705 - 10   Application and object of this Subdivision

705 - 15   Cases where this Subdivision does not have effect

Tax cost setting amount for assets that joining entity brings into joined group

705 - 20   Tax cost setting amount worked out under this Subdivision

705 - 25   Tax cost setting amount for retained cost base assets

705 - 27   Reduction in tax cost setting amount that exceeds market value of certain retained cost base assets

705 - 30   What is the joining entity's terminating value for an asset?

705 - 35   Tax cost setting amount for reset cost base assets

705 - 40   Tax cost setting amount for reset cost base assets held on revenue account etc.

705 - 45   Reduction in tax cost setting amount for accelerated depreciation assets

705 - 47   Reduction in tax cost setting amount for some privatised assets

705 - 55   Order of application of sections   705 - 40, 705 - 45 and 705 - 47

705 - 56   Modification for tax cost setting in relation to leases

705 - 57   Adjustment to tax cost setting amount where loss of pre - CGT status of membership interests in joining entity

705 - 58   Assets and liabilities not set off against each other

705 - 59   Exception: treatment of linked assets and liabilities

How to work out the allocable cost amount

705 - 60   What is the joined group's allocable cost amount for the joining entity?

705 - 62   No double counting of amounts in allocable cost amount

705 - 65   Cost of membership interests in the joining entity--step 1 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 70   Liabilities of the joining entity--step 2 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 75   Liabilities of the joining entity--reductions for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 76   Liability arising from transfer or assignment of securitised assets

705 - 80   Liabilities of the joining entity--reductions/increases for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 85   Liabilities of the joining entity--increases for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 90   Undistributed, taxed profits accruing to joined group before joining time--step 3 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 93   If pre - joining time roll - over from foreign resident company or head company--step 3A in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 95   Pre - joining time distributions out of certain profits--step 4 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 100   Losses accruing to joined group before joining time--step 5 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 102   FRT disallowed amounts accruing to joined group before joining time--step 5A in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 105   Continuity of holding membership interests--steps 3 to 5A in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 110   If joining entity transfers a loss to the head company--step 6 in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 112   If joining entity transfers a FRT disallowed amount to the head company--step 6A in working out allocable cost amount

705 - 115   If head company becomes entitled to certain deductions--step 7 in working out allocable cost amount

How to work out a pre - CGT factor for assets of joining entity

705 - 125   Pre - CGT proportion for joining entity

Subdivision   705 - B--Case of group formation

Guide to Subdivision   705 - B

705 - 130   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

705 - 135   Application and object of this Subdivision

Modified application of Subdivision   705 - A

705 - 140   Subdivision   705 - A has effect with modifications

705 - 145   Order in which tax cost setting amounts are to be worked out where subsidiary members have membership interests in other subsidiary members

705 - 147   Adjustment in working out step 3A of allocable cost amount to take account of membership interests held by subsidiary members in other such members

705 - 155   Adjustments to restrict step 4 reduction of allocable cost amount to effective distributions to head company in respect of direct membership interests

705 - 160   Adjustment to allocation of allocable cost amount to take account of owned profits or losses of certain entities that become subsidiary members

705 - 163   Modified application of section   705 - 57

Subdivision   705 - C--Case where a consolidated group is acquired by another

Guide to Subdivision   705 - C

705 - 170   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

705 - 175   Application and object of this Subdivision

Modified application of Division   701 in relation to acquired group etc.

705 - 180   Modifications of Division   701

Modified application of Subdivision   705 - A in relation to acquiring group

705 - 185   Subdivision   705 - A has effect with modifications

Modifications of Subdivision   705 - A for the purposes of this Subdivision

705 - 195   Modified application of subsection   705 - 65(6)

705 - 200   Modified application of section   705 - 85

Subdivision   705 - D--Where multiple entities are linked by membership interests

Guide to Subdivision   705 - D

705 - 210   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

705 - 215   Application and object of this Subdivision

Modified application of Subdivision   705 - A

705 - 220   Subdivision   705 - A has effect with modifications

705 - 225   Order in which tax cost setting amounts are to be worked out where linked entities have membership interests in other linked entities

705 - 227   Adjustment in working out step 3A of allocable cost amount to take account of membership interests held by linked entities in other linked entities

705 - 230   Adjustments to restrict step 4 reduction of allocable cost amount to effective distributions to head company in respect of direct membership interests

705 - 235   Adjustment to allocation of allocable cost amount to take account of owned profits or losses of certain linked entities

705 - 240   Modified application of section   705 - 57

Subdivision   705 - E--Adjustments for errors etc.

