(1) If:
(a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and
(b) after the deceased partner died, an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if he or she had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans' Entitlements Act; and
(c) the Secretary is not satisfied that the surviving partner has not had the benefit of that amount;
the following provisions have effect:
(d) the amount referred to in paragraph (b) is not recoverable from the surviving partner or from the personal representative of the deceased partner, except to the extent (if any) that the amount exceeds the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision;
(e) the amount payable to the surviving partner under this Subdivision is to be reduced by the amount referred to in paragraph (b).
(2) If:
(a) the surviving partner is qualified for payments under this Subdivision; and
(b) an amount to which the deceased partner would have been entitled if the deceased partner had not died has been paid under this Act or under Part III or IIIA of the Veterans' Entitlements Act, within the bereavement period, into an account with a bank; and
(c) the bank pays to the surviving partner, out of that account, an amount not exceeding the total of the amounts paid as mentioned in paragraph (b);
the bank is, in spite of anything in any other law, not liable to any action, claim or demand by the Commonwealth, the personal representative of the deceased partner or anyone else in respect of the payment of that money to the surviving partner.
Note: For bereavement period see section 21.
No. 46, 1991
Compilation No. 223
Compilation date: 5 December 2024
Includes amendments: Act No. 108, 2024
This compilation is in 6 volumes
Volume 2: sections 540- 1061ZUC
Volume 3: sections 1061ZVAA- 1157
Volume 4: sections 1157A- 1263
Schedule 1A
Volume 5: Endnotes 1-5
Volume 6: Endnote 6
Each volume has its own contents
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Social Security Act 1991 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 5 December 2024 (the compilation date ).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes ) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self - repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Chapter 2--Pensions, benefits and allowances
Part 2.11--Youth allowance
Division 1--Qualification for youth allowance
Subdivision A--Basic qualifications
540 Qualification for youth allowance--general rule
540A Qualification for youth allowance--claimants for disability support pension
540AA Qualification for youth allowance--new apprentices
540AB Qualification for youth allowance--claimants with medical conditions affecting their capacity to work
540B Qualification for youth allowance--transferee from social security pension
540BA Qualification for youth allowance--coronavirus
540C Qualification for youth allowance may continue to end of payment period
Subdivision B--Undertaking full - time study
541B Undertaking full - time study
541C One course of education
Subdivision C--Exemptions from undertaking full - time study
542 Situations in which a person is exempt from undertaking full - time study
542A Temporary incapacity exemption
542B Failure to attend interview etc. may result in cessation of temporary incapacity exemption
542C Time limit for temporary incapacity exemptions--maximum exemption period
542D Pre - natal and post - natal exemptions
542EA Exemption from undertaking full - time study--death of person's partner
542F Domestic violence or other special family circumstances exemption
542FA Disabled children or other family circumstances exemption
542G Training camp exemption
542H Special circumstances exemption
Subdivision D--Youth allowance age
543 Youth allowance age
543A Minimum age for youth allowance
543B Maximum age for youth allowance
Subdivision G--Miscellaneous
546 Prospective determinations for some allowance recipients
Division 2--Situations in which youth allowance is not payable
Subdivision A--Situations in which allowance not payable (general)
547 Youth allowance not payable if allowance rate nil
547AA Youth allowance not payable if person fails to attend interview etc. in certain circumstances
547AB Situations where allowance not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements
Subdivision AB--Assets test
547A Allowance not payable if assets value limit exceeded
547B Who is excluded from application of assets test?
