Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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           Long Title


CHAPTER 1--Introductory


   1.      Short title  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Application of the Criminal Code  
   3AA.    Norfolk Island  


   3A.     Power of Secretary to make determinations etc.  
   3AB.    References to Employment Secretary  
   3B.     Definitions--simplified outline  
   4.      Family relationships definitions--couples  
   5.      Family relationships definitions--children  
   5A.     Single person sharing accommodation  
   5B.     Registered and active foster carers  
   5C.     Home educators  
   5D.     Distance educators  
   5E.     Relatives (other than parents)  
   5F.     Secondary pupil child  
   5G.     Main supporter of secondary pupil child  
   6.      Double orphan pension definitions  
   6A.     Concession card definitions  
   7.      Australian residence definitions  
   8.      Income test definitions  
   9.      Financial assets and income streams definitions  
   9A.     Meaning of asset - test exempt income stream --lifetime income streams  
   9B.     Meaning of asset - test exempt income stream --life expectancy income streams  
   9BA.    Meaning of asset - test exempt income stream --market - linked income streams  
   9BB.    Meaning of asset - test exempt income stream--military invalidity pension income stream  
   9C.     Family law affected income streams  
   9D.     Asset - tested status of secondary FLA income streams  
   9E.     Asset - tested income stream (lifetime)  
   10.     Maintenance income definitions  
   10A.    Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions  
   11.     Assets test definitions  
   11A.    Principal home definition for the purpose of the assets test  
   12.     Retirement villages definitions  
   12A.    Granny flat definitions  
   12B.    Sale leaseback definitions  
   12C.    Special residence and residents definitions  
   13.     Rent definitions  
   14.     Remote area definitions  
   14A.    Social security benefit liquid assets test definitions  
   16.     Industrial action definitions  
   16A.    Seasonal work definitions  
   16B.    Partial capacity to work  
   17.     Compensation recovery definitions  
   18.     Parenting payment definitions  
   19.     Mobility allowance definitions  
   19A.    Fares allowance definitions  
   19AA.   Student start - up loan definitions  
   19AB.   Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions  
   19B.    Financial hardship (Carer payment) liquid assets test definition  
   19C.    Severe financial hardship definitions  
   19D.    Severe financial hardship--crisis payment definition  
   19DA.   Experiencing a personal financial crisis definition  
   19E.    Exempt funeral investments  
   20.     Indexation and rate adjustment definitions  
   20A.    Pension supplement rate definitions  
   21.     Bereavement definitions  
   23.     Dictionary  


   24.     Person may be treated as not being a member of a couple (subsection 4(2))  
   24A.    Approved scholarship  
   25.     Refugee visas  
   26.     Impairment Tables and rules for applying them  
   27.     Application of Impairment Tables  
   28.     Approved programs of work for income support payment  
   28A.    Approval of programs of assistance  
   28C.    Declared program participants  
   29.     Approval of friendly societies  
   30.     Approval of mental hospitals  
   31.     Approval of follow - up rehabilitation programs  
   32.     Approval of sheltered employment--non - profit organisation  
   33.     Approval of sheltered employment--supported employment  
   35.     Approval of care organisation  
   35A.    Personal Care Support  
   35B.    Declared overseas terrorist act  
   36.     Major disaster  
   36A.    Part 2.23B major disaster  
   37.     Dependent child--inmate of a mental hospital  
   38B.    Notional continuous period of receipt of income support payments  
   38C.    Adult Disability Assessment Tool  
   38E.    Disability Care Load Assessment (Child) Determination  
   38F.    Treating health professional  


   38L.    Simplified outline of this Part  
   38M.    Loss of social security payments and concessions for persons on security grounds  
   38N.    Security notice from Home Affairs Minister  
   38P.    Notice from Foreign Affairs Minister  
   38R.    Copy of security notice to be given to Secretaries  
   38S.    Period security notice is in force  
   38SA.   Annual review of security notice  
   38T.    Revoking a security notice  
   38U.    Notices may contain personal information  
   38V.    Decisions under Part not decisions of officers  
   38W.    Notices not legislative instruments  


   39.     Tables, calculators etc. form part of section  
   40.      Activities that do not give rise to employment under certain industrial relations legislation  

CHAPTER 2--Pensions, benefits and allowances


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of age pension

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   43.     Qualification for age pension  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   44.     Age pension not payable if pension rate nil  
   47.     Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   47A.    Exclusion of certain participants in ABSTUDY Scheme  

           Division 4--Rate of age pension

   55.     How to work out a person's age pension rate  

           Division 9--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Death of partner

   82.     Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   83.     Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement  
   84.     Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   85.     Adjustment of person's age pension rate  
   86.     Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   87.     Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision  

              Subdivision C--Death of recipient

   91.     Death of recipient  


           Division 1--Introduction

   92A.    Simplified outline  
   92B.    Definitions  

           Division 2--Qualification for pension bonus

   92C.    Qualification for pension bonus  

           Division 3--Registration as a member of the pension bonus scheme

              Subdivision A--Membership of the pension bonus scheme

   92D.    Application for registration  
   92E.    Form of application  
   92F.    Relevant information  
   92G.    Lodgment of application  
   92H.    Timing of application and registration  
   92J.    Registration  
   92K.    Duration of membership  
   92L.    Cancellation of membership  
   92M.    Application for registration is not to be treated as a claim  

              Subdivision B--Classification of membership of the pension bonus scheme

   92N.    Accruing membership  
   92P.    Non - accruing membership--preclusion periods  
   92Q.    Non - accruing membership--Secretary's discretion  
   92R.    Continuity of accruing membership is not broken by a period of non - accruing membership  
   92S.    Post - 75 membership  

           Division 4--Accrual of bonus periods

   92T.    Accrual of bonus periods  

           Division 5--Passing the work test

              Subdivision A--The work test

   92U.    Work test--full - year period  
   92V.    Work test--part - year period  
   92W.    Secretary's discretion to treat gainful work outside Australia as gainful work in Australia  

              Subdivision B--Gainful work

   92X.    Gainful work--basic rule  
   92Y.     Secretary's discretion to treat activity as gainful work  
   92Z.    Irregular, infrequent and minor absences from a workplace count as gainful work  
   93.     Management of family financial investments does not count as gainful work  
   93A.    Domestic duties in relation to a person's place of residence do not count as gainful work  
   93B.    Evidentiary certificate  

              Subdivision C--Record-keeping requirements

   93C.    Record - keeping requirements  

           Division 6--Amount of pension bonus

   93D.    How to calculate the amount of pension bonus  
   93E.    Qualifying bonus periods  
   93F.    Overall qualifying period  
   93G.    Pension multiple  
   93H.    Annual pension rate  
   93J.    Amount of pension bonus  
   93K.    Top up of pension bonus for increased rate of age pension  
   93L.    Top up of pension bonus in specified circumstances  

           Division 11--Preclusion periods

   93U.    Disposal preclusion period--disposals before 1 July 2002  
   93UA.   Disposal preclusion period--disposals on or after 1 July 2002  
   93V.    Compensation preclusion period  
   93W.    Carer preclusion period  

           Division 12--Pension bonus bereavement payment

   93WA.   Qualification for pension bonus bereavement payment  
   93WB.   Amount of pension bonus bereavement payment  
   93WC.   Definition of PBBP employment income  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of disability support pension

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   94.     Qualification for disability support pension  
   94A.    Participation requirements  
   94B.    Participation plans  
   94C.    Illness or accident  
   94D.    Pre - natal and post - natal relief  
   94E.    Supported employment  
   94F.    Special circumstances  
   95.     Qualification for disability support pension--permanent blindness  
   96.     Continuation of disability support pension  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   98.     Disability support pension not payable if pension rate nil  
   103.    Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   103A.   Exclusion of certain participants in ABSTUDY Scheme  
   104.    Seasonal workers--preclusion period  

           Division 5--Rate of disability support pension

   117.    How to work out a person's disability support pension rate  
   118.    Approved program of work supplement  
   119.    Approved program of work supplement not payable in certain circumstances  
   120.    Effect of participation in an approved program of work for income support payment  

           Division 10--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Death of partner

   146F.   Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   146G.   Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement  
   146H.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   146J.   Adjustment of person's disability support pension rate  
   146K.   Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   146L.   Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision  

              Subdivision C--Death of recipient

   146Q.   Death of recipient  


           Division 1A--Interpretation

   197.    Definitions  

           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of carer payment

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   197A.   Overview--circumstances in which person is qualified for carer payment  
   197B.   Qualification--child with a severe disability or severe medical condition  
   197C.   Qualification--2 or more children each with a disability or medical condition  
   197D.   Qualification--disabled adult and one or more children each with a disability or medical condition  
   197E.   Qualification--child who has a terminal condition  
   197F.   Qualification--exchanged care of children  
   197G.   Qualification--short term or episodic care of children  
   197H.   Qualification--extension of short term or episodic care  
   197J.   Qualification following qualification for short term or episodic care  
   197K.   Remaining qualified after child turns 16  
   198.    Qualification--disabled adult or disabled adult and dependent child  
   198AAA. Continuation of qualification when person receiving care admitted to institution  
   198AA.  Qualification for carer payment--hospitalisation  
   198AB.  Care not required to be in private residence during portability period  
   198AC.  Effect of cessation of care etc. on carer payment  
   198AD.  Qualification--wife pension and carer allowance recipient  
   198A.   Income test  
   198B.   Taxable income  
   198C.   Appropriate tax year  
   198D.   Assets test  
   198E.   Working out the value of assets  
   198F.   Disposal of assets--care receiver assets test  
   198G.   Amount of disposition--care receiver assets test  
   198H.   Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--individual higher ADAT score adults  
   198HA.  Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--profoundly disabled child or disabled children  
   198HB.  Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--lower ADAT score adult and dependent child  
   198J.   Disposal of assets before 1 July 2002--individual higher ADAT score adults  
   198JA.  Disposal of assets before 1 July 2002--profoundly disabled children or disabled children  
   198JB.  Disposal of assets before 1 July 2002--lower ADAT score adult and dependent child  
   198JC.  Disposal of assets in income year--individual higher ADAT score adults  
   198JD.  Disposal of assets in 5 year period--individual higher ADAT score adults  
   198JE.  Disposal of assets in income year--sole care children  
   198JF.  Disposal of assets in 5 year period--sole care child  
   198JG.  Disposal of assets in income year--lower ADAT score adult and child or children  
   198JH.  Disposal of assets in 5 year period--lower ADAT score adult and child or children  
   198K.   Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--members of couples including higher ADAT score adults  
   198L.   Disposal of assets before 1 July 2002--members of couples including higher ADAT score adults  
   198LA.  Disposal of assets in income year--members of couples including higher ADAT score adults  
   198LB.  Disposal of assets in 5 year period--members of couples including higher ADAT score adults  
   198M.   Certain dispositions to be disregarded for care receiver assets test  
   198MA.  Other disposals to be disregarded for care receiver assets test  
   198N.   Exemption from care receiver assets test  
   198P.   Date of effect of favourable decision under section 198N  
   198Q.   Date of effect of adverse decision under section 198N  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   199.    Carer payment not payable if payment rate nil  
   201AA.  Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   201AB.  Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   202.    Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   202A.   Exclusion of certain participants in ABSTUDY Scheme  
   203.    Seasonal workers--preclusion period  

           Division 4--Rate of carer payment

   210.    How to work out a person's carer payment rate  

           Division 9--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Continuation of carer payment

   235.    Continuation of carer payment for bereavement period where person cared for dies  
   236.    Continued carer payment rate  
   236A.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   236B.   Subdivision not to apply in certain cases involving simultaneous death  

              Subdivision B--Death of partner

   237.    Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   238.    Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement  
   239.    Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   240.    Adjustment of person's carer payment rate  
   241.    Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   242.    Benefits under this Subdivision  
   243.    Subdivision not to apply in certain cases involving simultaneous death  

              Subdivision D--Death of recipient

   246.    Death of recipient  


           Division 1--One-off payment to carers eligible for carer payment

   247.    One - off payment to carers (carer payment related)  
   248.    What is the amount of the payment?  

           Division 2--2005 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer payment

   249.    2005 one - off payment to carers (carer payment related)  
   250.    What is the amount of the payment?  

