Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations
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- made under the Civil Aviation Act 1988
1. Name of Regulations
2. Interpretation
2AA. Meaning of ANZA mutual recognition agreements (Act s 3)
2A. Approved maintenance data
2B. Powers to issue directions etc
2C. How to read CASR
3. Application of regulations
5. Civil Aviation Orders
Division 2--Foreign operators
29. Damage etc to aircraft of a Contracting State
Division 3--Certificates of approval, aircraft maintenance engineer licences, airworthiness authorities and aircraft welding authorities
29A. Interpretation
30. Certificates of approval
30AA. Provision of training and assessment in maintenance of aircraft etc.
30A. Changes to certificates of approval
32. Period during which certificates of approval remain in force
33. Testing of competency of holder of licence or authority
33B. Airworthiness authorities
33C. Application for aircraft welding authority
33D. Grant of aircraft welding authority
33E. Recognised authorities
33F. Duration of aircraft welding authority
33G. Renewal of aircraft welding authority
33H. Changes to aircraft welding authority
33I. Conditions of aircraft welding authority
Division 4--Miscellaneous
37. Permissible unserviceabilities
Division 1--Maintenance directions by CASA
38. Maintenance directions
Division 2--Maintenance for which holder of certificate of registration responsible
Subdivision 1--Class A aircraft
39. Maintenance required by approved system of maintenance
40. Defective or inappropriate systems of maintenance
Subdivision 2--Class B aircraft
41. Maintenance schedule and maintenance instructions
42. Defective or inappropriate maintenance schedule
42A. Maintenance schedule: manufacturer's maintenance schedule
42B. Maintenance schedule: CASA maintenance schedule
42C. Maintenance schedule: approved system of maintenance
42CA. Maintenance schedule--primary, intermediate, restricted or limited category aircraft
42CB. Maintenance--experimental aircraft
42D. Can there be more than one maintenance schedule?
42E. Elections
42F. Effect of change of holder of certificate of registration
Subdivision 3--Miscellaneous
42G. Flight control system: additional requirements
42H. Exemptions and variations
Division 3--Approved systems of maintenance
42J. System of maintenance: request for approval
42K. System of maintenance: submission to CASA
42L. System of maintenance: matters to be included
42M. System of maintenance: approval
42N. When approval is effective
42P. Request for approval of changes
42Q. CASA may direct changes
42R. Approval of changes
42S. When approval of a change is effective
42T. All changes must be approved
Division 4--How maintenance is to be carried out
42U. Modifications and repairs: approved designs
42V. Maintenance: approved maintenance data
42W. Installation and use of aircraft components in maintenance--Australian aircraft in Australian territory
42WA. Requirements for authorised release certificate
42X. Use of aircraft materials in maintenance--Australian aircraft in Australian territory
42Y. Time - lifed aircraft components--exemption from supply under cover of document requirements
42Z. Removable items of radiocommunications equipment in VFR aircraft--exemption from certification requirements
42ZA. Use of aircraft components, aircraft materials etc in maintenance--Australian aircraft outside Australian territory
42ZB. Exemptions and variations
Division 5--Who may carry out maintenance
42ZC. Maintenance on Australian aircraft in Australian territory
42ZD. Maintenance on Australian aircraft outside Australian territory
Division 6--Certification of completion of maintenance
Subdivision 1--Maintenance in Australian territory
42ZE. Certification of completion of maintenance on aircraft in Australian territory
42ZF. Request for approval of system of certification
42ZG. Approval of system of certification
42ZH. When approval is effective
42ZJ. Changes to an approved system of certification
42ZK. Approval of changes
42ZL. When approval of a change is effective
42ZM. All changes must be approved
Subdivision 2--Maintenance outside Australian territory
42ZN. Certification of maintenance outside Australian territory
Subdivision 3--Miscellaneous
42ZP. Certification not to be made
Division 7--Exemptions from, and variations of, requirements
42ZQ. Requirements to which Division applies
42ZR. Application for exemption from, or variation of, requirements
