Section 6
1. Inviolability of premises of, or occupied by, the mission.
2. Inviolability of property and assets of, or in the custody of, or administered by, the mission.
3. Exemption of property and assets of, or in the custody of, or administered by, the mission from restrictions and controls.
4. Inviolability of official documents and archives of the mission.
5. Freedom of communication for all official purposes of the mission.
6. Absence of censorship of official communications of the mission.
7. The right to use codes and to send and receive official documents by courier or in a sealed bag, and to have such a courier or bag treated as a diplomatic courier or a diplomatic bag, as the case may be.
8. Exemption from taxation of fees and charges imposed by the mission in the course of its official duties.
9. Exemption from taxation of premises of, or occupied by, the mission, where the taxation is imposed directly on the mission or on the foreign territory that the mission represents.
10. Exemption from taxation of the head of mission's residence, where the taxation is imposed directly on the mission or on the foreign territory that the mission represents.
11. Exemption from taxation of the residence of a member of the staff of the mission, where the taxation is imposed directly on the mission or on the foreign territory that the mission represents.
12. Exemption from taxation of articles for the official use of the mission.