           Division 3--2005 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer service pension

   251.    2005 one - off payment to carers (carer service pension related)  
   252.    What is the amount of the payment?  

           Division 4--2006 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer payment

   253.    2006 one - off payment to carers (carer payment related)  
   254.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 5--2006 one-off payment to carers eligible for wife pension

   255.    2006 one - off payment to carers (wife pension related)  
   256.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 6--2006 one-off payment to carers eligible for partner service pension

   257.    2006 one - off payment to carers (partner service pension related)  
   258.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 7--2006 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer service pension

   259.    2006 one - off payment to carers (carer service pension related)  
   260.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 8--2007 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer payment

   261.    2007 one - off payment to carers (carer payment related)  
   262.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 9--2007 one-off payment to carers eligible for wife pension

   263.    2007 one - off payment to carers (wife pension related)  
   264.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 10--2007 one-off payment to carers eligible for partner service pension

   265.    2007 one - off payment to carers (partner service pension related)  
   266.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 11--2007 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer service pension

   267.    2007 one - off payment to carers (carer service pension related)  
   268.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 12--2008 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer payment

   269.    2008 one - off payment to carers (carer payment related)  
   270.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 13--2008 one-off payment to carers eligible for wife pension

   271.    2008 one - off payment to carers (wife pension related)  
   272.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 14--2008 one-off payment to carers eligible for partner service pension

   273.    2008 one - off payment to carers (partner service pension related)  
   274.    Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 15--2008 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer service pension

   275.    2008 one - off payment to carers (carer service pension related)  
   276.    Amount of the one - off payment  


   300.    One - off energy assistance payment  
   301.    Amount of one - off energy assistance payment  


   302.    One - off energy assistance payment  
   303.    Amount of one - off energy assistance payment  


           Division 1--First 2020 economic support payment

   304.    First 2020 economic support payment  
   305.    Amount of first 2020 economic support payment  

           Division 2--Second 2020 economic support payment

   306.    Second 2020 economic support payment  
   307.    Amount of second 2020 economic support payment  

           Division 3--Eligibility

   308.    Eligibility  


           Division 1--Additional economic support payment 2020

   309.    Additional economic support payment 2020  
   310.    Amount of additional economic support payment 2020  

           Division 2--Additional economic support payment 2021

   311.    Additional economic support payment 2021  
   312.    Amount of additional economic support payment 2021  

           Division 3--Eligibility

   313.    Eligibility  


           Division 1--2022 cost of living payment

   314.    2022 cost of living payment  
   315.    Amount of 2022 cost of living payment  

           Division 2--Eligibility

   316.    Eligibility  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of parenting payment

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   500.    Qualification for parenting payment  
   500B.   Qualification--assurance of support  
   500C.   Qualification affecting member of couple--unemployment due to industrial action  
   500D.   PP child  
   500E.   Prospective determinations for some recipients  

              Subdivision B--General principles relating to payability

   500I.   Parenting payment not payable if payment rate nil  
   500J.   Situations where payment not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements  
   500Q.   Assets test--payment not payable if assets value limit exceeded  
   500S.   Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   500V.   Educational schemes exclusion--person member of a couple  
   500VA.  Exclusion of certain participants in ABSTUDY Scheme  
   500WA.  Ordinary waiting period  
   500WB.  Duration of ordinary waiting period  
   500X.   Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   500Y.   Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   500Z.   Seasonal workers--preclusion period  

           Division 4--Rate of parenting payment

              Subdivision A--Rate of parenting payment

   503.    How to work out a person's parenting payment rate  
   503A.   Approved program of work supplement  
   503AA.  Approved program of work supplement not payable in certain circumstances  

           Division 9--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Continuation of parenting payment after death of child

   512.    Death of PP child--continuation of qualification for 14 weeks  

              Subdivision B--Death of recipient

   513.    Death of recipient--recipient not member of a couple  
   513A.   Death of recipient--recipient member of a couple  

              Subdivision C--Death of partner

   514.    Surviving partner and deceased partner  
   514A.   Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   514B.   Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement  
   514C.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   514D.   Adjustment of person's parenting payment rate  
   514E.   Effect of death of surviving partner  
   514F.   Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision  

CHAPTER 2--Pensions, benefits and allowances


           Division 1--Qualification for youth allowance

              Subdivision A--Basic qualifications

   540.    Qualification for youth allowance--general rule  
   540A.    Qualification for youth allowance--claimants for disability support pension  
   540AA.  Qualification for youth allowance--new apprentices  
   540AB.  Qualification for youth allowance--claimants with medical conditions affecting their capacity to work  
   540B.   Qualification for youth allowance--transferee from social security pension  
   540BA.  Qualification for youth allowance--coronavirus  
   540C.   Qualification for youth allowance may continue to end of payment period  

              Subdivision B--Undertaking full-time study

   541B.   Undertaking full - time study  
   541C.   One course of education  

              Subdivision C--Exemptions from undertaking full-time study

   542.    Situations in which a person is exempt from undertaking full - time study  
   542A.   Temporary incapacity exemption  
   542B.   Failure to attend interview etc. may result in cessation of temporary incapacity exemption  
   542C.   Time limit for temporary incapacity exemptions--maximum exemption period  
   542D.   Pre - natal and post - natal exemptions  
   542EA.  Exemption from undertaking full - time study--death of person's partner  
   542F.   Domestic violence or other special family circumstances exemption  
   542FA.  Disabled children or other family circumstances exemption  
   542G.   Training camp exemption  
   542H.   Special circumstances exemption  

              Subdivision D--Youth allowance age

   543.    Youth allowance age  
   543A.   Minimum age for youth allowance  
   543B.   Maximum age for youth allowance  

              Subdivision G--Miscellaneous

   546.    Prospective determinations for some allowance recipients  

           Division 2--Situations in which youth allowance is not payable

              Subdivision A--Situations in which allowance not payable (general)

   547.    Youth allowance not payable if allowance rate nil  
   547AA.  Youth allowance not payable if person fails to attend interview etc. in certain circumstances  
   547AB.  Situations where allowance not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements  

              Subdivision AB--Assets test

   547A.   Allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded  
   547B.   Who is excluded from application of assets test?  
   547C.   Assets value limit  
   547D.   Value of person's assets to include value of assets of partner in certain circumstances  

              Subdivision C--Waiting periods

   549.    Waiting periods  
   549A.   Liquid assets test waiting period  
   549B.   Start of liquid assets test waiting period  
   549C.   Length of liquid assets test waiting period  
   549CA.  Ordinary waiting period  
   549CB.  Duration of ordinary waiting period  
   549D.   Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   549E.   Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   549F.   Effect of being subject to multiple waiting periods  

              Subdivision D--Situations where allowance not payable because of youth allowance participation failure

   549G.   Application of Subdivision  
   550.    Youth allowance participation failures  
   550B.   Allowance not payable because of youth allowance participation failure  
   550C.   When the period of non - payment starts  
   550D.   When the period of non - payment ends  

              Subdivision E--Situations where allowance not payable because of repeated failure

   550E.   Application of Subdivision  
   551.    Allowance not payable because of repeated failure  
   551A.   When the period of non - payment starts  

              Subdivision F--Multiple entitlement exclusions

   552.    Multiple entitlement exclusions  
   552A.   Person receiving payment under certain schemes  
   552B.   Assurance of support  

              Subdivision G--Employment-related exclusions

   553.    Employment - related exclusions  
   553A.   Unemployment due to industrial action  
   553B.   Move to area of lower employment prospects  
   553C.   Seasonal workers  

           Division 5--Rate of youth allowance

   556.    How to work out a person's youth allowance rate  
   556A.   Approved program of work supplement  

           Division 10--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Ongoing payments for death of partner

   567.    Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   567A.   Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit  
   567B.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   567C.   Adjustment of person's youth allowance rate  
   567D.   Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   567E.   Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision  

              Subdivision AA--One-off payment for death of partner

   567FA.  Qualification for payment under this Subdivision  
   567FB.  Amount of payment  

              Subdivision B--Continuation of youth allowance rate after death of child

   567G.   Death of child--continuation of youth allowance rate for 14 weeks  


           Division 1--Qualification for austudy payment

              Subdivision A--Basic qualifications

   568.    Qualification for austudy payment--general rule  
   568AA.   Qualification for austudy payment--new apprentices  
   568A.   Qualification for austudy payment--transferee from social security pension  

              Subdivision B--Activity test

   569.    Activity test  
   569A.   Undertaking qualifying study  
   569AA.  One course of education  
   569B.   Approved course of education or study  
   569C.   Full - time students  
   569D.   Concessional study - load students  
   569E.   Normal amount of full - time study  
   569F.   First fortnight of classes  
   569G.   Progress rules--secondary students  
   569H.   Progress rules--tertiary students  

              Subdivision C--Austudy age

   570.    Austudy age  

           Division 2--Situations in which austudy payment is not payable

              Subdivision A--Situation in which austudy payment not payable (general)

   572.    Austudy payment not payable if payment rate nil  
   572A.   Situations where austudy payment not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements  

              Subdivision B--Assets test

   573.    Austudy payment not payable if assets value limit exceeded  
   573B.   Assets value limit  
   573C.   Value of person's assets to include value of assets of partner  

              Subdivision D--Waiting periods

   575.    Waiting periods  
   575A.   Liquid assets test waiting period  
   575B.   Start of liquid assets test waiting period  
   575C.   Length of liquid assets test waiting period  
   575D.   Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   575E.   Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   575EA.  Seasonal workers--preclusion period  
   575F.   Effect of being subject to 2 waiting periods  

              Subdivision E--Situations where austudy payment not payable because of austudy participation failure

   576.    Austudy participation failures  
   576A.   Allowance not payable because of austudy participation failure  
   576B.   When the period of non - payment starts  
   576C.   When the period of non - payment ends  

              Subdivision F--Situations where payment not payable because of repeated failure

   577.    Payment not payable because of repeated failure  
   577A.   When the period of non - payment starts  

              Subdivision G--Multiple entitlement exclusions

   578.    Multiple entitlement exclusions  
   578A.   Person receiving payment under certain schemes  
   578B.   Assurance of support  

