(1) This section applies to a person if:
(a) the Titles Administrator; or
(b) a NOPSEMA inspector;
believes on reasonable grounds that the person has information or a document, or is capable of giving evidence, that relates to :
(c) any or all of the following operations in an offshore area:
(i) operations relating to exploration for a potential greenhouse gas storage formation or a potential greenhouse gas injection site;
(ii) operations relating to the injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the seabed or subsoil;
(iii) operations relating to the storage of a greenhouse gas substance in the seabed or subsoil;
(iv) operations relating to the processing, compression or pre - injection storage of a greenhouse gas substance;
(v) operations relating to the preparation of a greenhouse gas substance for transport;
(vi) operations relating to decommissioning; or
(d) any or all of the following:
(i) whether a person has complied or is complying with a requirement under this Act, or a legislative instrument under this Act;
(ii) whether a person has sufficient technical advice and financial resources to carry out the operations referred to in paragraph (c) and discharge the obligations imposed under this Act, or a legislative instrument under this Act.
(2) The Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector may, by written notice given to the person, require the person:
(a) to give to the Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector, within the period and in the manner specified in the notice, any such information; or
(b) to produce to the Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector, within the period and in the manner specified in the notice, any such documents; or
(c) to make copies of any such documents and to produce to the Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector, within the period and in the manner specified in the notice, those copies; or
(d) if the person is an individual--to appear before the Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector at a time and place specified in the notice to:
(i) give any such evidence, either orally or in writing; and
(ii) produce any such documents; or
(e) if the person is a body corporate--to cause a competent officer of the body to appear before the Titles Administrator or the NOPSEMA inspector at a time and place specified in the notice to:
(i) give any such evidence, either orally or in writing; and
(ii) produce any such documents.
(3) A period specified under paragraph (2)(a), (b) or (c) must not be shorter than 14 days after the notice is given.
(4) A time specified under paragraph (2)(d) or (e) must not be earlier than 14 days after the notice is given.
(5) A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person has been given a notice under subsection (2); and
(b) the person omits to do an act; and
(c) the omission contravenes a requirement in the notice.
Notice to set out the effect of offence provisions
(6) A notice under subsection (2) must set out the effect of the following provisions:
(a) subsection (5);
(b) section 731;
(c) section 732;
(d) section 733.
Note 1: Section 731 is about giving false or misleading information.
Note 2: Section 732 is about producing false or misleading documents.
Note 3: Section 733 is about giving false or misleading evidence.