547C Assets value limit
547D Value of person's assets to include value of assets of partner in certain circumstances
Subdivision C--Waiting periods
549 Waiting periods
549A Liquid assets test waiting period
549B Start of liquid assets test waiting period
549C Length of liquid assets test waiting period
549CA Ordinary waiting period
549CB Duration of ordinary waiting period
549D Newly arrived resident's waiting period
549E Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period
549F Effect of being subject to multiple waiting periods
Subdivision D--Situations where allowance not payable because of youth allowance participation failure
549G Application of Subdivision
550 Youth allowance participation failures
550B Allowance not payable because of youth allowance participation failure
550C When the period of non - payment starts
550D When the period of non - payment ends
Subdivision E--Situations where allowance not payable because of repeated failure
550E Application of Subdivision
551 Allowance not payable because of repeated failure
551A When the period of non - payment starts
Subdivision F--Multiple entitlement exclusions
552 Multiple entitlement exclusions
552A Person receiving payment under certain schemes
552B Assurance of support
Subdivision G--Employment - related exclusions
553 Employment - related exclusions
553A Unemployment due to industrial action
553B Move to area of lower employment prospects
553C Seasonal workers
Division 5--Rate of youth allowance
556 How to work out a person's youth allowance rate
556A Approved program of work supplement
Division 10--Bereavement payments
Subdivision A--Ongoing payments for death of partner
567 Qualification for payments under this Subdivision
567A Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit
567B Lump sum payable in some circumstances
567C Adjustment of person's youth allowance rate
567D Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision
567E Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision
Subdivision AA--One - off payment for death of partner
567FA Qualification for payment under this Subdivision
567FB Amount of payment
Subdivision B--Continuation of youth allowance rate after death of child
567G Death of child--continuation of youth allowance rate for 14 weeks
Part 2.11A--Austudy payment
Division 1--Qualification for austudy payment
Subdivision A--Basic qualifications
568 Qualification for austudy payment--general rule
568AA Qualification for austudy payment--new apprentices
568A Qualification for austudy payment--transferee from social security pension
Subdivision B--Activity test
569 Activity test
569A Undertaking qualifying study
569AA One course of education
569B Approved course of education or study
569C Full - time students
569D Concessional study - load students
569E Normal amount of full - time study
569F First fortnight of classes
569G Progress rules--secondary students
569H Progress rules--tertiary students
Subdivision C--Austudy age
570 Austudy age
Division 2--Situations in which austudy payment is not payable
Subdivision A--Situation in which austudy payment not payable (general)
572 Austudy payment not payable if payment rate nil
572A Situations where austudy payment not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements
Subdivision B--Assets test
573 Austudy payment not payable if assets value limit exceeded
573B Assets value limit
573C Value of person's assets to include value of assets of partner
Subdivision D--Waiting periods
575 Waiting periods
575A Liquid assets test waiting period
575B Start of liquid assets test waiting period
575C Length of liquid assets test waiting period
575D Newly arrived resident's waiting period
575E Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period
575EA Seasonal workers--preclusion period
575F Effect of being subject to 2 waiting periods
Subdivision E--Situations where austudy payment not payable because of austudy participation failure
576 Austudy participation failures
576A Allowance not payable because of austudy participation failure
576B When the period of non - payment starts
576C When the period of non - payment ends
Subdivision F--Situations where payment not payable because of repeated failure
577 Payment not payable because of repeated failure
577A When the period of non - payment starts
Subdivision G--Multiple entitlement exclusions
578 Multiple entitlement exclusions
578A Person receiving payment under certain schemes
578B Assurance of support
Division 5--Rate of austudy payment
581 How to work out a person's austudy payment rate
Division 10--Bereavement payments on death of partner
592 Qualification for payments under this Division
592A Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit
592B Lump sum payable in some circumstances
592C Adjustment of person's austudy payment rate
592D Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Division
592E Matters affecting payments under this Division
Part 2.11B--Scholarship payments for students
Division 2--Relocation scholarship payment
592J Qualification for relocation scholarship payment
592K Circumstances in which person is not qualified for relocation scholarship payment
592L Amount of relocation scholarship payment
Division 3--Approved scholarship course
592M Definition
592N Approved scholarship course
Part 2.12--Jobseeker payment
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of jobseeker payment
Subdivision A--Basic qualifications
593 Qualification for jobseeker payment
595 Persons may be treated as unemployed
596 Unemployment due to industrial action
596A Assurance of support
598 Liquid assets test waiting period
600 Prospective determinations for some jobseeker payment recipients
Subdivision D--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (general)