Guide to Subdivision   705 - E

705 - 300   What this Subdivision is about

Operative provisions

705 - 305   Object of this Subdivision

705 - 310   Operation of Part   IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

705 - 315   Errors that attract special adjustment action

705 - 320   Tax cost setting amounts taken to be correct

Division   707--Losses for head companies when entities become members etc.

Subdivision   707 - A--Transfer of losses to head company

Guide to Subdivision   707 - A

707 - 100   What this Subdivision is about

707 - 105   Who can utilise the loss?


707 - 110   Objects of this Subdivision


707 - 115   What losses this Subdivision applies to

Transfer of loss from joining entity to head company

707 - 120   Transfer of loss from joining entity to head company

707 - 125   Modified business continuity test for companies' post - 1999 losses

707 - 130   Modified pattern of distributions test

707 - 135   Transferring loss transferred to joining entity because business continuity test was satisfied

Effect of transfer of loss

707 - 140   Effect of transfer of loss

Cancelling the transfer of the loss

707 - 145   Cancelling the transfer of the loss

What happens if the loss is not transferred?

707 - 150   Loss cannot be utilised for income year ending after the joining time

Subdivision   707 - B--Can a transferred loss be utilised?

Guide to Subdivision   707 - B

707 - 200   What this Subdivision is about

Operative provisions

707 - 205   Modified period for test for maintaining same ownership

707 - 210   Utilisation of certain losses transferred from a company depends on company that made the losses earlier

Subdivision   707 - C--Amount of transferred losses that can be utilised

Guide to Subdivision   707 - C

707 - 300   What this Subdivision is about


707 - 305   Object of this Subdivision

How much of a transferred loss can be utilised?

707 - 310   How much of a transferred loss can be utilised?

707 - 315   What is a bundle of losses?

707 - 320   What is the available fraction for a bundle of losses?

707 - 325   Modified market value of an entity becoming a member of a consolidated group

707 - 330   Losses transferred from former head company

707 - 335   Limit on utilising transferred losses if circumstances change during income year

707 - 340   Utilising transferred losses while exempt income remains

707 - 345   Other provisions are subject to this Subdivision

Subdivision   707 - D--Special rules about losses

707 - 400   Head company's business before and after consolidation not compared

707 - 410   Exit history rule does not treat entity as having made a loss

707 - 415   Application of losses with nil available fraction for certain purposes

Division   709--Other rules applying when entities become subsidiary members etc.

Subdivision   709 - A--Franking accounts

Guide to Subdivision   709 - A

709 - 50   What this Subdivision is about


709 - 55   Object of this Subdivision

Treatment of franking accounts at joining time

709 - 60   Nil balance franking account for joining entity

Treatment of subsidiary member's franking account

709 - 65   Subsidiary member's franking account does not operate

Treatment of head company's franking account

709 - 70   Credits arising in head company's franking account

709 - 75   Debits arising in head company's franking account

Franking distributions by subsidiary member

709 - 80   Subsidiary member's distributions on employee shares and certain preference shares taken to be distributions by the head company

709 - 85   Non - share distributions by subsidiary members taken to be distributions by head company

709 - 90   Subsidiary member's distributions to foreign resident taken to be distributions by head company