           Division 5--Rate of austudy payment

   581.    How to work out a person's austudy payment rate  

           Division 10--Bereavement payments on death of partner

   592.    Qualification for payments under this Division  
   592A.   Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit  
   592B.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   592C.   Adjustment of person's austudy payment rate  
   592D.   Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Division  
   592E.   Matters affecting payments under this Division  


           Division 2--Relocation scholarship payment

   592J.   Qualification for relocation scholarship payment  
   592K.   Circumstances in which person is not qualified for relocation scholarship payment  
   592L.   Amount of relocation scholarship payment  

           Division 3--Approved scholarship course

   592M.   Definition  
   592N.   Approved scholarship course  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of jobseeker payment

              Subdivision A--Basic qualifications

   593.    Qualification for jobseeker payment  
   595.    Persons may be treated as unemployed  
   596.    Unemployment due to industrial action  
   596A.   Assurance of support  
   598.    Liquid assets test waiting period  
   600.    Prospective determinations for some jobseeker payment recipients  

              Subdivision D--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (general)

   608.    Jobseeker payment not payable if payment rate nil  
   611.    Assets test--jobseeker payment not payable if assets value limit exceeded  
   612.    Value of assets of members of couples  
   613.    Full - time students  
   614.    Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   615.    Jobseeker payment not payable if person fails to attend interview etc. in certain circumstances  

              Subdivision E--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (waiting periods)

   620.    Ordinary waiting period  
   621.    Duration of ordinary waiting period  
   623A.   Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   623B.   Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  

              Subdivision G--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (administrative breaches)

   631.    Situations where jobseeker payment not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements  

              Subdivision H--Other situations where jobseeker payment not payable

   633.    Seasonal workers  
   634.    Move to area of lower employment prospects  

           Division 4--Rate of jobseeker payment

   643.    How to work out a person's jobseeker payment rate  
   644AAA. Approved program of work supplement  
   654.    Rate of jobseeker payment for former recipients of wife pension  
   655.    Wife pension transition rate--method 1  
   656.    Wife pension transition rate--method 2  

           Division 9--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision AA--Ongoing payments for death of partner

   660LA.  Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   660LB.  Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit  
   660LC.  Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   660LD.  Adjustment of a person's jobseeker payment rate  
   660LE.  Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   660LF.  Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision  

              Subdivision A--One-off payment for death of partner

   660LH.  Qualification for payment under this Subdivision  
   660LI.  Amount of payment  

              Subdivision B--Continuation of jobseeker payment rate after death of child

   660M.   Death of child--continuation of jobseeker payment rate for 14 weeks  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of remote engagement program payment

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   661A.   Qualification for remote engagement program payment  
   661B.   Definition of qualifying remote income support payment  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   661C.   Remote engagement program payment not payable in specified circumstances  
   661D.   Time limits on payability of remote engagement program payment  

           Division 2--Rate of remote engagement program payment

   661E.   Remote engagement program payment--determination of rate  

           Division 3--Miscellaneous matters

   661F.   Effect of undertaking activities under the remote engagement program  


           Division 1--Recipients of pension PP (single)

   665A.   Payment to recipient of pension PP (single)  
   665B.   Amount of section 665A payment  
   665C.   Need for claim  

           Division 2--Recipients of disability support pension

   665E.   Payment to a disability support pensioner  
   665F.   Amount of section 665E payment  
   665G.   Need for claim  

           Division 4--Special benefit recipients

   665M.   Payment to a special benefit recipient  
   665N.   Amount of section 665M payment  
   665P.   Need for claim  

           Division 6--Jobseeker payment recipients

   665U.   Payment to recipient  
   665V.   Amount of section 665U payment  
   665W.   Need for claim  

           Division 8A--Carer payment recipients

   665ZFA. Payment to a carer payment recipient  
   665ZFB. Amount of section 665ZFA payment  
   665ZFC. Need for claim  

           Division 12--Recipients of PP (partnered)

   665ZU.  Payment to recipient of PP (partnered)  
   665ZV.  Amount of section 665ZU payment  
   665ZW.  Need for claim  

           Division 13--Protection of education entry payment

   665ZY.  Education entry payment to be absolutely inalienable  
   665ZZ.  Effect of garnishee or attachment order  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of special benefit

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   729.    Qualification for special benefit  
   729A.   Time limit on qualification for certain recipients of special benefit  
   729AA.  Effect of industrial action on qualification conditions of certain claimants for special benefit  
   729B.   Certain recipients of special benefit cease to be qualified for special benefit after 52 weeks  
   729C.   Consequence of subsection 729B(2) determination  
   730.    Determination of period  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   732.    Special benefit not payable if benefit rate nil  
   733.    Assets test--benefit not payable if assets value limit exceeded  
   734.    Value of assets of members of couples  
   735.    Multiple entitlement exclusion  
   736.    Secretary may require certain persons to attend courses or undertake work  
   737.    Full - time students  
   738.    Payments under certain education schemes  
   739.    SPB homeless person  
   739A.   Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   739B.   Secretary to act in accordance with guidelines  
   739C.   Guidelines for exercise of Secretary's powers under subsection 739A(7)  

              Subdivision D--Situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders (administrative breaches)

   745H.   Situations where special benefit not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements  

              Subdivision F--Other situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders

   745M.   Seasonal workers  
   745N.   Move to area of lower employment prospects  

           Division 4--Rate of special benefit

   746.    Rate of special benefit  
   747.    Approved program of work supplement for persons who are nominated visa holders  
   759.    Effect of industrial action on rate of special benefit payable to persons who are nominated visa holders  

           Division 9--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision AA--Death of partner

   768A.   Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   768B.   Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit  
   768C.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   768D.   Adjustment of a person's special benefit rate  
   768E.   Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   768F.   Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision  


           Division 1A--Time limit on grant of special needs wife pension

   771P.   Special needs wife pension not to be granted after 30 June 1995  

           Division 1B--Time limit on grant of other special needs pensions

   771PA.  Special needs pensions not to be granted after 20 September 2000  

           Division 1--Qualifications for and payability of special needs pensions

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   772.    Qualification for special needs age pension  
   773.    Qualification for special needs disability support pension  
   774.    Qualification for special needs wife pension  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   779.    Special needs pension not payable if pension rate nil  
   783.    Second special needs pension generally not payable after cancellation of initial pension  
   787.    Multiple entitlement exclusion  

           Division 5--Rate of special needs pension

   796.    How to work out a person's special needs pension rate  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Australian working life residence
           Module C--Residence factor

           Division 10--Bereavement payments

              Subdivision A--Death of partner

   822.    Qualification for payments under this Subdivision  
   823.    Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement  
   824.    Lump sum payable in some circumstances  
   825.    Adjustment of rate of person's special needs pension  
   826.    Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision  
   827.    Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision  

              Subdivision C--Death of recipient

   830.    Death of recipient  


   900.    Qualification for economic security strategy payment  
   901.    Amount of economic security strategy payment--general  
   902.    Amount of economic security strategy payment--person receiving carer allowance  


   910.    Qualification for training and learning bonus  
   911.    Amount of training and learning bonus  


           Division 1--Clean energy advances

              Subdivision A--Qualifying for clean energy advances

   914.    Recipients of certain social security payments  
   914A.   Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits  
   914B.   Disregard nil rate in certain circumstances  
   914C.   Limits on qualifying for multiple advances  

              Subdivision B--Amount of a clean energy advance

   914D.   Amount of a clean energy advance  
   914E.   Clean energy advance daily rate  
   914F.   Number of advance days  

              Subdivision C--Top-up payments of clean energy advance

   914G.   Top - up payments of clean energy advance  

           Division 2--Quarterly energy supplement

   915.    When quarterly energy supplement is payable  
   915A.   Electing to receive quarterly energy supplement  
   915B.   Rate of quarterly energy supplement  

           Division 4--Essential medical equipment payment

   917A.   Definitions  
   917B.   Qualification for essential medical equipment payment  
   917C.   The medical needs requirement  
   917D.   The concession card requirement  
   917E.   The energy account requirement  
   917F.   Availability of payments  
   917G.   Amount of payment  
   917H.   Non - receipt of social security payment  

           Division 5--Multiple qualification exclusions

   918.    Multiple qualification exclusions  


           Division 1--Interpretation

   952.    Carer allowance definitions  

           Division 2--Qualification for and payability of carer allowance

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   953.    Qualification for carer allowance--caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children  
   953A.   Remaining qualified for carer allowance after child turns 16  
   954.    Qualification for carer allowance--caring for a disabled adult in a private home of both the adult and the carer  
   954A.   Qualification for carer allowance--caring for a disabled adult in a private home not shared by the adult and carer  
   954B.   Qualification for carer allowance--receiving carer payment for caring for child or children  
   955.    Qualification for carer allowance--hospitalisation  
   956.    Absence from Australia  
   957.    Effect of cessation of care etc. on carer allowance  
   957A.   Carer allowance income test  
   957B.   Adjusted taxable income  
   957C.   Accepted estimates  
   957D.   Income from long - term financial assets  

              Subdivision B--Limitations on payability

   958.    Carer allowance not payable if allowance rate nil  
   964.    Carer allowance not payable to 2 people for the same care receiver or care receivers unless declaration made  
   965.    Carer allowance not payable to more than one member of a couple  
   966.    Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   967.    Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  

           Division 5--Rate of carer allowance

   974.    Rate of carer allowance  

           Division 6--Multiple qualification for carer allowance for same care receiver or receivers

   981.    Secretary may make declaration where 2 people are qualified for carer allowance for the same care receiver or care receivers  

           Division 10--Bereavement payments (death of disabled child or adult)

              Subdivision A--Death of disabled child

   992J.   Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled child dies  
   992K.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  

              Subdivision B--Death of disabled child (special short-term assistance)

   992L.   Continuation of qualification for carer allowance for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient's disabled child dies  

              Subdivision BA--Death of disabled adult

   992LA.  Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled adult dies  
   992LB.  Lump sum payable in some circumstances  

              Subdivision C--Death of recipient

   992M.   Death of recipient  


   992MA.  Child disability assistance definitions  
   992MB.  Qualification for child disability assistance  
   992MC.  Eligible care receivers  
   992MD.  Amount of child disability assistance  


           Division 1--One-off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

   992N.   One - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)  
   992O.   In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?  
   992P.   What is the amount of the payment?  

           Division 2--2005 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

   992Q.   2005 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)  
   992R.   In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?  
   992S.   What is the amount of the payment?  

