The following is a simplified outline of this Part:
• The ACMA may make the following types of standards:
(a) technical standards about customer equipment and customer cabling;
(b) standards relating to the features of customer equipment that are designed to cater for the special needs of persons with disabilities;
(c) technical standards about the interconnection of facilities;
(d) technical standards relating to Layer 2 bitstream services.
• The ACMA may require customer equipment and customer cabling to be labelled so as to indicate compliance with standards.
• The ACMA may issue connection permits, and make connection rules, authorising the connection of customer equipment and customer cabling that does not comply with the labelling requirements.
• A label may include a compliance symbol. The unauthorised use of compliance symbols is prohibited.
• The ACMA may grant cabling licences, and make cabling provider rules, authorising the performance of cabling work.
• Civil actions may be instituted for unlawful or dangerous connections of customer equipment or customer cabling.
• Dangerous equipment and cabling may be disconnected from networks.
• The ACMA may prohibit the supply or possession of dangerous equipment or cabling.