Payment of group liability by former subsidiary member

709 - 95   Payment of group liability by former subsidiary member

709 - 100   Refund of income tax to former subsidiary member

Subdivision   709 - B--Imputation issues

Guide to Subdivision   709 - B

709 - 150   What this Subdivision is about

Operative provisions

709 - 155   Testing consolidated groups

709 - 160   Subsidiary member is exempting entity

709 - 165   Subsidiary member is former exempting entity

709 - 170   Head company and subsidiary are exempting entities

709 - 175   Head company is former exempting entity

Subdivision   709 - C--Treatment of excess franking deficit tax offsets when entity becomes a subsidiary member of a consolidated group

Guide to Subdivision   709 - C

709 - 180   What this Subdivision is about

709 - 185   Joining entity's excess franking deficit tax offsets transferred to head company

709 - 190   Exit history rule not to treat leaving entity as having a franking deficit tax offset excess

Subdivision   709 - D--Deducting bad debts

Guide to Subdivision   709 - D

709 - 200   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

709 - 205   Application of this Subdivision

709 - 210   Object of this Subdivision

Limit on deduction of bad debt

709 - 215   Limit on deduction of bad debt

Extension of Subdivision to debt/equity swap loss

709 - 220   Limit on deduction of swap loss

Division   711--Tax cost setting amount for membership interests where entities cease to be subsidiary members of consolidated groups

Guide to Division   711

711 - 1   What this Division is about

Application and object of this Division

711 - 5   Application and object of this Division

Tax cost setting amount for membership interests etc.

711 - 10   Tax cost setting amount worked out under this Division

711 - 15   Tax cost setting amount where no multiple exit

711 - 20   What is the old group's allocable cost amount for the leaving entity?

711 - 25   Terminating values of the leaving entity's assets--step 1 in working out allocable cost amount

711 - 30   What is the head company's terminating value for an asset?

711 - 35   If head company becomes entitled to certain deductions--step 2 in working out allocable cost amount

711 - 40   Liabilities owed to the leaving entity by members of the old group--step 3 in working out allocable cost amount

711 - 45   Liabilities etc. owed by the leaving entity--step 4 in working out allocable cost amount

711 - 46   Liability arising from transfer or assignment of securitised assets

711 - 55   Tax cost setting amount for membership interests where multiple exit

711 - 65   Membership interests treated as having been acquired before 20   September 1985

711 - 70   Additional integrity rule if membership interests treated as having been acquired before 20   September 1985 under section   711 - 65--application of Division   149 to head company

711 - 75   Additional integrity rule if membership interests treated as having been acquired before 20   September 1985 under section   711 - 65--application of CGT event K6

Division   713--Rules for particular kinds of entities

Subdivision   713 - A--Trusts

Working out a joined group's allocable cost amount for a joining trust

713 - 20   Increasing the step 1 amount for settled capital that could be distributed tax free in respect of discretionary interests

713 - 25   Undistributed, realised profits that accrue to joined group before joining time and could be distributed tax free--step 3 in working out allocable cost amount

Determining destination of distribution by non - fixed trust

713 - 50   Factors to consider

Subdivision   713 - C--Some unit trusts treated like head companies of consolidated groups

Guide to Subdivision   713 - C

713 - 120   What this Subdivision is about

Object of this Subdivision

713 - 125   Object of this Subdivision

Choice to form a consolidated group

713 - 130   Choosing to form a consolidated group

Effects of choice

713 - 135   Effects of choice

713 - 140   Modifications of the applied law

Subdivision   713 - E--Partnerships

Guide to Subdivision   713 - E

713 - 200   What this Subdivision is about


713 - 205   Objects of this Subdivision

Partnership cost setting interests etc.

