(1) The following are to be made by legislative instrument:
(a) a declaration under section 7(2F) (declaration that persons of a class are workers);
(b) a declaration under section 12D(2) or (2A) (application where Act would prejudice Australia's defence);
(c) a general direction or a direction relating to a specified class of matter under section 162(1) (exercise of inspector's powers);
(d) a code of practice, or a variation or revocation of a code of practice, that is approved by the Minister under section 274(1).
(2) The following are not legislative instruments (if done by an instrument in writing):
(a) a declaration under section 12C(2), (2A), (2AA) or (2B) (application where Act would prejudice Australia's national security);
(b) an approval under section 72(1)(a) (approval of course of training);
(c) a notice under section 139(1)(a) (show cause notice);
(d) a register kept under section 151 (register of WHS entry permit holders);
(e) advice or information provided in writing under section 152(c) or 160(a) (provision of advice and information by Comcare and inspectors);
(f) a direction relating to a specified matter under section 162(1) (exercise of inspector's powers);
(g) a notice under section 191(2) (improvement notice);
(h) a notice under section 195(3) (prohibition notice);
(i) a notice under section 198 (non - disturbance notice);
(j) guidelines issued under section 230(3) (prosecution of offences and acceptance of WHS undertakings);
(k) a notice under section 231(5) (notice of conclusion of Director of Public Prosecutions on possible prosecution, and reasons for conclusion).