           Division 3--2006 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

   992T.   2006 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)  
   992U.   In respect of which care receivers is the payment payable?  
   992V.   Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 4--2007 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

   992WA.  2007 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)  
   992WB.  Eligible care receivers  
   992WC.  Amount of the one - off payment  

           Division 5--2008 one-off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance

   992WD.  2008 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)  
   992WE.  Eligible care receivers  
   992WF.  Amount of the one - off payment  


   992X.   Carer supplement  


           Division 1--DOP child status

   993.    Double orphan--not refugee  
   994.    Double orphan--refugee  
   995.    Refugee child  
   996.    Long - term prisoner  
   997.    Patient on a long - term basis  
   998.    Person uncontactable  

           Division 2--Qualification for and payability of double orphan pension

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   999.    Qualification for double orphan pension  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   1003.   Double orphan pension not payable for child receiving a pension under the Veterans' Entitlements Act  

           Division 5--Rate of double orphan pension

   1010.   Rate of double orphan pension  

           Division 10--Bereavement payments (death of DOP child)

              Subdivision A--Death of DOP child (General)

   1033.   Continued double orphan pension during bereavement rate continuation period where DOP child dies  
   1034.   Lump sum payable in some circumstances  

              Subdivision AA--Death of dependent child (special short-term assistance)

   1034AA. Continuation of qualification for double orphan pension for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient's DOP child dies  

              Subdivision B--Death of recipient

   1034A.  Death of recipient  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of mobility allowance

              Subdivision A--Qualification

   1035.   Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1))  
   1035A.  Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1A))  

              Subdivision B--Payability

   1036.   Mobility allowance not payable at 2 rates  
   1037.   Mobility allowance not payable where person receiving motor vehicle assistance  
   1038.   Mobility allowance not payable when person is NDIS participant  
   1039AA. Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1039AB. Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  

           Division 2--Rate of mobility allowance

   1044.   Rate of mobility allowance  
   1044A.  Reduction of the advance payment period  

           Division 3--Mobility allowance advance

   1045.   Qualification for mobility advance  

           Division 4--Continuation

   1046.   Continuation of mobility allowance when person ceases to be qualified  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   1047.   Definition  

           Division 2--Qualification for language, literacy and numeracy supplement

   1048.   General statement of qualification  

           Division 3--Circumstances where language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable

   1049.   Language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable in certain circumstances  

           Division 4--Rate increase relating to language, literacy and numeracy supplement

   1050.   Rate increase attributable to language, literacy and numeracy supplement  


           Division 1--Qualification for advance payment

   1061A.  Qualification for advance payment  

           Division 2--Applying for advance payment

   1061B.  Application  
   1061C.  Form of application  
   1061D.  Lodgment of application  
   1061E.  Application may be withdrawn  

           Division 3--Determination of application and payment of advance payment

   1061EA. Secretary to determine application  
   1061EB. Payment of advance payment  

           Division 4--Amount of advance payment

   1061ECA.Amount of advance payment--age and disability support pensions and carer payment  
   1061ED. Amount of advance payment--pension PP (single)  
   1061EE. Amount of advance payment--certain other social security payments  

           Division 5--Payment of advance payment

   1061EI. Advance payment to be paid to person or nominee  
   1061EJ. Payment into bank account etc.  

           Division 6--Protection of advance payment

   1061EK. Advance payment to be absolutely inalienable  

           Division 7--Repayment of advance payment

   1061EL. Repayment of advance payment  


           Division 1--Qualification for special employment advance

   1061EM. Qualification for special employment advance  
   1061EN. Meaning of in severe financial hardship  
   1061EO. Person not qualified in certain circumstances  

           Division 4--Amount of special employment advance

   1061EW. Where claim based on effect of unreceived income on special employment advance qualifying entitlement  
   1061EX. Where claim based on claimant's need for financial assistance to take up offered employment  

           Division 7--Repayment of special employment advance

   1061EZC.Repayment of special employment advance  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of advance pharmaceutical allowance

   1061F.  Qualification for advance pharmaceutical allowance  
   1061G.  Advance pharmaceutical allowance not payable in some circumstances  

           Division 3--Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance

   1061JC. Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance  
   1061JD. Annual limit  


           Division 1--Qualification for crisis payment

   1061JG. Qualification--release from gaol or psychiatric confinement  
   1061JH. Qualification--extreme circumstances forcing departure from home  
   1061JHA.Qualification--remaining in home after removal of family member due to domestic or family violence  
   1061JI. Qualification--humanitarian entrant to Australia  
   1061JIA.Qualification--national health emergency  
   1061JJ. Crisis payment not payable in addition to disaster relief payment  
   1061JK. Crisis payment not payable if assurance of support in force  
   1061JL. Person not qualified for crisis payment if qualified for crisis payment under ABSTUDY scheme  

           Division 4--Amount of crisis payment

   1061JU. Amount of payment  


           Division 1--Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance

   1061KA. Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance  
   1061KB. Disaster Recovery Allowance not payable if assurance of support in force  

           Division 2--Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance

   1061KC. Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance  

           Division 3--Other matters

   1061KD. Period that Disaster Recovery Allowance is payable  
   1061KE. Non - receipt of social security payment  


           Division 1--Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

   1061K.  Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment  
   1061L.  Meaning of adversely affected  

           Division 2--Amount of Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

   1061M.  Amount of payment for disasters in Australia  
   1061N.  Amount of payment for disasters outside Australia  
   1061P.  Determinations of rates  

           Division 3--Recoverable payments etc.

   1061PAAA.Recoverable payments  
   1061PAAB.Recoverable death payments  
   1061PAAC.Reports about recoverable payments and recoverable death payments  
   1061PAAD.Review of decisions  
   1061PAAE.Department official  


           Division 1--Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

   1061PAA.Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment  
   1061PAB.Whether a person can be qualified for more than one AVTOP in relation to the same terrorist act  

           Division 2--Payability of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment to secondary victims

   1061PAC.When AVTOP for secondary victims is not payable  

           Division 3--Amount of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

   1061PAD.Amount of AVTOP for a primary victim  
   1061PAE.Amount of AVTOP for a secondary victim  
   1061PAF.AVTOP Principles  

           Division 4--Other

   1061PAG.Consultation on the AVTOP Principles  
   1061PAH.AVTOP is not compensation or damages  


           Division 1--Qualification for pensioner education supplement

              Subdivision A--The basic rules

   1061PA.  Qualification for pensioner education supplement  

              Subdivision B--Undertaking qualifying study

   1061PB. Undertaking qualifying study  
   1061PC. Approved course of education or study  
   1061PD. Full - time students  
   1061PE. Concessional study - load students  
   1061PF. Normal amount of full - time study  
   1061PG. First fortnight of classes  
   1061PH. Progress rules--secondary students  
   1061PI. Progress rules--tertiary students  

              Subdivision C--Payments attracting pensioner education supplement

   1061PJ. Payments attracting pensioner education supplement  

              Subdivision D--Pensioner education supplement age

   1061PK. Pensioner education supplement age  
   1061PL. When a person is regarded as independent  

              Subdivision E--Residency

   1061PM. Residency requirements  
   1061PN. Absence of persons overseas  

           Division 2--Situations in which pensioner education supplement is not payable

              Subdivision C--Newly arrived resident's waiting period

   1061PT. Pensioner education supplement not payable during newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061PU. Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061PV. Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period  

              Subdivision D--Multiple entitlement exclusion

   1061PW. Meaning of multiple entitlement exclusion  
   1061PX. Multiple entitlement exclusion  

           Division 5--Rate of pensioner education supplement

   1061PZG.Rate of pensioner education supplement  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of telephone allowance

   1061Q.  Qualification for telephone allowance  
   1061R.  Telephone allowance not payable in some circumstances  

           Division 2--Rate of telephone allowance

   1061S.  Standard rate of telephone allowance  
   1061SA. Increased rate of telephone allowance  
   1061SB. Increased rate of telephone allowance for home internet  


           Division 1--Qualification for and payability of utilities allowance

   1061T.  Qualification for utilities allowance  
   1061TA. When utilities allowance is payable  

           Division 2--Rate of utilities allowance

   1061TB. Rate of utilities allowance  


           Division 1--Qualification and payability

   1061U.  Qualification for energy supplement  
   1061UA. When energy supplement is payable  

           Division 2--Rate of energy supplement

   1061UB. Rate of energy supplement  


   1061V.  When this Part applies  
   1061VA. Quarterly pension supplement  
   1061VB. Rate of quarterly pension supplement  


           Division 1--Qualification for fares allowance

   1061ZAAA.Qualification for fares allowance  
   1061ZAAB.Journey by person who is not an external student  
   1061ZAAC.Journey by person who is an external student  

           Division 3--Amount of fares allowance

   1061ZAAJ.Fares allowance for public transport  
   1061ZAAK.Fares allowance for private transport  

CHAPTER 2A--Benefits and concessions other than payments


           Division 1--Qualification for, and issue of, pensioner concession card

   1061ZA. General qualification rules  
   1061ZC.  Extended qualification rule: long - term recipient of social security benefits  
   1061ZCA.Extended qualification rule: former recipient of age pension and partner  
   1061ZCB.Extended qualification rule: former recipient of carer payment  
   1061ZD. Extended qualification rule: former recipient of disability support pension and partner  
   1061ZDA.Extended qualification rule: former recipient of pension PP (single)  
   1061ZDB.Extended qualification rule: partner of former recipient of veterans' entitlement  
   1061ZEA.Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income  
   1061ZEB.Extended qualification rule: persons with a partial capacity to work  
   1061ZEC.Effect of compliance penalty periods  
   1061ZF. Issue of pensioner concession card  

           Division 2--Qualification for seniors health card

   1061ZG. Qualification rules  
   1061ZH.  Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061ZI. Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061ZJ. Giving of copy of assessment of taxable income to Secretary  
   1061ZJA.Modifications if person's rate of social security pension is nil on 1 January 2017  
   1061ZJB.Other modifications because of Veterans' Entitlements Act  

           Division 3--Qualification for health care card

              Subdivision A--Qualification for automatic issue health care card

   1061ZK. Qualification: general rules  
   1061ZM.  Qualification for health care card: employment - affected person  
   1061ZMA.Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income  
   1061ZN. Residence requirement  
   1061ZNA.Effect of compliance penalty periods  

              Subdivision B--Qualification for health care card in other circumstances

   1061ZO. Qualification  
   1061ZP. Person subject to newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061ZQ. Newly arrived resident's waiting period  
   1061ZR. Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period  

              Subdivision C--Miscellaneous provisions relating to health care cards

   1061ZS. Issue of health care cards  
   1061ZT. Certain dependants not qualified for health care card  

           Division 4--Non-cancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences

   1061ZUA.Persons to whom Division applies  
   1061ZUB.Non - cancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences  
   1061ZUC.Extension cards  

CHAPTER 2AA--Student start-up loans


   1061ZVAA.Simplified outline of this Chapter  


   1061ZVBA.Simplified outline of this Part  
   1061ZVBB.Qualification for student start - up loan  
   1061ZVBC.Circumstances in which person is not qualified for student start - up loan  
   1061ZVBD.Amount of student start - up loan  


           Division 1--Introduction

   1061ZVCA.Simplified outline of this Part  

           Division 2--Incurring SSL debts

   1061ZVDA.SSL debts  
   1061ZVDB.SSL debt discharged by death  
   1061ZVDC.Notice to Commissioner  

           Division 3--Working out accumulated SSL debts

   1061ZVEA.Simplified outline of this Division  
   1061ZVEB.Stage 1--working out a former accumulated SSL debt  
   1061ZVEC.Stage 2--working out an accumulated SSL debt  
   1061ZVED.Rounding of amounts  
   1061ZVEE.Accumulated SSL debt discharges earlier debts  
   1061ZVEF.Accumulated SSL debt discharged by death  


           Division 1--Introduction

   1061ZVFA.Simplified outline of this Part  
   1061ZVFB.Debts under this Chapter  

           Division 2--Voluntary discharge of indebtedness

   1061ZVGA.Voluntary SSL repayments in respect of debts  
   1061ZVGB.Application of voluntary SSL repayments  
   1061ZVGC.Refunding of payments  

