This Subdivision sets out rules about the taxation of some foreign residents (known as IMR entities) that invest into or through Australia.
Income and capital gains from IMR financial arrangements are not subject to Australian income tax. Deductions and capital losses from IMR financial arrangements are disregarded for the purposes of this Act.
Table of sections
Object of this Subdivision
842 - 205 Object of this Subdivision
IMR concessions
842 - 210 IMR concessions apply only to foreign residents etc.
842 - 215 IMR concessions
842 - 220 Meaning of IMR entity
842 - 225 Meaning of IMR financial arrangement
IMR widely held entities
842 - 230 Meaning of IMR widely held entity
842 - 235 Rules for determining total participation interests for the purposes of the widely held test
842 - 240 Extended meaning of IMR widely held entity --temporary circumstances outside entity's control
Independent Australian fund managers
842 - 245 Meaning of independent Australian fund manager
842 - 250 Reductions in IMR concessions if independent Australian fund manager entitled to substantial share of IMR entity's income