(1) If, because of a person's death:
(a) a benefit becomes payable in respect of the person under this Subdivision; and
(b) Part VI applies;
(c) if the person is survived by a spouse--the benefit is payable to the spouse; or
(d) if orphan benefit is payable to an eligible child or eligible children--the benefit is payable to:
(i) the eligible child or eligible children; or
(ii) if the orphan benefit is payable under section 115 to another person or other persons--that person or those persons.
(2) If, because of a person's death:
(a) a benefit becomes payable in respect of the person under this Subdivision; and
(b) a deferred benefit by way of spouse's benefit is payable in respect of the person;
the benefit under this Subdivision is payable to the spouse.
(3) If, because of a person's death:
(a) a benefit becomes payable in respect of the person under this Subdivision; and
(b) a deferred benefit by way of orphan benefit is payable in respect of the person;
the benefit under this Subdivision is payable to:
(c) the eligible child or eligible children entitled to the deferred benefit; or
(d) if the deferred benefit is payable under section 115 to another person or other persons--that person or those persons.