713 - 210   Partnership cost setting interests

713 - 215   Terminating value for partnership cost setting interest

Setting tax cost of partnership cost setting interests

713 - 220   Set tax cost of partnership cost setting interests if partner joins consolidated group

713 - 225   Tax cost setting amount for partnership cost setting interest

Special rules where partnership joins consolidated group

713 - 235   Partnership joins group--set tax cost of partnership assets

713 - 240   Partnership joins group--tax cost setting amount for partnership asset

Special rules where partnership leaves consolidated group

713 - 250   Partnership leaves group--standard provisions modified

713 - 255   Partnership leaves group--tax cost setting amount for partnership cost setting interests

713 - 260   Partnership leaves group--tax cost setting amount for assets consisting of being owed certain liabilities

713 - 265   Partnership leaves group--adjustments to allocable cost amount of partner who also leaves group

Subdivision   713 - L--Life insurance companies

Guide to Subdivision   713 - L

713 - 500   What this Subdivision is about

General modifications for life insurance companies

713 - 505   Head company treated as a life insurance company

713 - 510   Certain subsidiaries of life insurance companies cannot be members of consolidated group

713 - 510A   Disregard single entity rule in working out certain amounts in respect of life insurance company

Life insurance companies' liabilities on joining consolidated group

713 - 511   Treatment of certain liabilities for income year when life insurance company joins consolidated group

Tax cost setting rules for life insurance companies joining consolidated group

713 - 515   Certain assets taken to be retained cost base assets where life insurance company joins group

713 - 520   Valuing certain liabilities where life insurance company joins group

713 - 525   Obligation to value certain assets and liabilities at joining time

Losses of life insurance companies joining consolidated group

713 - 530   Treatment of certain losses of life insurance company

Losses of life insurance companies' subsidiaries joining consolidated group

713 - 535   Losses of entities whose membership interests are complying superannuation assets of life insurance company

713 - 540   Losses of entities whose membership interests are segregated exempt assets of life insurance company

Imputation rules for life insurance companies joining consolidated group

713 - 545   Treatment of franking surplus in franking account of life insurance subsidiary joining group

713 - 550   Treatment of head company's franking account after joining

Liabilities for life insurance companies leaving consolidated group

713 - 565   Treatment of certain liabilities for income year when life insurance company leaves consolidated group

Losses for life insurance companies leaving consolidated group

713 - 570   Certain losses transferred to leaving company

Tax cost setting rules for life insurance companies leaving consolidated group

713 - 575   Terminating value of certain assets where life insurance company leaves group

713 - 580   Valuing certain liabilities where life insurance company leaves group

713 - 585   Obligation to value certain assets and liabilities at leaving time

Subdivision   713 - M--General insurance companies

Guide to Subdivision   713 - M

713 - 700   What this Subdivision is about

Tax cost setting rules for general insurance companies joining consolidated group

713 - 705   Certain assets taken to be retained cost base assets where general insurance company joins group

Liabilities and reserves of general insurance companies joining and leaving consolidated groups

713 - 710   Treatment of liabilities and reserves for income year when general insurance company joins or leaves group

713 - 715   If general insurance company joins consolidated group

713 - 720   If general insurance company leaves consolidated group

713 - 725   Treatment of certain assets and liabilities of general insurance companies

Division   715--Interactions between this Part and other areas of the income tax law

Subdivision   715 - A--Treatment of unrealised losses existing when ownership or control of a company changes before or during consolidation


715 - 15   Object of this Subdivision

Effect on Subdivision   165 - CC of a company becoming a member of a consolidated group

715 - 25   Subdivision   165 - CC stops applying to earlier changeover time

715 - 30   Meaning of 165 - CC tagged asset

715 - 35   Meaning of final RUNL

165 - CC tagged assets that affect tax cost setting amounts

715 - 50   Step 1 amount is reduced if membership interest in subsidiary member is 165 - CC tagged asset and business continuity test is failed

715 - 55   Step 2 amount is affected if liability of subsidiary member is 165 - CC tagged asset of another group member and business continuity test is failed

165 - CC tagged assets that form loss denial pools of head company when consolidated group is formed

715 - 60   Assets that the head company already owns

715 - 70   Assets of subsidiary member that become those of head company

How Subdivision   165 - CC applies to consolidated groups

715 - 75   Extension of single entity rule and entry history rule

Effect on Subdivision   165 - CC of entity leaving consolidated group

715 - 80   Application of sections   715 - 85 to 715 - 110

715 - 85   First changeover time for leaving company at or after leaving time

715 - 90   How business continuity test applies if leaving time is changeover time for leaving company

