• The provider of a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service may be given a notice (a removal notice ) requiring the provider to remove certain material.
• A hosting service provider may be given a notice (a removal notice ) requiring the provider to cease hosting certain material.
• The provider of an internet search engine service may be given a notice (a link deletion notice ) requiring the provider to cease provi ding a link to certain material.
• The provider of an app distribution service may be given a notice (an app removal notice ) requiring the provider to cease enabling end - users to download an app that facilitates the posting of certain material on a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service .
• B odies and associations that represent section s of the online indu stry may develop industry codes.
• The Commissioner may make an industry standard.
• The Commissioner may make service provider determinations regulating service providers in the online industry.