The following is a simplified outline of this Part:
• This Part sets up a system for the attribution to individuals of the assets and income of private companies and private trusts (sections 1207Y and 1208E).
• Attribution starts on 1 January 2002.
• For an asset or income to be attributed to an individual:
(a) the company must be a designated private company or the trust must be a designated private trust (sections 1207N and 1207P); and
(b) the company must be a controlled private company in relation to the individual or the trust must be a controlled private trust in relation to the individual (sections 1207Q and 1207V); and
(c) the individual must be an attributable stakeholder of the company or trust (section 1207X).
• A company or trust will be a controlled private trust or a controlled private company if the individual passes a control test or a source test.
• An individual will not be an attributable stakeholder of a trust if the trust is a concessional primary production trust in relation to the individual.
• The asset deprivation rules and the income deprivation rules are modified if attribution happens.