           Division 3--Compulsory discharge of indebtedness

              Subdivision A--Liability to repay amounts

   1061ZVHA.Liability to repay amounts  
   1061ZVHB.Repayable SSL debt for an income year  

              Subdivision B--Assessments

   1061ZVHC.Commissioner may make assessments  
   1061ZVHD.Notification of notices of assessment of tax  
   1061ZVHE.Commissioner may defer making assessments  
   1061ZVHF.Commissioner may amend assessments  


   1061ZVJA.Simplified outline of this Part  
   1061ZVJB.Verification of tax file numbers  
   1061ZVJC.When person with tax file number incorrectly notifies number  
   1061ZVJD.When person without tax file number incorrectly notifies number  
   1061ZVJE.When tax file numbers are altered  
   1061ZVJF.When tax file numbers are cancelled  
   1061ZVJG.Returns, assessments, collection and recovery  
   1061ZVJH.Charges and civil penalties for failing to meet obligations  
   1061ZVJJ.Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding  
   1061ZVJK.Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments  
   1061ZVJL.Administration of this Chapter  

CHAPTER 2B--Student Financial Supplement Scheme


           Division 1--Preliminary

   1061ZW. Object of this Chapter  
   1061ZX. Outline of the scheme  

           Division 2--Eligibility to obtain financial supplement

   1061ZY. Eligibility to obtain financial supplement  
   1061ZZ. Category 1 student  
   1061ZZA.Category 2 student  
   1061ZZAA.Failure by person to comply with request to provide person's tax file number  
   1061ZZAB.Failure by person to comply with request to provide the tax file number of a parent of the person  

           Division 3--Decision and notice about eligibility to obtain financial supplement

   1061ZZAC.Secretary's decision  
   1061ZZAD.Revocation or variation of decision after review  

           Division 4--Agreements between Commonwealth and financial corporations

   1061ZZAF.Applications for financial supplement  

           Division 5--Application for financial supplement

   1061ZZAH.When to apply  
   1061ZZAI.How to apply  
   1061ZZAJ.Changing an application  

           Division 6--Amount of financial supplement

              Subdivision A--Category 1 students

   1061ZZAK.Maximum amount of financial supplement  

              Subdivision B--Category 2 students

   1061ZZAL.Change in eligibility period  
   1061ZZAM.Eligibility period (short course)  
   1061ZZAN.Eligibility period (no short course)  
   1061ZZAO.Maximum amount of financial supplement  

              Subdivision C--Provisions applying to both category 1 students and category 2 students

   1061ZZAP.Minimum amount of financial supplement  
   1061ZZAQ.Person doing more than one course  

           Division 7--Trading in youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement

   1061ZZAR.Purpose of Division  
   1061ZZAS.Reduction of youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement  

           Division 8--Obtaining or increasing financial supplement by trading back youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement

              Subdivision A--Purpose of Division

   1061ZZAT.Purpose of Division  

              Subdivision B--When a person may repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement to obtain or increase financial supplement

   1061ZZAU.Election to repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement  
   1061ZZAV.Timing of repayment  

              Subdivision C--Repayment

   1061ZZAW.Effect of repayment  

           Division 9--Financial supplement contracts

              Subdivision A--Making a contract for payment of financial supplement

   1061ZZAX.Making a contract between person and participating corporation  
   1061ZZAY.Existing contracts  
   1061ZZAZ.Liability for money paid under a financial supplement contract  
   1061ZZBA.Validity of financial supplement contract  

              Subdivision B--When a financial supplement contract can be cancelled

   1061ZZBB.Person has right to cancel financial supplement contract  
   1061ZZBC.How to cancel financial supplement contract  
   1061ZZBD.When to cancel financial supplement contract  
   1061ZZBE.Payments made during cooling off period  
   1061ZZBF.Person may waive right to cancel contract  
   1061ZZBG.How to waive right to cancel contract  
   1061ZZBH.When to waive right to cancel contract  

              Subdivision C--Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes

   1061ZZBI.Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes  

           Division 10--Payment of financial supplement

   1061ZZBJ.Payment by instalments  
   1061ZZBK.Rounding off  
   1061ZZBL.To whom instalments must be paid  
   1061ZZBM.Payment into bank account  

           Division 11--Protection of financial supplement

   1061ZZBN.Financial supplement to be absolutely inalienable  
   1061ZZBO.Effect of garnishee or attachment order  

           Division 12--Obligations of category 2 students

              Subdivision A--Statements about tax file numbers

   1061ZZBP.Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of person's tax file number  
   1061ZZBQ.Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of parent's tax file number  

              Subdivision B--Notice of events or changes in circumstances

   1061ZZBR.Secretary may give notice requiring information  
   1061ZZBS.Event or change relevant to payment  
   1061ZZBT.Formalities related to notice  
   1061ZZBU.Validity of notice  
   1061ZZBV.Period within which information to be given  
   1061ZZBW.Refusal or failure to comply with notice  
   1061ZZBX.Application overseas  

              Subdivision C--Notice about a matter relevant to payment of financial supplement

   1061ZZBY.Secretary may give notice requiring statement on matter  
   1061ZZBZ.Formalities related to notice  
   1061ZZCA.Validity of notice  
   1061ZZCB.Period within which statement to be given  
   1061ZZCC.Statement must be in approved form  
   1061ZZCD.Refusal or failure to comply with notice  
   1061ZZCE.Application overseas  

           Division 13--Early repayments of financial supplement

              Subdivision A--Calculation and notification of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract

   1061ZZCF.Application of Subdivision  
   1061ZZCG.Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract before 1 June in the year after the year in which the contract was made  
   1061ZZCH.Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract at a later time  
   1061ZZCI.Notification of amount outstanding  

              Subdivision B--Person's rights to make repayments during contract period

   1061ZZCJ.Person not required to, but may, make repayments during contract period  
   1061ZZCK.What happens if person makes an excess repayment  
   1061ZZCL.Amount repaid not to include certain amounts  
   1061ZZCM.How to work out discount  
   1061ZZCN.Effect of making a repayment during contract period  
   1061ZZCO.Rights and liabilities of participating corporation if repayment made  

              Subdivision C--What happens at the end of the contract period

   1061ZZCP.Corporation's rights at end of contract period  
   1061ZZCQ.Termination notice  
   1061ZZCR.Secretary may give notice correcting information in previous notice  
   1061ZZCS.Person may request notice to be corrected  
   1061ZZCT.Effect of notices and requests  


           Division 1--Payments to stop at request of recipient

   1061ZZCU.Person may ask for payment to stop  
   1061ZZCV.Effect of notice  

           Division 2--Payments to stop if the maximum amount of financial supplement is reduced to the amount already paid or a lesser amount

              Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop

   1061ZZCW.Secretary must give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZCX.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZCY.This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT  

              Subdivision B--Original amount paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances

   1061ZZCZ.Secretary may give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZDA.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZDB.Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDC.Apportionment of financial supplement  
   1061ZZDD.Liability of Commonwealth to corporation  
   1061ZZDE.Liability of person to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDF.This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A  

              Subdivision C--Original amount paid because of false or misleading information

   1061ZZDG.Secretary may give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZDH.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZDI.Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDJ.Apportionment of financial supplement  
   1061ZZDK.Liability of Commonwealth to corporation  
   1061ZZDL.Liability of person to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDM.This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A  

           Division 3--Payments to stop if person ceases to be eligible to obtain financial supplement

              Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop

   1061ZZDN.Secretary must give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZDO.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZDP.This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT  

              Subdivision B--Financial supplement paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances

   1061ZZDQ.Secretary may give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZDR.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZDS.Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDT.Apportionment of financial supplement  
   1061ZZDU.Liability of Commonwealth to corporation  
   1061ZZDV.Liability of person to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZDW.This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A  

           Division 4--Payments to stop if person is found never to have been eligible to obtain financial supplement

              Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop

   1061ZZDX.Secretary must give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZDY.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZDZ.This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT  

              Subdivision B--Financial supplement paid because of false or misleading information

   1061ZZEA.Secretary may give notice to person and corporation  
   1061ZZEB.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZEC.Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZED.Liability of Commonwealth to corporation  
   1061ZZEE.Liability of person  
   1061ZZEG.This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A  

           Division 5--Payments to stop if person dies

   1061ZZEH.Secretary may give notice to corporation if other party to contract dies  
   1061ZZEI.Effect of notice  
   1061ZZEJ.Discharge of corporation's liability  
   1061ZZEK.Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth  
   1061ZZEL.Liability of Commonwealth to corporation  
   1061ZZEM.Discharge of person's liability  


           Division 1--Purpose and application of Part

   1061ZZEN.Purpose and application of Part  
   1061ZZENA.Extent of Commissioner of Taxation's general administration of this Part  

           Division 2--FS debt and accumulated FS debt

   1061ZZEO.FS debt owed by person  
   1061ZZEP.How to work out FS debt  
   1061ZZEQ.Accumulated FS debt incurred by person  
   1061ZZER.How to work out accumulated FS debt  
   1061ZZES.Adjusted accumulated FS debt  
   1061ZZET.Indexation factor  
   1061ZZEU.Accumulated FS debt discharges earlier debts  

           Division 3--Information to be given to Commissioner of Taxation

   1061ZZEV.Secretary to give notice to Commissioner of Taxation  
   1061ZZEW.Secretary to give further notice to Commissioner of Taxation  
   1061ZZEX.Secretary to give certificate to Commissioner of Taxation  

           Division 4--Voluntary repayments of FS debts

   1061ZZEY.Voluntary repayments of FS debts  
   1061ZZEYA.Refunding of payments  

           Division 5--Compulsory repayments in respect of accumulated FS debt

   1061ZZEZ.Compulsory payments in respect of accumulated FS debt  
   1061ZZFA.Repayment income  
   1061ZZFB.Minimum repayment income  
   1061ZZFC.Repayable debt for an income year  
   1061ZZFD.Amounts payable to the Commonwealth  

           Division 6--Application of tax legislation

   1061ZZFG.Application of tax legislation  
   1061ZZFGA.Charges and administrative penalties for failing to meet obligations  
   1061ZZFGB.Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding  
   1061ZZFGD.Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments  

           Division 7--Assessments

   1061ZZFH.Commissioner of Taxation may make assessment  
   1061ZZFI.Notice of assessment may be served  

           Division 8--Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment

   1061ZZFJ.Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment  
   1061ZZFK.Commissioner of Taxation may amend assessment  
   1061ZZFL.When Commissioner of Taxation must make decision to delay or amend assessment  

           Division 9--Review of Commissioner of Taxation's decision

   1061ZZFM.Application to Administrative Appeals Tribunal  

           Division 10--Treatment of payments under financial supplement scheme

   1061ZZFN.Payments not subject to taxation  
   1061ZZFO.Application of payments  
   1061ZZFP.Debt discharged by death  


           Division 1--Application of the Bankruptcy Act 1966

   1061ZZFQ.Application of Division  
   1061ZZFR.Treatment of debt  

           Division 2--Review of decisions

   1061ZZFS.What happens if a decision of the Secretary is set aside  
   1061ZZFT.What happens if a decision of the Secretary is varied  