608 Jobseeker payment not payable if payment rate nil
611 Assets test--jobseeker payment not payable if assets value limit exceeded
612 Value of assets of members of couples
613 Full - time students
614 Multiple entitlement exclusion
615 Jobseeker payment not payable if person fails to attend interview etc. in certain circumstances
Subdivision E--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (waiting periods)
620 Ordinary waiting period
621 Duration of ordinary waiting period
623A Newly arrived resident's waiting period
623B Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period
Subdivision G--Situations where jobseeker payment not payable (administrative breaches)
631 Situations where jobseeker payment not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements
Subdivision H--Other situations where jobseeker payment not payable
633 Seasonal workers
634 Move to area of lower employment prospects
Division 4--Rate of jobseeker payment
643 How to work out a person's jobseeker payment rate
644AAA Approved program of work supplement
654 Rate of jobseeker payment for former recipients of wife pension
655 Wife pension transition rate--method 1
656 Wife pension transition rate--method 2
Division 9--Bereavement payments
Subdivision AA--Ongoing payments for death of partner
660LA Qualification for payments under this Subdivision
660LB Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit
660LC Lump sum payable in some circumstances
660LD Adjustment of a person's jobseeker payment rate
660LE Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision
660LF Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision
Subdivision A--One - off payment for death of partner
660LH Qualification for payment under this Subdivision
660LI Amount of payment
Subdivision B--Continuation of jobseeker payment rate after death of child
660M Death of child--continuation of jobseeker payment rate for 14 weeks
Part 2.13--Remote engagement program payment
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of remote engagement program payment
Subdivision A--Qualification
661A Qualification for remote engagement program payment
661B Definition of qualifying remote income support payment
Subdivision B--Payability
661C Remote engagement program payment not payable in specified circumstances
661D Time limits on payability of remote engagement program payment
Division 2--Rate of remote engagement program payment
661E Remote engagement program payment--determination of rate
Division 3--Miscellaneous matters
661F Effect of undertaking activities under the remote engagement program
Part 2.13A--Education entry payment
Division 1--Recipients of pension PP (single)
665A Payment to recipient of pension PP (single)
665B Amount of section 665A payment
665C Need for claim
Division 2--Recipients of disability support pension
665E Payment to a disability support pensioner
665F Amount of section 665E payment
665G Need for claim
Division 4--Special benefit recipients
665M Payment to a special benefit recipient
665N Amount of section 665M payment
665P Need for claim
Division 6--Jobseeker payment recipients
665U Payment to recipient
665V Amount of section 665U payment
665W Need for claim
Division 8A--Carer payment recipients
665ZFA Payment to a carer payment recipient
665ZFB Amount of section 665ZFA payment
665ZFC Need for claim
Division 12--Recipients of PP (partnered)
665ZU Payment to recipient of PP (partnered)
665ZV Amount of section 665ZU payment
665ZW Need for claim
Division 13--Protection of education entry payment
665ZY Education entry payment to be absolutely inalienable
665ZZ Effect of garnishee or attachment order
Part 2.15--Special benefit
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of special benefit
Subdivision A--Qualification
729 Qualification for special benefit
729A Time limit on qualification for certain recipients of special benefit
729AA Effect of industrial action on qualification conditions of certain claimants for special benefit
729B Certain recipients of special benefit cease to be qualified for special benefit after 52 weeks
729C Consequence of subsection 729B(2) determination
730 Determination of period
Subdivision B--Payability
732 Special benefit not payable if benefit rate nil
733 Assets test--benefit not payable if assets value limit exceeded
734 Value of assets of members of couples
735 Multiple entitlement exclusion
736 Secretary may require certain persons to attend courses or undertake work
737 Full - time students
738 Payments under certain education schemes
739 SPB homeless person
739A Newly arrived resident's waiting period
739B Secretary to act in accordance with guidelines
739C Guidelines for exercise of Secretary's powers under subsection 739A(7)
Subdivision D--Situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders (administrative breaches)
745H Situations where special benefit not payable for failure to comply with certain requirements
Subdivision F--Other situations where special benefit not payable to persons who are nominated visa holders
745M Seasonal workers
745N Move to area of lower employment prospects
Division 4--Rate of special benefit
746 Rate of special benefit
747 Approved program of work supplement for persons who are nominated visa holders
759 Effect of industrial action on rate of special benefit payable to persons who are nominated visa holders
Division 9--Bereavement payments
Subdivision AA--Death of partner
768A Qualification for payments under this Subdivision
768B Continued payment of partner's pension or benefit
768C Lump sum payable in some circumstances
768D Adjustment of a person's special benefit rate
768E Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision
768F Matters affecting payments under this Subdivision
Part 2.16--Special needs pensions
