If the person is enrolled for the approved course as a student other than an external student, this section applies in respect of a journey only if the journey is one of the following:
(a) a journey from the person's permanent home to the relevant educational institution to start the course;
(b) a journey made, in the study year or before 1 April in the next year, from the relevant educational institution to the person's permanent home after the person has finished or discontinued the course;
(c) a return journey during the study year between the relevant educational institution and the person's permanent home where the person:
(i) has, during the study year and before the making of the journey, received one or more of the forms of financial assistance referred to in paragraph 1061ZAAA(1)(b) for a total period of 3 months (whether continuous or not); and
(ii) is receiving one of those forms of financial assistance when the journey is made.