715 - 95   If ownership and control of leaving entity have not changed since head company's last changeover time

715 - 100   First choice: adjustable values of leaving assets reduced to nil

715 - 105   Second choice: head company's final RUNL applied in reducing adjustable values of leaving assets that are loss assets

715 - 110   Third choice: loss denial pool of leaving entity created

Effect of assets in loss denial pool of head company becoming assets of leaving entity

715 - 120   What happens

715 - 125   First choice: adjustable values of leaving assets reduced to nil

715 - 130   Second choice: pool's loss denial balance applied in reducing adjustable values of leaving assets that are loss assets

715 - 135   Third choice: loss denial pool of leaving entity created

Effect of first and second choices on various kinds of assets

715 - 145   Effect of choice on adjustable value of leaving asset

General provisions about loss denial pools

715 - 155   When asset leaves pool

715 - 160   How loss denial balance is applied to losses realised on assets in pool

715 - 165   When pool ceases to exist

Choices under this Subdivision

715 - 175   When choice must be made

715 - 180   Head company to notify leaving entity of choice

715 - 185   Leaving entity may choose to cancel loss denial pool by reducing adjustable values of assets in the pool

Subdivision   715 - B--How Subdivision   165 - CD applies to consolidated groups and leaving entities

How Subdivision   165 - CD applies to consolidated groups

715 - 215   Extension of single entity rule and entry history rule

715 - 225   Working out adjusted unrealised loss using individual asset method

715 - 230   No reductions or other consequences for interests subject to loss cancellation under Subdivision   715 - H

How Subdivision   165 - CD applies to leaving entity that is a company

715 - 240   Application of sections   715 - 245 to 715 - 260

715 - 245   If ownership or control of leaving entity has altered since head company's last alteration time or formation of group

715 - 250   If head company has had an alteration time but ownership and control of leaving entity have not altered since

715 - 255   Consequences if leaving entity is a loss company at the leaving time

715 - 260   If neither of sections   715 - 245 and 715 - 250 applies

715 - 265   Head company does not have relevant equity or debt interest in a loss company if widely held top company does not have such an interest

How Subdivision   165 - CD applies to leaving entity that is a trust

715 - 270   Subdivision   165 - CD applies

Subdivision   715 - C--Common rules for the purposes of Subdivisions   715 - A and 715 - B

715 - 290   Additional assumptions to be made when using reference time

Subdivision   715 - D--Treatment of company's deferred losses under Subdivision   170 - D on joining a consolidated group

Key terminology

715 - 310   What is a 170 - D deferred loss , and when it revives

Deferred loss on 165 - CC tagged asset

715 - 355   Head company's own deferred losses at formation time

715 - 360   Deferred losses brought in by subsidiary member

715 - 365   How loss denial balance is applied when 170 - D deferred loss revives

Subdivision   715 - E--Interactions with Division   775 (Foreign currency gains and losses)

715 - 370   Cost setting--reference time for determining currency exchange rate effect

Subdivision   715 - F--Interactions with Division   230 (financial arrangements)

715 - 375   Cost setting on joining--amount of liability that is Division   230 financial arrangement

715 - 378   Cost setting on joining--head company's right to receive or obligation to provide payment

715 - 379   Cost setting on leaving--amount of intragroup liability that is Division   230 financial arrangement

715 - 379A   Cost setting on leaving--head company's or leaving entity's right to receive or obligation to provide payment

715 - 380   Exit history rule not to affect certain matters related to Division   230 financial arrangements

715 - 385   Exit history rule and elective methods applying to Division   230 financial arrangements

Subdivision   715 - G--How value shifting rules apply to a consolidated group

715 - 410   Extension of single entity rule and entry history rule

715 - 450   No reductions or other consequences for interests subject to loss cancellation under Subdivision   715 - H

Subdivision   715 - H--Cancelling loss on realisation event for direct or indirect interest in a member of a consolidated group