Division 1A--Time limit on grant of special needs wife pension
771P Special needs wife pension not to be granted after 30 June 1995
Division 1B--Time limit on grant of other special needs pensions
771PA Special needs pensions not to be granted after 20 September 2000
Division 1--Qualifications for and payability of special needs pensions
Subdivision A--Qualification
772 Qualification for special needs age pension
773 Qualification for special needs disability support pension
774 Qualification for special needs wife pension
Subdivision B--Payability
779 Special needs pension not payable if pension rate nil
783 Second special needs pension generally not payable after cancellation of initial pension
787 Multiple entitlement exclusion
Division 5--Rate of special needs pension
796 How to work out a person's special needs pension rate
Special Needs Proportional Rate Calculator
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Australian working life residence
Module C--Residence factor
Division 10--Bereavement payments
Subdivision A--Death of partner
822 Qualification for payments under this Subdivision
823 Continued payment of deceased partner's previous entitlement
824 Lump sum payable in some circumstances
825 Adjustment of rate of person's special needs pension
826 Effect of death of person entitled to payments under this Subdivision
827 Matters affecting payment of benefits under this Subdivision
Subdivision C--Death of recipient
830 Death of recipient
Part 2.17--Economic security strategy payment
900 Qualification for economic security strategy payment
901 Amount of economic security strategy payment--general
902 Amount of economic security strategy payment--person receiving carer allowance
Part 2.18--Training and learning bonus
910 Qualification for training and learning bonus
911 Amount of training and learning bonus
Part 2.18A--Clean energy payments
Division 1--Clean energy advances
Subdivision A--Qualifying for clean energy advances
914 Recipients of certain social security payments
914A Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits
914B Disregard nil rate in certain circumstances
914C Limits on qualifying for multiple advances
Subdivision B--Amount of a clean energy advance
914D Amount of a clean energy advance
914E Clean energy advance daily rate
914F Number of advance days
Subdivision C--Top - up payments of clean energy advance
914G Top - up payments of clean energy advance
Division 2--Quarterly energy supplement
915 When quarterly energy supplement is payable
915A Electing to receive quarterly energy supplement
915B Rate of quarterly energy supplement
Division 4--Essential medical equipment payment
917A Definitions
917B Qualification for essential medical equipment payment
917C The medical needs requirement
917D The concession card requirement
917E The energy account requirement
917F Availability of payments
917G Amount of payment
917H Non - receipt of social security payment
Division 5--Multiple qualification exclusions
918 Multiple qualification exclusions
Part 2.19--Carer allowance
Division 1--Interpretation
952 Carer allowance definitions
Division 2--Qualification for and payability of carer allowance
Subdivision A--Qualification
953 Qualification for carer allowance--caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children
953A Remaining qualified for carer allowance after child turns 16
954 Qualification for carer allowance--caring for a disabled adult in a private home of both the adult and the carer
954A Qualification for carer allowance--caring for a disabled adult in a private home not shared by the adult and carer
954B Qualification for carer allowance--receiving carer payment for caring for child or children
955 Qualification for carer allowance--hospitalisation
956 Absence from Australia
957 Effect of cessation of care etc. on carer allowance
957A Carer allowance income test
957B Adjusted taxable income
957C Accepted estimates
957D Income from long - term financial assets
Subdivision B--Limitations on payability
958 Carer allowance not payable if allowance rate nil
964 Carer allowance not payable to 2 people for the same care receiver or care receivers unless declaration made
965 Carer allowance not payable to more than one member of a couple
966 Newly arrived resident's waiting period
967 Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period
Division 5--Rate of carer allowance
974 Rate of carer allowance
Division 6--Multiple qualification for carer allowance for same care receiver or receivers
981 Secretary may make declaration where 2 people are qualified for carer allowance for the same care receiver or care receivers
Division 10--Bereavement payments (death of disabled child or adult)
Subdivision A--Death of disabled child
992J Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled child dies
992K Lump sum payable in some circumstances
Subdivision B--Death of disabled child (special short - term assistance)
992L Continuation of qualification for carer allowance for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient's disabled child dies
Subdivision BA--Death of disabled adult
992LA Continued carer allowance during bereavement rate continuation period where disabled adult dies
992LB Lump sum payable in some circumstances
Subdivision C--Death of recipient
992M Death of recipient
Part 2.19AA--Child disability assistance
992MA Child disability assistance definitions
992MB Qualification for child disability assistance
992MC Eligible care receivers
992MD Amount of child disability assistance
Part 2.19A--One - off payments to carers eligible for carer allowance
Division 1--One - off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance
992N One - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)
992O In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?
