(1) This regulation applies to the export of an export - prohibited chemical if:
(a) either:
(i) the relevant item in Schedule 1 identifies the relevant international agreement or arrangement as the Rotterdam Convention; or
(ii) the chemical is research mercury; and
(b) the export is to a party to that Convention.
(2) It is a condition of a permission for the export that the exporter will:
(a) include the Harmonized System customs code for the chemical (if assigned) on shipping documentation; and
(b) ensure that the labelling of the chemical complies with relevant international standards (including standards requiring information regarding risks and hazards to human health and the environment); and
(c) if the chemical is to be used for occupational purposes, give to the importer a safety data sheet that:
(i) is in accordance with an internationally recognised format; and
(ii) sets out up - to - date information; and
(iii) if practicable, is in one of the official languages of the country to which the chemical is to be exported; and
(d) give to the Department, on or before 28 February following each calendar year, a statement of the total quantity of the chemical exported in the calendar year, naming each importing country and specifying how much of the chemical was exported to each importing country.