Some indirect value shifts do not have consequences under this Division.
Note 1: If the consequences of an indirect value shift are to be worked out using the realisation time method (under Subdivision 727 - G), there are further exclusions for certain 95% services indirect value shifts: see section 727 - 700.
Note 2: For cases where there may be both a direct value shift and an indirect value shift, see Subdivision 727 - L.
Table of sections
727 - 215 Amount does not exceed $50,000
727 - 220 Disposal of asset at cost, or at undervalue if full value is not reflected in adjustable values of equity or loan interests in the losing entity
Indirect value shifts involving services
727 - 230 Services provided by losing entity to gaining entity for at least their direct cost
727 - 235 Services provided by gaining entity to losing entity for no more than a commercially realistic price
727 - 240 What services certain provisions apply to
727 - 245 How to work out certain amounts for the purposes of sections 727 - 230 and 727 - 235
Anti - overlap provisions
727 - 250 Distribution by an entity to a member or beneficiary
727 - 260 Shift down a wholly - owned chain of entities