(1) An authorised officer for an investigatory authority may direct a person to leave the authority premises if the person:
(a) refuses or fails to comply with a requirement made under subsection 13C(1) or 13D(1); or
(b) does not satisfy the authorised officer that the person has a proper reason for being on the authority premises .
(2) For the purposes of paragraph ( 1)(b), without limiting what constitutes a proper reason for being on authority premises , a person has such a reason if he or she wishes to attend the hearing of the proceedings in public by or before the investigatory authority .
(3) If a person refuses or fails to comply with a direction given to the person under subsection ( 1):
(a) the person commits an offence punishable on conviction by a fine of not more than 20 penalty units; and
(b) a constable may refuse the person entry to, or remove the person from, the authority premises , as the case requires.
(4) Except as provided in subsection ( 1), a person is entitled to enter and remain on authority premises where a hearing of proceedings is being held in public by or before the investigatory authority concerned if there is room for the person on the premises.