(1) An employer who has been given a claim under section 63 may, by written notice given to the claimant, ask the claimant to give the employer:
(a) any information, or a document or a copy of a document, that the employee has in his or her possession as to the name and the address of each employer by whom the employee was employed before the day on which the injury happened; or
(b) if the employee can obtain any information, or a document or a copy of a document, as to the name and address of each such employer--the information or the document or a copy of the document, or an authority to obtain the information or the document or a copy of the document.
(2) If a claimant, without reasonable excuse, does not comply with a notice under subsection (1), the employer may refuse to deal with the claim until the claimant gives the employer the information or the document or a copy of the document, or an authority to obtain the information or the document or a copy of the document, referred to in the notice.