715 - 610   Cancellation of loss

715 - 615   Exception for interests in entity leaving consolidated group

715 - 620   Exception if loss attributable to certain matters

Subdivision   715 - J--Entry history rule and choices

Head company's choice overriding entry history rule

715 - 660   Head company's choice overriding entry history rule

Choices head company can make ignoring entry history rule to override inconsistencies

715 - 665   Head company's choice to override inconsistency

Choices with ongoing effect

715 - 670   Ongoing effect of choices made by entities before joining group

715 - 675   Head company adopting choice with ongoing effect

Subdivision   715 - K--Exit history rule and choices

Choices leaving entity can make ignoring exit history rule

715 - 700   Choices leaving entity can make ignoring exit history rule

Choices leaving entity can make ignoring exit history rule to overcome inconsistencies

715 - 705   Choices leaving entity can make ignoring exit history rule to overcome inconsistencies

Subdivision   715 - U--Effect on conduit foreign income

715 - 875   Extension of single entity rule and entry history rule

715 - 880   No CFI for leaving entity

Subdivision   715 - V--Entity ceasing to be exempt from income tax on becoming subsidiary member of consolidated group

715 - 900   Transition time taken to be just before joining time

Subdivision   715 - W--Effect on arrangements where CGT roll - overs are obtained

715 - 910   Effect on restructures--original entity becomes a subsidiary member

715 - 915   Effect on restructures--original entity is a head company

715 - 920   Effect on restructures--original entity is a head company that becomes a subsidiary member of another group

715 - 925   Effect on restructures--original entity ceases being a subsidiary member

Division   716--Miscellaneous special rules

Subdivision   716 - A--Assessable income and deductions spread over several membership or non - membership periods

Guide to Subdivision   716 - A

716 - 1   What this Division is about

Operative provisions

716 - 15   Assessable income spread over 2 or more income years

716 - 25   Deductions spread over 2 or more income years

716 - 70   Capital expenditure that is fully deductible in one income year

Assessable income and deductions arising from share of net income of a partnership or trust, or from share of partnership loss

716 - 75   Application

716 - 80   Head company's assessable income and deductions

716 - 85   Entity's assessable income and deductions for a non - membership period

716 - 90   Entity's share of assessable income or deductions of partnership or trust

716 - 95   Special rule if not all partnership or trust's assessable income or deductions taken into account in working out amount

716 - 100   Spreading period

Subdivision   716 - E--Tax cost setting for exploration and prospecting assets

716 - 300   Prime cost method of working out decline in value

Subdivision   716 - G--Low - value and software development pools

Assets in joining entity's low - value pool

716 - 330   Head company's deductions for decline in value of assets in joining entity's low - value pool

Entity leaving group with asset allocated to head company's low - value pool

716 - 335   Entity leaving group with asset allocated to head company's low - value pool

Depreciating assets arising from expenditure in joining entity's software development pool

716 - 340   Depreciating assets arising from expenditure in joining entity's software development pool

Software development pools if entity leaves consolidated group

716 - 345   Head company taken not to have incurred expenditure

Subdivision   716 - S--Miscellaneous consequences of tax cost setting

716 - 400   Tax cost setting and bad debts

716 - 440   Membership interests in joining entity not subject to CGT under Division   855--foreign entity ceasing to hold interests

Subdivision   716 - V--Research and Development

716 - 500   Head company bound by agreements binding on subsidiary members

716 - 505   History for entitlement to tax offset: joining entity

716 - 510   History for entitlement to tax offset: leaving entity

Subdivision   716 - Z--Other

716 - 800   Allocating amounts to periods if head company and subsidiary member have different income years

716 - 850   Grossing up threshold amounts for periods of less than 365 days

716 - 855   Working out the cost base or reduced cost base of a pre - CGT asset after certain roll - overs

716 - 860   CGT event straddling joining or leaving time

Division   717--International tax rules

Subdivision   717 - A--Foreign income tax offsets

717 - 1   What this Subdivision is about


717 - 5   Object of this Subdivision

Foreign income tax on amounts in head company's assessable income

717 - 10   Head company taken to be liable for subsidiary member's foreign income tax

