(1) A maritime officer may request the assistance of any other person (including an officer of another country).
(2) The request may include a request to:
(a) operate a vessel, aircraft or installation in a particular manner; or
(b) operate machinery or equipment on a vessel, aircraft, installation or land in a particular manner; or
(c) search a person; or
(d) assist the officer to access data held in, or accessible from, a n electronic device that is on a vessel, aircraft, installation or land.
(3) Subsection ( 2) does not limit subsection ( 1).
(4 ) The person may refuse to assist.
(5 ) If the person agrees to assist, he or she:
(a) must follow any directions given by the officer; and
(b) is a person assisting .
Use of force by person assisting
(6 ) A person assisting may use such force against a thing as is necessary and reasonable in the circumstances.