992P What is the amount of the payment?
Division 2--2005 one - off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance
992Q 2005 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)
992R In respect of what care receivers is the payment payable?
992S What is the amount of the payment?
Division 3--2006 one - off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance
992T 2006 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)
992U In respect of which care receivers is the payment payable?
992V Amount of the one - off payment
Division 4--2007 one - off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance
992WA 2007 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)
992WB Eligible care receivers
992WC Amount of the one - off payment
Division 5--2008 one - off payment to carers eligible for carer allowance
992WD 2008 one - off payment to carers (carer allowance related)
992WE Eligible care receivers
992WF Amount of the one - off payment
Part 2.19B--Carer supplement
992X Carer supplement
Part 2.20--Double orphan pension
Division 1--DOP child status
993 Double orphan--not refugee
994 Double orphan--refugee
996 Long - term prisoner
997 Patient on a long - term basis
998 Person uncontactable
Division 2--Qualification for and payability of double orphan pension
Subdivision A--Qualification
999 Qualification for double orphan pension
Subdivision B--Payability
1003 Double orphan pension not payable for child receiving a pension under the Veterans' Entitlements Act
Division 5--Rate of double orphan pension
1010 Rate of double orphan pension
Division 10--Bereavement payments (death of DOP child)
Subdivision A--Death of DOP child (General)
1033 Continued double orphan pension during bereavement rate continuation period where DOP child dies
1034 Lump sum payable in some circumstances
Subdivision AA--Death of dependent child (special short - term assistance)
1034AA Continuation of qualification for double orphan pension for 4 weeks in some cases where recipient's DOP child dies
Subdivision B--Death of recipient
1034A Death of recipient
Part 2.21--Mobility allowance
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of mobility allowance
Subdivision A--Qualification
1035 Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1))
1035A Qualification for mobility allowance (rate specified in subsection 1044(1A))
Subdivision B--Payability
1036 Mobility allowance not payable at 2 rates
1037 Mobility allowance not payable where person receiving motor vehicle assistance
1038 Mobility allowance not payable when person is NDIS participant
1039AA Newly arrived resident's waiting period
1039AB Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period
Division 2--Rate of mobility allowance
1044 Rate of mobility allowance
1044A Reduction of the advance payment period
Division 3--Mobility allowance advance
1045 Qualification for mobility advance
Division 4--Continuation
1046 Continuation of mobility allowance when person ceases to be qualified
Part 2.21A--Language, literacy and numeracy supplement
Division 1--Preliminary
1047 Definition
Division 2--Qualification for language, literacy and numeracy supplement
1048 General statement of qualification
Division 3--Circumstances where language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable
1049 Language, literacy and numeracy supplement not payable in certain circumstances
Division 4--Rate increase relating to language, literacy and numeracy supplement
1050 Rate increase attributable to language, literacy and numeracy supplement
Part 2.22--Advance payments of social security entitlements
Division 1--Qualification for advance payment
1061A Qualification for advance payment
Division 2--Applying for advance payment
1061B Application
1061C Form of application
1061D Lodgment of application
1061E Application may be withdrawn
Division 3--Determination of application and payment of advance payment
1061EA Secretary to determine application
1061EB Payment of advance payment
Division 4--Amount of advance payment
1061ECA Amount of advance payment--age and disability support pensions and carer payment
1061ED Amount of advance payment--pension PP (single)
1061EE Amount of advance payment--certain other social security payments
Division 5--Payment of advance payment
1061EI Advance payment to be paid to person or nominee
1061EJ Payment into bank account etc.
