(1) An individual meets the employment test in an income year if:
(a) the individual engages one or more entities (other than * associates of the individual that are not individuals) to perform work; and
(b) that entity performs, or those entities together perform, at least 20% (by * market value) of the individual's principal work for that year.
(2) A * personal services entity meets the employment test in an income year if:
(a) the entity engages one or more other entities to perform work, other than:
(i) individuals whose * personal services income is included in the entity's * ordinary income or * statutory income; or
(ii) * associates of the entity that are not individuals; and
(b) that other entity performs, or those other entities together perform, at least 20% (by * market value) of the entity's principal work for that year.
(2A) If the * personal services entity is a partnership, work that a partner performs is taken, for the purposes of subsection (2), to be work that the personal services entity engages another entity to perform.
(3) An individual or a * personal services entity also meets the employment test in an income year if, for at least half the income year, the individual or entity has one or more apprentices.