Challenge in accordance with laws of originating State
(1) Any challenge to the imposition of a registered fine may be brought only in accordance with the laws of the originating State.
Offender to notify registering State
(2) If the offender in relation to a registered fine challenges the imposition of the fine in accordance with subsection ( 1), the offender must notify the registering State.
Certain fines cannot be enforced during challenge
(3) If a challenge to the imposition of a registered fine has been initiated under subsection ( 1) and the challenge has not yet been finally determined, the registering State cannot enforce:
(a) the registered fine; or
(b) any pre - commencement related fines.
Cancellation of registration if challenge upheld
(4) If a challenge to the imposition of a registered fine is upheld, the registering State must cancel the registration of the fine.
Fine enforcement officer of originating State to notify registering State
(5) A fine enforcement officer of the originating State must notify the registering State of the outcome of the challenge.