           Division 3--Transfer of rights under this Chapter

   1061ZZFU.Notices of transfer  
   1061ZZFV.Transfers not subject to State or Territory taxes  

CHAPTER 2C--Assurances of support


   1061ZZGA.What is an assurance of support?  
   1061ZZGB.Who may give an assurance of support?  
   1061ZZGC.How to give an assurance of support  


   1061ZZGD.Accepting or rejecting an assurance of support  
   1061ZZGE.Notices relating to an assurance of support  


   1061ZZGEA.Assurance cannot be withdrawn once visa issued  
   1061ZZGF.When an accepted assurance is in force  
   1061ZZGG.Liability to pay for social security payments  




   1061ZZGI.Application of social security law to unincorporated bodies  

CHAPTER 2D--Arrangements and grants relating to assisting persons to obtain and maintain paid work

   1062.   Simplified outline of this Chapter  
   1062A.  Arrangements and grants relating to assisting persons to obtain and maintain paid work  
   1062B.  Constitutional limits  
   1062C.  Executive power of the Commonwealth  
   1062D.  Inclusion of information in annual report  
   1062DA. Application of Administration Act  

CHAPTER 3--General provisions relating to payability and rates


   1062E.  Steps in rate calculation  
   1063.   Standard categories of family situations  


   1064.   Rate of age and disability support pensions and carer payment (people who are not blind)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Pension supplement
           Module C--Energy supplement
           Module E--Ordinary income test
           Module F--Ordinary income for the purposes of disability support pension
           Module G--Assets test
           Module H--Remote area allowance


   1065.   Rate of age and disability support pension (blind people)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Pension supplement
           Module C--Energy supplement
           Module E--Remote area allowance


   1066A.  Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are not blind)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Energy supplement
           Module C--Youth disability supplement
           Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module F--Ordinary income test
           Module G--Payments taken to be ordinary income
           Module H--Assets test
           Module I--Remote area allowance


   1066B.  Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are blind)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Energy supplement
           Module C--Youth disability supplement
           Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module F--Remote area allowance


   1067.   Definitions  
   1067A.  When a person is regarded as independent  
   1067B.  Accommodated independent person  
   1067C.  Member of a YA couple  
   1067D.  Person required to live away from home  
   1067E.  Person living at home  
   1067F.  Long term income support student  
   1067G.  Rate of youth allowance  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Energy supplement
           Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module D--Youth disability supplement
           Module E--Person's reduction for parental income
           Module F--Parental income test
           Submodule 1--Parental income test result
           Submodule 2--Exemption from parental income test
           Submodule 3--Appropriate tax year
           Submodule 4--Combined parental income
           Submodule 5--Parental income free area
           Submodule 6--If person's combined parental income exceeds parental income free area
           Module GA--Maintenance income test
           Submodule 1--Maintenance income test result
           Submodule 2--Exemption from maintenance income test
           Submodule 3--Annualised amount of maintenance income for parent of a person
           Submodule 4--Maintenance income free area
           Module H--Income test
           Module J--Student income bank
           Module K--Remote area allowance
           Module L--Table of pensions, benefits, allowances and compensation


   1067H.  Definitions  
   1067J.  Person living at home  
   1067K.  Long term income support student  
   1067L.  Rate of austudy payment  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Pension supplement
           Module BB--Energy supplement
           Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module D--Income test
           Module E--Student income bank
           Module F--Remote area allowance


   1068.   Rate of jobseeker payment  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Pension supplement
           Module C--Energy supplement
           Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module G--Income test
           Module J--Remote area allowance


   1068A.  Rate of parenting payment--pension PP (single)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Maximum basic rate
           Module BA--Pension supplement
           Module BB--Energy supplement
           Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module E--Ordinary income test
           Module F--Remote area allowance
   1068B.  Rate of parenting payment--PP (partnered)  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module C--Maximum basic rate
           Module D--Income test
           Module DA--Pension supplement
           Module DB--Energy supplement
           Module E--Pharmaceutical allowance
           Module G--Remote area allowance


           Division 1--Operation of this Part

   1070.   When this Part applies  
   1070A.  Effect of this Part  

           Division 2--Qualification for rent assistance

   1070B.  Qualification--general rule  
   1070C.   Common requirements (about aged care residence, home ownership and rent)  
   1070D.  Specific requirement (carer payments and certain age and disability support pensions)  
   1070E.  Specific requirement (certain parenting payments)  
   1070F.  Specific requirement (certain disability support pensions)  
   1070G.  Specific requirement (youth allowance)  
   1070H.  Specific requirement (austudy payment and jobseeker payment)  
   1070J.  Specific requirement (certain parenting payments)  

           Division 3--Rate of rent assistance

   1070K.  Rate depends on social security payment and family situation  
   1070L.  Rate for carer payments and certain age and disability support pensions  
   1070M.  Rate for certain parenting payments  
   1070N.  Rate for disability support pension (person aged under 18)  
   1070P.  Rate for disability support pension (person aged between 18 and 21)  
   1070Q.  Rate for youth allowance, austudy payment and jobseeker payment  
   1070R.  Rate for certain parenting payments  

           Division 4--Certain concepts used in this Part

   1070S.  Division has effect for purposes of Part  
   1070T.  Rent threshold amount  
   1070U.  Fortnightly rent  
   1070V.  Rent paid by a member of certain couples  
   1070W.  Partner with a rent increased pension  
   1070X.  Partner with a rent increased benefit  


   1071.   Seniors Health Card Income Test Calculator  


   1071A.  Health care card income test  


           Division 1--Ordinary income concept and treatment of certain income amounts

   1072.   General meaning of ordinary income  
   1072A.  Treatment of certain lump sum payments  
   1073.   Certain amounts taken to be received over 12 months  

           Division 1AAA--Work bonus

   1073AA. Work bonus  
   1073AAA.Meaning of gainful work  
   1073AB. Unused concession balance  

           Division 1AA--Employment income attribution rules

   1073A.   Attribution of employment income paid in respect of a particular period or periods  
   1073B.  Attribution of employment income paid monthly  
   1073BA. Attribution of employment income paid not in respect of a particular period  
   1073BB. Anti - avoidance  
   1073BC. Exclusion of certain payments  
   1073BD. Daily attribution of employment income for amounts not elsewhere covered in this Division  
   1073C.  Fortnightly or yearly expression of attributed employment income  

           Division 1AB--Working credit accrual and depletion rules and their consequences

   1073D.  To whom do working credit accrual and depletion rules apply?  
   1073E.  Opening balance  
   1073F.  Working out accruals and depletions of working credit for social security beneficiaries  
   1073G.  Working out the effect of a working credit depletion on the fortnightly rate of ordinary income for a social security beneficiary  
   1073H.  Working out accruals and depletions of working credit for social security pensioners  
   1073I.  Working out the effect of a working credit depletion on the yearly rate of ordinary income for a social security pensioner  
   1073J.  Working credit balance prevents loss of qualification in certain cases  

           Division 1A--Business income

   1074.   Ordinary income from a business--treatment of trading stock  
   1075.   Permissible reductions of business income  

           Division 1B--Income from financial assets (including income streams (short term) and certain income streams (long term))

   1076.   Deemed income from financial assets--persons other than members of couples  
   1077.   Deemed income from financial assets--members of pensioner couples  
   1078.   Deemed income from financial assets--members of non - pensioner couples  
   1081.   Deeming threshold  
   1082.   Below threshold rate, above threshold rate  
   1083.   Actual return on financial assets not treated as ordinary income  
   1084.   Certain money and financial investments not taken into account  
   1084A.  Valuation and revaluation of certain financial investments  

           Division 1C--Income from income streams not covered by Division 1B

              Subdivision B--Income streams that are not family law affected income streams

   1097A.  Scope of Subdivision  
   1098.   Income from asset - test exempt income stream  
   1099.   Income--income stream not a defined benefit income stream or a military invalidity pension income stream  
   1099A.  Income--income stream is a defined benefit income stream  
   1099AAA.Income--income stream is a military invalidity pension income stream  
   1099AA. Income from market - linked asset - test exempt income stream  
   1099B.  Income from asset - tested income stream (long term)  
   1099C.  Income--asset - tested income stream (long term) that is not a defined benefit income stream  
   1099D.  Income--asset - tested income stream (long term) that is a defined benefit income stream  
   1099DAA.Income from certain low - payment asset - tested income streams  
   1099DAB.Income--asset - tested income stream (lifetime)  

              Subdivision C--Family law affected income streams

   1099DA. Scope of Subdivision  
   1099DB. Income from asset - test exempt income streams  
   1099DC. Income from asset - tested income stream (long term)  
   1099DCA.Income from asset - tested income stream (lifetime)  
   1099DD. Decision - making principles  

           Division 1D--Aged care accommodation bonds: certain transactions before 6 November 1997

   1099E.  Scope of Division  
   1099F.  Exempt bond amount does not count as income  
   1099G.  Person's ordinary income reduced using financial asset rules  
   1099H.   Meaning of exempt bond amount  

           Division 1E--Refunds to charge exempt residents

   1099J.  Scope of Division  
   1099K.  Refunded amount does not count as income  
   1099L.  Person's ordinary income reduced using financial asset rules  
   1099M.   Application of Division  

           Division 2--Conversion of foreign currency amounts

   1100.   How value of a payment received in a foreign currency is to be determined  
   1100A.  Determining value of a payment originally denominated in a foreign currency but made in Australian currency  

           Division 3--Disposal of ordinary income

   1106.   Disposal of ordinary income  
   1107.   Amount of disposition  
   1108.   Disposal of ordinary income--individuals  
   1109.   Disposal of ordinary income--members of couples  
   1111.   Dispositions more than 5 years old to be disregarded  


           Division 1--Value of person's assets

   1118.   Certain assets to be disregarded in calculating the value of a person's assets  
   1118A.  Value of superannuation investments determined by Minister to be disregarded  
   1118AA. Value of assets reduced by amounts received from Mark Fitzpatrick Trust  
   1118AB. Value of person's assets reduced: certain transactions to do with aged care accommodation bonds  
   1118AC. Value of person's assets reduced: refunds to charge exempt residents  
   1119.   Value of asset - tested income streams that are not defined benefit income streams, asset - tested income streams (lifetime) or family law affected income streams  
   1120.   Value of asset - tested income streams that are defined benefit income streams  
   1120AA. Value of asset - tested income streams (lifetime) that are managed investments  
   1120AB. Value of asset - tested income streams (lifetime) that are not managed investments  
   1120A.  Value of asset - tested FLA income streams  
   1120B.  Value of partially asset - test exempt income streams  
   1120C.  Value of superannuation reserves for superannuation funds of 4 members or less  
   1121.   Effect of charge or encumbrance on value of assets  
   1121A.  Effect of certain liabilities on value of assets used in primary production  
   1121B.  Value of life policy  
   1122.   Loans  

           Division 2--Disposal of assets

   1123.   Disposal of assets  
   1124.   Amount of disposal or disposition  
   1124A.  Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--individuals  
   1125.   Disposal of assets in pension years--individuals  
   1125A.  Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--members of couples  
   1126.   Disposal of assets in pension years--members of couples  
   1126AA. Disposal of assets in income year--individuals  
   1126AB. Disposals of assets in 5 year period--individuals  
   1126AC. Disposal of assets in income year--members of couples  
   1126AD. Disposal of assets in 5 year period--members of couples  
   1126A.  Disposal of assets in pre - pension year--family members  
   1126B.  Disposal of assets in pension year--family members  
   1126C.  Disposal of assets in income year--family members  
   1126D.  Disposals of assets in 5 year period--family members  
   1126E.  Modification of this Division in respect of certain assets  
   1127.   Disposition more than 5 years old to be disregarded  
   1127A.  Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test  

