(1) This section applies in relation to a greenhouse gas injection licence if:
(a) a declaration is in force under section 312 or 312A in relation to an identified greenhouse gas storage formation that is wholly situated in the licence area; and
(b) the declaration is varied under section 313; and
(c) apart from this section, a matter specified in the declaration would be inconsistent with a matter specified in the licence as mentioned in any of paragraphs 358(3)(c) to (k) or 358A(3)(c) to (k).
Variation of a matter specified in the licence
(2) The responsible Commonwealth Minister must, by written notice given to the licensee, vary the matter specified in the licence as mentioned in any of paragraphs 358(3)(c) to (k) or 358A(3)(c) to (k) for the purposes of removing that inconsistency.
(3) A variation of a matter under this section takes effect on the day on which notice of the variation is published in the Gazette .
Note: For publication in the Gazette of notice of the variation, see section 734.