(1) Subject to subsection (2), the person has attained the maximum age for youth allowance if:
(a) the person is not undertaking full - time study and is at least 22 years old; or
(b) the person:
(i) is undertaking full - time study in respect of a course of education that is to last for less than 12 months; and
(ii) was, immediately before starting the course of education, receiving jobseeker payment; and
(iii) is at least 22 years old; or
(c) the person is undertaking full - time study and is at least 25 years old; or
(d) the person is not a new apprentice and is at least 22 years old; or
(e) the person is a new apprentice and is at least 25 years old.
Continuance of full - time study after turning 25
(2) If the person is at least 25 years old, the person is taken not to have attained the maximum age for youth allowance if the person:
(a) was receiving youth allowance immediately before turning 25; and
(b) is either:
(i) undertaking full - time study in respect of a course of education that the person had commenced before turning 25; or
(ii) a new apprentice and became a new apprentice before turning 25.