Division 6--Protection of advance payment
1061EK Advance payment to be absolutely inalienable
Division 7--Repayment of advance payment
1061EL Repayment of advance payment
Part 2.22A--Special employment advances
Division 1--Qualification for special employment advance
1061EM Qualification for special employment advance
1061EN Meaning of in severe financial hardship
1061EO Person not qualified in certain circumstances
Division 4--Amount of special employment advance
1061EW Where claim based on effect of unreceived income on special employment advance qualifying entitlement
1061EX Where claim based on claimant's need for financial assistance to take up offered employment
Division 7--Repayment of special employment advance
1061EZC Repayment of special employment advance
Part 2.23--Advance pharmaceutical allowance
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of advance pharmaceutical allowance
1061F Qualification for advance pharmaceutical allowance
1061G Advance pharmaceutical allowance not payable in some circumstances
Division 3--Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance
1061JC Amount of advance pharmaceutical allowance
1061JD Annual limit
Part 2.23A--Crisis payment
Division 1--Qualification for crisis payment
1061JG Qualification--release from gaol or psychiatric confinement
1061JH Qualification--extreme circumstances forcing departure from home
1061JHA Qualification--remaining in home after removal of family member due to domestic or family violence
1061JI Qualification--humanitarian entrant to Australia
1061JIA Qualification--national health emergency
1061JJ Crisis payment not payable in addition to disaster relief payment
1061JK Crisis payment not payable if assurance of support in force
1061JL Person not qualified for crisis payment if qualified for crisis payment under ABSTUDY scheme
Division 4--Amount of crisis payment
1061JU Amount of payment
Part 2.23B--Disaster Recovery Allowance
Division 1--Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance
1061KA Qualification for Disaster Recovery Allowance
1061KB Disaster Recovery Allowance not payable if assurance of support in force
Division 2--Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance
1061KC Rate of Disaster Recovery Allowance
Division 3--Other matters
1061KD Period that Disaster Recovery Allowance is payable
1061KE Non - receipt of social security payment
Part 2.24--Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
Division 1--Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
1061K Qualification for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
1061L Meaning of adversely affected
Division 2--Amount of Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
1061M Amount of payment for disasters in Australia
1061N Amount of payment for disasters outside Australia
1061P Determinations of rates
Division 3--Recoverable payments etc.
