(1) The operator of an undertaking at an airport must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that, in the operation of the undertaking, and in the carrying out of any work in connection with the undertaking:
(a) there are no adverse consequences for:
(i) the local biota and the ecosystems and habitats of native species; or
(ii) existing aesthetic, cultural, historical, social and scientific (including archaeological and anthropological) values of the local area; and
(b) there are no adverse consequences for:
(i) a species or ecological community listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ; or
(iii) sites of indigenous significance on the airport site; and
(c) if it is reasonably discoverable that, at the airport site, there is a listed threatened species or ecological community--the operation, or other work, is not inconsistent with action intended to lessen the threat to the species or ecological community; and
(d) the operation, or other work, is not inconsistent with an international convention, treaty or other agreement to which Australia is a party, and that relates to a matter to which these Regulations apply.
Note: In a particular instance, the duty may be affected by Division 2 of Part 5, which provides for the granting of authorisations.
(2) An expression used in subregulation (1) and in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 . has the same meaning as it has in that Act.
(3) Failure to comply with subregulation (1) does not, of itself, constitute a contravention of these regulations, but compliance may be enforced under regulation 7.02.