           Division 3--Financial hardship

   1129.   Access to financial hardship rules--pensions  
   1130.   Application of financial hardship rules--pensions  
   1130A.  Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test  
   1130B.  Access to financial hardship rules--pension PP (single)  
   1130C.  Application of financial hardship rules--pension PP (single)  
   1131.   Access to financial hardship rules--benefits  
   1132.   Application of financial hardship rules--benefits  

           Division 4--Pension loans scheme

   1133AA. Pension loans scheme definitions  
   1133.   Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme  
   1134.   Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--pension rate  
   1134A.  Pension loans scheme advance payment  
   1135.   Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--creation of debt  
   1135A.  Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--maximum loan available  
   1136.   Need for a request to participate  
   1137.   Need for a request to later nominate or change nominated amount or rate of pension  
   1137AA. Need for a request for a pension loans scheme advance payment  
   1137A.  Non - receipt of social security pension or social security payment  
   1138.   Existence of debt results in charge over real assets  
   1139.   Debt not to be recovered until after death  
   1140.   Enforcement of charge  
   1141.   Person ceases to participate in pension loans scheme if debt exceeds maximum loan available  
   1141A.  Secretary may cease person's participation in pension loans scheme  
   1142.   Person withdraws from pension loans scheme  
   1142A.  Repayment or recovery of debt after pension loans scheme ceases to operate  
   1143.   Registration of charge  
   1144.   Manner of enforcement of charge  
   1144AA. No negative equity guarantee  
   1144A.  Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test  

           Division 5--Provisions relating to special residences and special residents

              Subdivision A--General

   1145A.  Application of Division to granny flat residents  
   1146.   Basis for different treatment  
   1147.   Entry contribution  
   1148.   Extra allowable amount  
   1149.   Renegotiation of retirement village agreement  

              Subdivision B--Residents who are not members of a couple

   1150.   Residents who are not members of a couple  

              Subdivision C--Residents who are members of couple and share principal home

   1151.   Members of couples  

              Subdivision D--Residents who are members of illness separated couple

   1152.   Members of illness separated couples (both in special residences)  
   1153.   Members of illness separated couples (partner not in special residence and partner homeowner)  
   1154.   Members of illness separated couples (partner not in special residence and partner not homeowner)  

              Subdivision E--Residents who are members of ordinary couple with different principal homes

   1155.   Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (both in special residences)  
   1156.   Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (partner not in special residence and partner homeowner)  
   1157.   Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (partner not in special residence and partner not homeowner)  

CHAPTER 3--General provisions relating to payability and rates


           Division 1--Purpose of this Part

   1157A.  Purpose of Part  

           Division 2--Benefits that may be assessable fringe benefits

   1157B.  Benefits received in or outside Australia  
   1157C.  Car benefits  
   1157D.  Exempt car benefits  
   1157E.  School fees benefits  
   1157F.  Health insurance benefits  
   1157G.  Loan benefits  
   1157H.  Exempt loan benefit  
   1157I.  Housing benefits  
   1157J.  Exempt housing benefits--live - in residential care workers  
   1157JA. Expense benefits  
   1157JB. Exempt expense benefit  
   1157JC. Financial investment benefit  

           Division 3--Value of car fringe benefits

   1157K.  Method of valuing car fringe benefits  
   1157L.  Value of car fringe benefits  
   1157M.  Minister may determine alternative method of valuing car fringe benefits  

           Division 4--Value of school fees fringe benefits

   1157N.  Value of school fees fringe benefits  

           Division 5--Value of health insurance fringe benefits

   1157O.  Value of health insurance fringe benefits  

           Division 6--Value of loan fringe benefits

   1157P.  Method of valuing loan fringe benefits  
   1157Q.  Value of loan fringe benefits  
   1157R.  Minister may determine alternative method of valuing loan fringe benefits  

           Division 7--Value of housing fringe benefits

              Subdivision A--Grants of housing rights

   1157S.  Methods of valuing housing fringe benefits--grants of housing rights  
   1157T.  Value of grants of housing rights--general  
   1157TA. Value of grants of housing rights--employees of the Defence Force  

              Subdivision B--Payments associated with loans

   1157TB. Method of valuing housing fringe benefits--payments associated with loans  
   1157TC. Value of payments associated with loans  

              Subdivision C--Payments associated with enjoying housing rights

   1157TD. Methods of valuing housing fringe benefits--payments associated with enjoying housing rights  
   1157TE. Value of payments associated with enjoying housing rights--general  
   1157TF. Value of payments associated with enjoying housing rights--employees of the Defence Force  

              Subdivision D--Alternative methods of valuing housing fringe benefits

   1157U.  Minister may determine alternative method of valuing housing fringe benefits  

           Division 8--Value of expense fringe benefit

   1157UA. Value of expense fringe benefits  

           Division 9--Value of financial investment fringe benefit

   1157UB. Value of financial investment fringe benefit  

           Division 10--Foreign currency rates

   1157V.  Foreign currency rates  


   1158.   Some social security payments not payable during period in gaol or in psychiatric confinement following criminal charge  
   1159.   Payment may be redirected to dependent partner or child  
   1159A.  Person not qualified for some concession cards when in gaol or in psychiatric confinement following criminal charge  


           Division 1--General

   1160.   General effect of Part  
   1161.   Application of Part  
   1161A.  Application of Part to supplementary compensation affected payments  
   1162.   Part to bind Crown  
   1163.   Interpretation  
   1164.   Certain lump sums to be treated as though they were received as periodic compensation payments  
   1165.   Effect of certain State and Territory laws  

           Division 2--Enforcement of compensation rights

   1166.   Secretary may require person to take action to obtain compensation  
   1167.   Failure to comply with a requirement to take action to obtain compensation  

           Division 3--Receipt of compensation

   1168.   Application  
   1169.   Compensation affected payment not payable during lump sum preclusion period  
   1170.   Lump sum preclusion period  
   1171.   Deemed lump sum payment arising from separate payments  
   1172.   Lump sum compensation not counted as ordinary income  
   1173.   Effect of periodic compensation payments on rate of person's compensation affected payment  
   1174.   Effect of periodic compensation payments on rate of partner's compensation affected payment  
   1175.   Rate reduction under both income/assets test and this Part  
   1176.   Periodic compensation not counted as ordinary income  

           Division 4--Recoverable amounts

              Subdivision A--Preliminary

   1177.   Interpretation  

              Subdivision B--Recovery from recipient of compensation affected payment

   1178.   Repayment of amount where both lump sum and payments of compensation affected payment have been received  
   1179.   The section 1178 recoverable amount  
   1180.   Repayment where both periodic compensation payments and payments of compensation affected payment have been received  
   1181.   The section 1180 recoverable amount  

              Subdivision C--Recovery from compensation payers and insurers

   1182.   Secretary may send preliminary notice to potential compensation payer or insurer  
   1183.   Potential compensation payer or insurer must notify Secretary of liability  
   1184.   Secretary may send recovery notice to compensation payer or insurer  
   1184A.  The section 1184 recoverable amount  
   1184B.  Preliminary notice or recovery notice suspends liability to pay compensation  
   1184C.  Compensation payer's or insurer's payment to Commonwealth discharges liability to compensation claimant  
   1184D.  Offence to make compensation payment after receiving preliminary notice or recovery notice  
   1184E.  Liability of compensation payer or insurer to pay the Commonwealth if there is a contravention of section 1184D  

           Division 5--Recoverable debts

   1184F.  Debts resulting from notices under section 1178 or 1180  
   1184G.  Debts resulting from notices under section 1184  
   1184H.  Debts resulting from contravention of section 1184D  
   1184I.  Compensation arrears debts  

           Division 6--Miscellaneous

   1184J.  Secretary may give recovery notice either to compensation payer or to insurer but not to both  
   1184K.  Secretary may disregard some payments  
   1184L.  Application to review compensation decision--disability support pension  


   1186.   General effect of Part  
   1187.   Reduction in rate of payments under this Act if recipient or partner also receiving payments under a self - employment program  
   1188.   Rate reduction under this Part  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   1189.   Analysis of Part  
   1190.   Indexed and adjusted amounts  

           Division 2--CPI indexation

   1191.   CPI Indexation Table  
   1192.   Indexation of amounts  
   1193.   Indexation factor  
   1194.   Rounding off indexed amounts  
   1195.   Certain indexed amounts to be increased in line with increases in Male Total Average Weekly Earnings  

           Division 3--Social security pension indexation using Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index

   1196.   Social security pension indexation using Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index  
   1197.   Living cost indexation factor  
   1198.   Rounding off amounts  

           Division 4--Adjustment of other rates

   1198A.  Adjustment of single pension rate MBR amounts  
   1198B.  Adjustment of disability support pension (under 21) MBRs  
   1198C.  Adjustment of youth disability supplement  
   1203.   Adjustment of pension "single non - homeowner" AVL  
   1204.   Adjustment of benefit AVLs  
   1205.   Adjustment of special illness separated special resident AVL  
   1206A.  Adjustment of certain pharmaceutical allowance rates  
   1206B.  Adjustment of certain telephone allowance rates  


   1206H.  Advance payment deduction  
   1206J.  Amount of advance payment deduction--basic calculation  
   1206K.  Person may request larger advance payment deduction  
   1206L.  Reduction of advance payment deduction in cases of severe financial hardship  
   1206M.  The final advance payment deduction  
   1206N.  Provisional payment rate insufficient to cover advance payment deduction  
   1206P.  Rounding of amounts  


   1206Q.  Special employment advance deduction  
   1206R.  Amount of special employment advance deduction--basic calculation  
   1206S.  Person may request larger special employment advance deduction  
   1206T.  Reduction of special employment advance deduction in cases of severe financial hardship  
   1206U.  The final special employment advance deduction  
   1206V.  Provisional payment rate insufficient to cover special employment advance deduction  
   1206W.  Rounding of amounts  


           Division 1--Introduction

   1207.   Simplified outline  
   1207A.  Definitions  
   1207B.  Relatives  
   1207C.  Associates  
   1207D.  When a company is sufficiently influenced by an entity  
   1207E.  Majority voting interest in a company  
   1207F.  Entitled to acquire  
   1207G.  Transfer of property or services  
   1207H.  Constructive transfers of property or services to an entity  
   1207J.  Active involvement with a primary production enterprise  
   1207K.  Power to veto decisions of a trustee  
   1207L.  Extra - territorial operation  
   1207M.  Application to things happening before commencement  

           Division 2--Designated private companies

   1207N.  Designated private companies  

           Division 3--Designated private trusts

   1207P.  Designated private trusts  

           Division 4--Controlled private companies

   1207Q.  Controlled private companies  
   1207R.  Direct voting interest in a company  
   1207S.  Voting power  
   1207T.  Direct control interest in a company  
   1207U.  Interest in a share  

           Division 5--Controlled private trusts

   1207V.  Controlled private trusts  
   1207W.  Interest in a trust  

           Division 6--Attributable stakeholders and attribution percentages

   1207X.  Attributable stakeholder, asset attribution percentage and income attribution percentage  

           Division 7--Attribution of income of controlled private companies and controlled private trusts

   1207Y.  Attribution of income  
   1207Z.  No double counting of attributed income  
   1208.   Ordinary income of a company or trust  
   1208A.  Ordinary income from a business--treatment of trading stock  
   1208B.  Permissible reductions of business and investment income  
   1208C.  Derivation periods  
   1208D.  Attribution periods  

           Division 8--Attribution of assets of controlled private companies and controlled private trusts

   1208E.  Attribution of assets  
   1208F.  When attributed asset is unrealisable  
   1208G.  Effect of charge or encumbrance on value of assets  
   1208H.  Effect of unsecured loan on value of assets  
   1208J.  Value of company's or trust's assets etc.  

