(1) Information or a document that was given to the Inspector - General for the purposes of a review must not be made publicly available, or included in a review report, if the information or document is:
(a) the subject of legal professional privilege; or
(b) derived from information or a document that is the subject of legal professional privilege.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Inspector - General may include in information or a document that is made publicly available, or in a review report, a statement:
(a) that legal advice contained in information or a document that was given to the Inspector - General for the purposes of a review was considered in the course of the review; and
(b) outlining, in general terms, the relevance of that advice, or of any aspect of it, to the review.
(3) If a statement relating to legal advice is included in information or a document, or a review report, under subsection (2), the advice does not cease to be the subject of legal professional privilege merely because:
(a) the statement is included in the information or document or review report; or
(b) in the case of a statement that is included in a review report:
(i) the report is given to the Director of Biosecurity or the Agriculture Minister; or
(ii) the report is published under subsection 97(4).