Subdivision   717 - D--Transfer of certain surpluses under CFC provisions and former FIF and FLP provisions: entry rules

Guide to Subdivision   717 - D

717 - 200   What this Subdivision is about


717 - 205   Object of this Subdivision


717 - 210   Attribution surpluses

717 - 220   FIF surpluses

717 - 227   Deferred attribution credits

Subdivision   717 - E--Transfer of certain surpluses under CFC provisions and former FIF and FLP provisions: exit rules

Guide to Subdivision   717 - E

717 - 235   What this Subdivision is about


717 - 240   Object of this Subdivision


717 - 245   Attribution surpluses

717 - 255   FIF surpluses

717 - 262   Deferred attribution credits

Subdivision   717 - O--Offshore banking units

Guide to Subdivision   717 - O

717 - 700   What this Subdivision is about

717 - 705   Object of this Subdivision

717 - 710   Head company treated as OBU

Division   719--MEC groups

Subdivision   719 - A--Modified application of Part   3 - 90 to MEC groups

719 - 2   Modified application of Part   3 - 90 to MEC groups

Subdivision   719 - B--MEC groups and their members

719 - 4   What this Subdivision is about

Basic concepts  

719 - 5   What is a MEC group ?

719 - 10   What is a potential MEC group?

719 - 15   What is an eligible tier - 1 company ?

719 - 20   What is a top company and a tier - 1 company ?

719 - 25   Head company, subsidiary members and members of a MEC group

719 - 30   Treating entities as wholly - owned subsidiaries by disregarding employee shares

719 - 35   Treating entities held through non - fixed trusts as wholly - owned subsidiaries

719 - 40   Special conversion event--potential MEC group

719 - 45   Application of sections   703 - 20 and 703 - 25

Choice to consolidate a potential MEC group

719 - 50   Eligible tier - 1 companies may choose to consolidate a potential MEC group

719 - 55   When choice starts to have effect

Provisional head company

719 - 60   Appointment of provisional head company

719 - 65   Qualifications for the provisional head company of a MEC group

719 - 70   Income year of new provisional head company to be the same as that of former provisional head company

Head company  

719 - 75   Head company

Notice of events affecting group

719 - 76   Notice of choice to consolidate

719 - 77   Notice in relation to new eligible tier - 1 members etc.

719 - 78   Notice of special conversion event

719 - 79   Notice of appointment of provisional head company after formation of group

719 - 80   Notice of events affecting MEC group

Effects of change of head company

719 - 85   Application

719 - 90   New head company treated as substituted for old head company at all times before the transition time

719 - 95   No consequences of old head company becoming, and new head company ceasing to be, subsidiary member of the group

Subdivision   719 - BA--Group conversions involving MEC groups

719 - 120   Application

719 - 125   Head company of new group retains history of head company of old group

719 - 130   Provisions of this Part not to apply to conversion

719 - 135   Provisions of this Part applying to conversion despite section   719 - 130

719 - 140   Other provisions of this Part not applying to conversion

Subdivision   719 - C--MEC group cost setting rules: joining cases

Guide to Subdivision   719 - C

719 - 150   What this Subdivision is about

Application and object

719 - 155   Object of this Subdivision

Modified application of tax cost setting rules for joining

719 - 160   Tax cost setting rules for joining have effect with modifications

719 - 165   Trading stock value and registered emissions unit value not set for assets of eligible tier - 1 companies

719 - 170   Modified effect of subsections   705 - 175(1) and 705 - 185(1)

Subdivision   719 - F--Losses

Guide to Subdivision   719 - F

719 - 250   What this Subdivision is about

Maintaining the same ownership to be able to utilise loss

719 - 255   Special rules

719 - 260   Special test for utilising a loss because a company maintains the same owners

719 - 265   What is the test company?