           Division 9--Modification of asset deprivation rules

   1208K.   Individual disposes of asset to company or trust  
   1208L.  Disposal of asset by company or trust  
   1208M.  Individual ceases to be an attributable stakeholder of a company or trust  
   1208N.  Individual disposes of asset to company or trust before 1 January 2002--individual is attributable stakeholder  
   1208P.  Individual disposes of asset to company or trust before 1 January 2002--individual's spouse is attributable stakeholder  

           Division 10--Modification of income deprivation rules

   1208Q.   Individual disposes of ordinary income to company or trust  
   1208R.  Disposal of income by company or trust  
   1208S.  Individual disposes of income to company or trust before 1 January 2002--individual is attributable stakeholder  
   1208T.  Individual disposes of income to company or trust before 1 January 2002--individual's spouse is attributable stakeholder  

           Division 11--Concessional primary production trusts

   1208U.  Concessional primary production trusts  
   1208V.  Individual ceases to be an attributable stakeholder of trust--receipt of remuneration or other benefits from trust during asset deprivation period  
   1208W.  Net value of asset  
   1208X.  Value of entity's assets  
   1208Y.  When asset is controlled by an individual  
   1208Z.  Adjusted net value of asset  
   1209.   Adjusted net primary production income  
   1209A.  Net income of a primary production enterprise  
   1209B.  Net income from a primary production enterprise--treatment of trading stock  
   1209C.  Permissible reductions of income from carrying on a primary production enterprise  

           Division 12--Anti-avoidance

   1209D.  Anti - avoidance  

           Division 13--Decision-making principles

   1209E.  Decision - making principles  

           Division 14--Information management

   1209F.  Transitional period  
   1209G.  Information - gathering powers  
   1209H.  Secretary may obtain tax information  
   1209J.  Disclosure of tax information  
   1209K.  Disclosure of tax file number information  


           Division 1--Special disability trusts

   1209L.  What is a special disability trust ?  
   1209M.  Beneficiary requirements  
   1209N.  Trust purpose requirements  
   1209P.  Trust deed requirements  
   1209Q.  Trustee requirements  
   1209R.  Trust property requirements  
   1209RA. Trust expenditure requirements  
   1209S.  Reporting requirements  
   1209T.  Audit requirements  
   1209U.  Waiver of contravention of this Division  

           Division 2--Income of special disability trusts

   1209V.  Attribution of income  
   1209X.  Income amounts from special disability trusts  

           Division 3--Assets of special disability trusts

   1209Y.  Attribution of assets  

           Division 4--Transfers to special disability trusts

   1209Z.  Effect of certain transfers to special disability trusts  
   1209ZA. The effect of exceeding the $500,000 limit  
   1209ZB. Transfers by the immediate family members prior to reaching pension age etc.  
   1209ZC. Transfers by principal beneficiaries or partners  
   1209ZD. Cessation of special disability trusts  
   1209ZE. Effect of this Division  


   1210.   Application of income and assets test reductions and of compensation reductions for income tax purposes  
   1210A.  Effect of nil rate of pension etc.  

CHAPTER 4--International agreements and portability


           Division 1--Preliminary

   1211.   Social Security (International Agreements) Act overrides Part  
   1212.   Meaning of terms used in this Part  
   1212A.  Meaning of acute family crisis  
   1212B.  Meaning of humanitarian purpose  
   1212C.  Meaning of temporary absence  
   1212D.  Part does not affect need for qualification  

           Division 2--Portability of social security payments

              Subdivision A--Basic portability provisions

   1213.   Persons to whom Division applies  
   1214.   Some payments generally portable with no time limit  
   1215.   Some payments generally portable with time limit  
   1216.   Amounts added to rate  
   1217.   Meaning of maximum portability period , allowable absence and portability period  

              Subdivision B--Exceptions to Subdivision A rules

   1218AAA. Unlimited portability period for disability support pension--severely impaired disability support pensioner  
   1218AA. Unlimited portability period for disability support pension--terminally ill overseas disability support pensioner  
   1218AB. Extended portability period for disability support pension  
   1218.   Exception--full - time students outside Australia for purposes of Australian course  
   1218A.  Exception--Reserve service  
   1218B.  Exception--waiting period in Australia before parenting payment is portable  
   1218BA. Exception--new apprentices  
   1218C.  Extension of person's portability period--general  
   1218D.  Extension of person's portability period--life - saving medical treatment overseas  
   1220.   No portability where claim based on short residence  

           Division 3--Rate of portable pensions

   1220A.  Proportionality--age pension rate  
   1220B.  Proportionality--disability support pension rate for a severely disabled person  
   1221.   Pension Portability Rate Calculator  
           Module A--Overall rate calculation process
           Module B--Australian working life residence
           Module C--Residence factor

CHAPTER 5--Overpayments and debt recovery


   1222.   General effect of Chapter  


   1222A.  Debts due to the Commonwealth  
   1223.   Debts arising from lack of qualification, overpayment etc.  
   1223A.  Debt resulting from commutation of asset - test exempt income stream contrary to subsection 9A(2), 9B(2) or 9BA(2)  
   1223AA. Debts arising from prepayments and certain other payments  
   1223AB. Debts arising from AAT stay orders  
   1223ABAA.Debts arising in respect of one - off payments to older Australians  
   1223ABA.Debts arising in respect of one - off payments to carers  
   1223ABAAA.Debts arising in respect of economic security strategy payments  
   1223ABAAB.Debts arising in respect of training and learning bonuses etc.  
   1223ABB.Debts in respect of child disability assistance  
   1223ABC.Debts in respect of carer supplement for 2009  
   1223ABD.Debts in respect of carer supplement for 2010 and later years  
   1223ABE.Debts in respect of relocation scholarship payments  
   1223ABF.Debts in respect of student start - up loans  
   1223ABG.Debts in respect of one - off energy assistance payments  
   1223ABH.Debts in respect of 2019 one - off energy assistance payments  
   1223ABI.Debts in respect of first 2020 economic support payments  
   1223ABJ.Debts in respect of second 2020 economic support payments  
   1223ABK.Debts in respect of additional economic support payment 2020  
   1223ABL.Debts in respect of additional economic support payment 2021  
   1223ABM.Debts in respect of 2022 cost of living payment  
   1224.   Debts relating to clean energy advances  
   1224A.  Debts relating to essential medical equipment payments  
   1224AA. Person other than payee obtaining payment of a cheque  
   1224AB. Joint and several liability for persons involved in contravention of Act  
   1224B.  Education entry payment debt  
   1224C.  Data - matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Acts debts  
   1224D.  Mobility allowance advance debts  
   1224E.  Debts arising from advance payments of social security entitlements  
   1224EA. Debts arising from special employment advances of special employment advance qualifying entitlements  
   1227.   Assurance of support debt  
   1227B.  Debts arising under Part 8 of the Student Assistance Act 1973 as in force before 1 July 1998  
   1228.   Overpayments arising under other Acts and schemes  
   1228A.  Comparable foreign payment debt recovery  
   1228B.  Additional 10% penalty for understatement etc. of income  
   1229.   Notices in respect of debt  
   1229A.  Interest charge--no repayment arrangement in effect  
   1229B.  Interest charge--failure to comply with or termination of repayment arrangement  
   1229C.  Other rules for interest charge  
   1229D.  What is the interest charge rate ?  
   1229E.  Exemption from interest charge--general  
   1229F.  Exemption from interest charge--Secretary's determination  
   1229G.  Guidelines on interest charge provisions  
   1230.   Debt from failure to comply with garnishee notice  
   1230A.  Debt from failure before 1 July 1991 to comply with garnishee notice under the 1947 Act  
   1230B.  Overseas application of provisions  
   1230C.  Methods of recovery of debt  


   1231AA. Application of sections dealing with deductions  
   1231.   Deductions from debtor's pension, benefit or allowance  
   1232.   Legal proceedings  
   1233.   Garnishee notice  
   1234.   Arrangement for payment of debt  
   1234AA. Recovery of amounts from financial institutions  
   1234A.  Deductions by consent from social security payment of person who is not a debtor  
   1234B.  No time limit on debt recovery action  


   1235.   Meaning of debt  
   1236.   Secretary may write off debt  
   1236A.  Application  
   1237.   Power to waive Commonwealth's right to recover debt  
   1237A.  Waiver of debt arising from error  
   1237AA. Waiver of debt relating to an offence  
   1237AAA.Waiver of small debt  
   1237AAB.Waiver in relation to settlements  
   1237AAC.Waiver where debtor or debtor's partner would have been entitled to an allowance  
   1237AAD.Waiver in special circumstances  
   1237AAE.Extra rules for waiver of assurance of support debts  
   1237AB. Secretary may waive debts of a particular class  


           Division 1--Secretary may make departure prohibition orders

   1240.   Secretary may make departure prohibition orders  

           Division 2--Departure from Australia of debtors prohibited

   1241.   Departure from Australia of debtors prohibited  

           Division 3--Other rules for departure prohibition orders

   1242.   Notification requirements for departure prohibition orders  
   1243.   Operation of departure prohibition order  
   1244.   Revocation and variation of departure prohibition orders  
   1245.   Notification requirements for revocations and variations  

           Division 4--Departure authorisation certificates

   1246.   Application for departure authorisation certificate  
   1247.   When Secretary must issue departure authorisation certificate  
   1248.   Security for person's return to Australia  
   1249.   What departure authorisation certificate must authorise  
   1250.   Notification requirements for departure authorisation certificates  
   1251.   Notification requirements for substituted days  

           Division 5--Appeals and review in relation to departure prohibition orders and departure authorisation certificates

   1252.   Appeals to courts against making of departure prohibition orders  
   1253.   Jurisdiction of courts  
   1254.   Orders of court on appeal  
   1255.   Review of decisions  

           Division 6--Enforcement

   1256.   Powers of officers of Customs and members of the Australian Federal Police  
   1257.   Privilege against self - incrimination  
   1258.   Production of authority to depart  

           Division 7--Interpretation

   1259.   Interpretation--departure from Australia for foreign country  
   1260.   Meaning of Australia  

CHAPTER 6--Modification of social security law

   1261.   Simplified outline of this Chapter  
   1262.   Minister may determine modifications of social security law  
   1263.   Period that determination is in force and variation and revocation  
           SCHEDULE 1A Savings and transitional provisions

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