1061PAAA Recoverable payments
1061PAAB Recoverable death payments
1061PAAC Reports about recoverable payments and recoverable death payments
1061PAAD Review of decisions
1061PAAE Department official
Part 2.24AA--Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
Division 1--Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
1061PAA Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
1061PAB Whether a person can be qualified for more than one AVTOP in relation to the same terrorist act
Division 2--Payability of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment to secondary victims
1061PAC When AVTOP for secondary victims is not payable
Division 3--Amount of Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
1061PAD Amount of AVTOP for a primary victim
1061PAE Amount of AVTOP for a secondary victim
1061PAF AVTOP Principles
Division 4--Other
1061PAG Consultation on the AVTOP Principles
1061PAH AVTOP is not compensation or damages
Part 2.24A--Pensioner education supplement
Division 1--Qualification for pensioner education supplement
Subdivision A--The basic rules
1061PA Qualification for pensioner education supplement
Subdivision B--Undertaking qualifying study
1061PB Undertaking qualifying study
1061PC Approved course of education or study
1061PD Full - time students
1061PE Concessional study - load students
1061PF Normal amount of full - time study
1061PG First fortnight of classes
1061PH Progress rules--secondary students
1061PI Progress rules--tertiary students
Subdivision C--Payments attracting pensioner education supplement
1061PJ Payments attracting pensioner education supplement
Subdivision D--Pensioner education supplement age
1061PK Pensioner education supplement age
1061PL When a person is regarded as independent
Subdivision E--Residency
1061PM Residency requirements
1061PN Absence of persons overseas
Division 2--Situations in which pensioner education supplement is not payable
Subdivision C--Newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061PT Pensioner education supplement not payable during newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061PU Newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061PV Length of newly arrived resident's waiting period
Subdivision D--Multiple entitlement exclusion
1061PW Meaning of multiple entitlement exclusion
1061PX Multiple entitlement exclusion
Division 5--Rate of pensioner education supplement
1061PZG Rate of pensioner education supplement
Part 2.25--Telephone allowance
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of telephone allowance
1061Q Qualification for telephone allowance
1061R Telephone allowance not payable in some circumstances
Division 2--Rate of telephone allowance
1061S Standard rate of telephone allowance
1061SA Increased rate of telephone allowance
1061SB Increased rate of telephone allowance for home internet
Part 2.25A--Utilities allowance
Division 1--Qualification for and payability of utilities allowance
1061T Qualification for utilities allowance
1061TA When utilities allowance is payable
Division 2--Rate of utilities allowance
1061TB Rate of utilities allowance
Part 2.25B--Energy supplement
Division 1--Qualification and payability
1061U Qualification for energy supplement
1061UA When energy supplement is payable
Division 2--Rate of energy supplement
1061UB Rate of energy supplement
Part 2.25C--Quarterly pension supplement
1061V When this Part applies
1061VA Quarterly pension supplement
1061VB Rate of quarterly pension supplement
Part 2.26--Fares allowance
Division 1--Qualification for fares allowance
1061ZAAA Qualification for fares allowance
1061ZAAB Journey by person who is not an external student
1061ZAAC Journey by person who is an external student
Division 3--Amount of fares allowance
1061ZAAJ Fares allowance for public transport
1061ZAAK Fares allowance for private transport
Chapter 2A--Benefits and concessions other than payments
Part 2A.1--Concession cards
Division 1--Qualification for, and issue of, pensioner concession card
1061ZA General qualification rules
1061ZC Extended qualification rule: long - term recipient of social security benefits
1061ZCA Extended qualification rule: former recipient of age pension and partner
1061ZCB Extended qualification rule: former recipient of carer payment
1061ZD Extended qualification rule: former recipient of disability support pension and partner
1061ZDA Extended qualification rule: former recipient of pension PP (single)
1061ZDB Extended qualification rule: partner of former recipient of veterans' entitlement
1061ZEA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income
1061ZEB Extended qualification rule: persons with a partial capacity to work
1061ZEC Effect of compliance penalty periods
1061ZF Issue of pensioner concession card
Division 2--Qualification for seniors health card
1061ZG Qualification rules
1061ZH Newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061ZI Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061ZJ Giving of copy of assessment of taxable income to Secretary
1061ZJA Modifications if person's rate of social security pension is nil on 1 January 2017
1061ZJB Other modifications because of Veterans' Entitlements Act
Division 3--Qualification for health care card
Subdivision A--Qualification for automatic issue health care card
1061ZK Qualification: general rules
1061ZM Qualification for health care card: employment - affected person
1061ZMA Further extended qualification rule: loss of payment because of employment income
1061ZN Residence requirement
1061ZNA Effect of compliance penalty periods
Subdivision B--Qualification for health care card in other circumstances
1061ZO Qualification
1061ZP Person subject to newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061ZQ Newly arrived resident's waiting period
1061ZR Duration of newly arrived resident's waiting period
Subdivision C--Miscellaneous provisions relating to health care cards
1061ZS Issue of health care cards
1061ZT Certain dependants not qualified for health care card
Division 4--Non - cancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences
1061ZUA Persons to whom Division applies
1061ZUB Non - cancellation of concession cards for temporary overseas absences
1061ZUC Extension cards