The purpose of the Basin Plan is to provide for the integrated management of the Basin water resources in a way that promotes the objects of this Act, in particular by providing for:
(a) giving effect to relevant international agreements (to the extent to which those agreements are relevant to the use and management of the Basin water resources); and
(b) the establishment and enforcement of environmentally sustainable limits on the quantities of surface water and ground water that may be taken from the Basin water resources (including by interception activities); and
(c) Basin - wide environmental objectives for water - dependent ecosystems of the Murray - Darling Basin and water quality and salinity objectives; and
(d) the use and management of the Basin water resources in a way that optimises economic, social and environmental outcomes; and
(da) the use and management of Basin water resources that takes into account spiritual, cultural, environmental, social and economic matters relevant to Indigenous people; and
(e) water to reach its most productive use through the development of an efficient water trading regime across the Murray - Darling Basin; and
(f) requirements that a water resource plan for a water resource plan area must meet if it is to be accredited or adopted under Division 2; and
(g) improved water security for all uses of Basin water resources.