(1) Subregulation (2) applies to a proposed controlled activity (other than a short - term controlled activity) that would (if carried out) intrude into prescribed airspace, unless subregulation 14 (5) prevents an application to carry out the activity being approved.
Note: Subregulation 14 (5) prevents an application being approved if the proposed controlled activity would, if carried out, result in an intrusion into PANS - OPS airspace, unless the controlled activity is a short - term controlled activity and the airport - operator company (if any) for the airport concerned supports the approval.
(2) The airport - operator company for the airport concerned, or, if there is no airport - operator company for the airport, the Secretary, must give written notice of the application to carry out the activity to, and invite submissions about the activity from, the following authorities:
(a) CASA;
(b) Airservices Australia;
(c) if the airport is a joint - user airport--the Department of Defence;
(d) the building authority concerned.
(3) Subregulation (4) applies to a proposed short - term controlled activity that would (if carried out) intrude into prescribed airspace, unless subregulation 14 (5) prevents an application to carry out the activity being approved.
Note: Subregulation 14 (5) prevents an application being approved if the proposed controlled activity would, if carried out, result in an intrusion into PANS - OPS airspace, unless the controlled activity is a short - term controlled activity and the airport - operator company (if any) for the airport concerned supports the approval.
(4) The airport - operator company for the airport concerned, or, if there is no airport - operator company for the airport, the Secretary, must give written notice of the application to carry out the activity to, and invite submissions about the activity from, the following authorities:
(a) CASA;
(b) Airservices Australia.
(5) If any of the authorities mentioned in subregulation (2) or (4) so requests, the airport - operator company or the Secretary (as the case requires) must give it a copy of the application.
(6) The airport - operator company or the Secretary (as the case requires) must give the notice before the end of 7 days after receiving the application for approval of the controlled activity.