Under the adjustable value method:
• the adjustable values of affected interests in the losing entity are reduced; and
• the adjustable values of affected interests in the gaining entity are uplifted, within limits worked out by references to the reductions in the adjustable values of affected interests in the losing entity.
The consequences of that are:
• the cost base and reduced cost base of the interests are reduced or uplifted (or both); and
• if the interests are also trading stock or revenue assets, there are further consequences for them in their character as such.
Table of sections
727 - 755 Consequences of indirect value shift
Reductions of adjustable value
727 - 770 Reduction under the adjustable value method
727 - 775 Has there been a disaggregated attributable decrease?
727 - 780 Working out the reduction on a loss - focussed basis
Uplifts of adjustable value
727 - 800 Uplift under the attributable increase method
727 - 805 Has there been a disaggregated attributable increase?
727 - 810 Scaling - down formula
Consequences of the method for various kinds of assets
727 - 830 CGT assets
727 - 835 Trading stock
727 - 840 Revenue assets