Test for distinguishing debt and equity interests
(1) The test for distinguishing between debt interests and equity interests focuses on economic substance rather than mere legal form (see subsection 974 - 10(2)). The test is designed to assess the economic substance of an interest in terms of its impact on the issuer's position.
Debt interests
(2) Subdivision 974 - B tells you when an interest is a debt interest in an entity. The basic test is in section 974 - 20.
Equity interests
(3) Subdivision 974 - C tells you when an interest is an equity interest in a company. The basic test is in section 974 - 75.
Tie breaker between debt and equity
(4) If an interest satisfies both the debt test and the equity test, it is treated as a debt interest and not an equity interest.
Distributions in relation to equity interests that are not shares
(5) If you have an equity interest in a company that is not a share, Subdivision 974 - E tells you what will count as a non - share distribution, a non - share dividend and a non - share capital return in relation to the interest.
Concepts used in the debt and equity tests
(6) Subdivision 974 - F defines a number of concepts that are used in the debt and equity tests (financing arrangement, effectively non - contingent obligation, benchmark rate of return and converting interest).