(1) The responsible Commonwealth Minister or a State or Northern Territory Petroleum Minister may, by written notice given to NOPSEMA, require NOPSEMA:
(a) to prepare a report about one or more specified matters relating to the performance of NOPSEMA's functions or the exercise of NOPSEMA's powers; and
(b) give a copy of the report to:
(i) the responsible Commonwealth Minister; and
(ii) each State Petroleum Minister; and
(iii) the Northern Territory Petroleum Minister;
within the period specified in the notice.
(2) The responsible Commonwealth Minister or a State or Northern Territory Petroleum Minister may, by written notice given to NOPSEMA, require NOPSEMA to:
(a) prepare a document setting out specified information relating to the performance of NOPSEMA's functions or the exercise of NOPSEMA's powers; and
(b) give a copy of the document to:
(i) the responsible Commonwealth Minister; and
(ii) each State Petroleum Minister; and
(iii) the Northern Territory Petroleum Minister;
within the period specified in the notice.
Compliance with requirement
(3) NOPSEMA must comply with a requirement under subsection (1) or (2).
Reports and documents
(4) A report under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.
(5) A document under subsection (2) is not a legislative instrument.