(1) This section is made for the purposes of subsection 180(2) of the Act.
(1A) Before the Director of Biosecurity varies or revokes a condition of a permit, or imposes a further condition on a permit, granted under section 179 of the Act:
(a) a risk assessment must be conducted by a biosecurity worker in relation to the goods to which the permit relates; and
(b) the Director of Biosecurity must be satisfied that the ALOP for Australia was applied in the conduct of the risk assessment.
Note: ALOP (short for Appropriate Level of Protection) has the meaning given by section 5 of the Act.
(2) In deciding whether to vary or revoke a condition of a permit granted under section 179 of the Act, the Director of Biosecurity must consider:
(a) the level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods to which the permit relates; and
(b) whether the condition imposed on the permit is necessary to reduce the level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and
(c) personal information that was required to be provided with the application for the permit under section 531 of the Act.
(3) In deciding whether to impose a further condition on a permit granted under section 179 of the Act, the Director of Biosecurity must consider:
(aa) the risk assessment that was conducted in relation to the goods to which the permit relates; and
(a) the level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods to which the permit relates; and
(b) whether imposing a further condition on the permit is necessary to reduce the level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods to an acceptable level; and
(c) personal information that was required to be provided with the application for the permit under section 531 of the Act.
(5) In deciding whether to vary or revoke a condition of, or impose a further condition on, a permit, the Director of Biosecurity may also consider:
(a) whether the holder of the permit is a fit and proper person (having regard to the matters referred to in section 530 of the Act); and
(b) whether the holder of the permit is an associate of a person who applied under section 177 of the Act for a permit and whose application was refused (whether or not the person's application related to goods of the same kind); and
(c) any other matters relating to the goods or the holder of the permit that the Director considers relevant.