(1) Subject to subregulation (2), the following fees are prescribed for subsection 69D(1) of the Act:
(a) $125 as the standard fee for a certificate;
(b) if the certificate requires technical or scientific assessment to be undertaken by the APVMA, a further $105 for the assessment.
(2) No fee is payable for a certificate (the subsequent certificate ) if an applicant applies for the subsequent certificate on the same day when the applicant applied for another certificate (the original certificate ), and the original and subsequent certificates are:
(a) the same in all respects; or
(b) the same in all respects except for one or more of the following:
(i) the addressee of the certificate;
(ii) the country to which the chemical product is to be exported;
(iii) the authority of the country to which the chemical product is to be exported.
(3) For the purposes of subsection 69D(1) of the Act, a fee is prescribed if the applicant requires the APVMA to request the performance, in relation to a certificate (whether original or subsequent), of a consular act for which a fee (the consular fee ):
(a) is imposed under the Consular Fees Act 1955 ; and
(b) is payable by the APVMA.
(4) The amount of the fee prescribed under subregulation (3) is an amount equal to the amount of the consular fee.