719 - 270   Assumptions about the test company having made the loss for an income year

719 - 275   Assumptions about nothing happening to affect direct and indirect ownership of the test company

719 - 280   Assumptions about the test company failing to meet the conditions in section   165 - 12

Business continuity test and change of head company

719 - 285   Business continuity test and change of head company

Bundles of losses and their available fractions

719 - 300   Application

719 - 305   Subdivision   707 - C affects utilisation of losses made by ongoing head company while it was head company

719 - 310   Adjustment of available fractions for bundles of losses previously transferred to ongoing head company

719 - 315   Further adjustment of available fractions for all bundles

719 - 320   Limit on utilising losses other than the prior group losses

719 - 325   Cancellation of all losses in a bundle

Subdivision   719 - H--Imputation issues

719 - 425   Guide to Subdivision   719 - H

Operative provisions

719 - 430   Transfer of franking account balance on cessation event

719 - 435   Distributions by subsidiary members of MEC group taken to be distributions by head company

Subdivision   719 - I--Bad debts

Guide to Subdivision   719 - I

719 - 450   What this Subdivision is about

Maintaining the same ownership to be able to deduct bad debt

719 - 455   Special test for deducting a bad debt because a company maintains the same owners

719 - 460   Assumptions about nothing happening to affect direct and indirect ownership of the test company

719 - 465   Assumptions about the test company failing to meet the conditions in section   165 - 123

Subdivision   719 - J--MEC group cost setting rules: leaving cases

Guide to Subdivision   719 - J

719 - 500   What this Subdivision is about

719 - 505   Application and object of this Subdivision

719 - 510   Modified operation of paragraphs 711 - 15(1)(b) and (c)

Subdivision   719 - K--MEC group cost setting rules: pooling cases

Guide to Subdivision   719 - K

719 - 550   What this Subdivision is about

719 - 555   Application and object of this Subdivision

719 - 560   Pooled interests

719 - 565   Setting cost of reset interests

719 - 570   Cost setting amount

Subdivision   719 - T--Interactions between this Part and other areas of the income tax law: special rules for MEC groups

How Subdivision   165 - CC applies to MEC groups

719 - 700   Changeover times under section   165 - 115C or 165 - 115D

719 - 705   Additional changeover times for head company of MEC group

How Subdivision   165 - CD applies to MEC groups

719 - 720   Alteration times under section   165 - 115L or 165 - 115M

719 - 725   Additional alteration times for head company of MEC group

719 - 730   Some alteration times only affect interests in top company

719 - 735   Some alteration times affect only pooled interests

719 - 740   Head company does not have relevant equity or debt interest in a loss company if widely held top company does not have such an interest

How indirect value shifting rules apply to a MEC group

719 - 755   Effect on MEC group cost setting rules if head company is losing entity or gaining entity for indirect value shift

Cancelling loss on realisation event for direct or indirect interest in a subsidiary member of a MEC group

719 - 775   Cancellation of loss

719 - 780   Exception for pooled interests in eligible tier - 1 companies

719 - 785   Exception for interests in top company

719 - 790   Exception for interests in entity leaving MEC group

719 - 795   Exception if loss attributable to certain matters

Division   721--Liability for payment of tax where head company fails to pay on time

Guide to Division   721

721 - 1   What this Division is about


721 - 5   Object of this Division

When this Division operates

721 - 10   When this Division operates

Joint and several liability of contributing member

721 - 15   Head company and contributing members jointly and severally liable to pay group liability

721 - 17   Notice of joint and several liability for general interest charge

721 - 20   Limit on liability where group first comes into existence

Tax sharing agreements

721 - 25   When a group liability is covered by a tax sharing agreement

721 - 30   TSA contributing members liable for contribution amounts

721 - 32   Notice of general interest charge liability under TSA

721 - 35   When a TSA contributing member has left the group clear of the group liability

721 - 40   TSA liability and group liability are linked

Table of Subdivisions

615 - A   Choosing to obtain roll - overs

615 - B   Further requirements for choosing to obtain roll - overs

615 - C   Consequences of roll - overs

615 - D   Consequences for the interposed company

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