42ZS. Granting of exemptions and approval of variations
42ZT. When grant or approval is effective
42ZU. Effect of grant of exemption or approval of variation
Division 8--Maintenance control manual and maintenance controller
42ZV. Maintenance controllers
42ZW. Approval of maintenance controllers
42ZX. Suspension or cancellation of approvals
42ZY. Maintenance control manuals
42ZZ. Maintenance control manuals: amendments
42ZZA. Inspection of maintenance control manuals
Division 9--Maintenance releases
43. Maintenance releases in respect of Australian aircraft
43A. Maintenance release to be available for inspection
43B. Time - in - service to be recorded on maintenance release
44. Conditions with respect to maintenance releases
45. Suspension or cancellation of maintenance release
46. Information to be passed to other persons
47. Maintenance release to cease to be in force
48. Maintenance release to recommence to be in force
49. Permissible unserviceabilities to be endorsed on maintenance releases
50. Defects and major damage to be endorsed on maintenance release
Division 10--Aircraft log books
50A. Aircraft log book
50B. Alternative to aircraft log book or section of aircraft log book
50C. Directions relating to aircraft maintenance records
50D. Inspection of records
Division 11--Miscellaneous
50E. Inconsistent requirements--resolution of inconsistencies
50F. Notice of maintenance to be given
50G. Copying or disclosing CVR information
51. Reporting of defects in Australian aircraft--general
51A. Reporting of defects in Australian aircraft: major defects
51B. Defects discovered in complying with directions by CASA
52. Defects discovered in aircraft components
52A. How must reports to Authority be made?
52B. Keeping of defective aircraft and aircraft components
53. Investigation of defects of Australian aircraft
54. Registered operators to maintain aircraft flight manuals
56. Definitions for this Part
57. Removal or alteration of manufacturer's data plate
58. Removal or alteration of identification from heater assembly of manned free balloon or propeller
59. Transfer of manufacturer's data plate to another aircraft etc prohibited
60. Removal of manufacturer's data plates
Division 5.1--Balloon flight crew licensing--preliminary
5.01. Definitions for Part 5
5.02. What Part 5 is about
5.03. Authorisation--performing activities essential to operation of Australian balloons without commercial pilot (balloon) licence
Division 5.2--Balloon flight crew licensing--medical certificates
5.04. Medical certificate--balloon flight crew licence
5.05. Medical certificate--CAR certificate of validation
5.07. Medical certificate--flight tests
Division 5.3--Balloon flight crew licensing--licences, ratings and endorsements
5.08. Balloon flight crew licence--application
5.09. Balloon flight crew licence--issue
5.13. Balloon flight crew rating--application
5.14. Balloon flight crew rating--issue
5.17. Balloon flight crew rating--duration
5.18. Balloon flight crew rating--authority and flight tests
5.19. Balloon flight crew rating--flight tests
5.20. Balloon flight crew rating--approval to give training
5.23. Balloon class endorsement--issue
Division 5.4--Balloon flight crew licensing--certificates of validation
5.27. CAR certificate of validation--issue
5.30. CAR certificate of validation--overseas balloon authorisation information to be entered
5.31. CAR certificate of validation--effect
5.32. CAR certificate of validation--period of validity
5.33. CAR certificate of validation--offences
Division 5.5--Balloon flight crew licensing--general
5.40. Pilot acting in command under supervision
5.41. Balloon flight crew licence--tests and examinations
5.42. Balloon flight tests--CASA to be notified
5.50. Authorisation to test balloon
5.51. Personal log books
5.52. What must be recorded in a personal log book?
5.53. How long must a personal log book be retained?
5.54. Evidence of identity--CASA's powers
5.54A. Evidence of identity--examinations
5.56. Balloon flight crew licence--production etc.
Division 5.6--Balloon flight crew licensing--balloon flying schools
5.57. Balloon flying schools--transfer of student records
5.58. Balloon flying schools--chief balloon flying instructor
5.59. Syllabuses of training
Division 5.7--Balloon flight crew licensing--flight radiotelephone operator licence
5.61. Flight radiotelephone operator licence--issue
5.62. Flight radiotelephone operator licence--authorisation
5.63. Flight radiotelephone operator licence--conduct of examination and test
Division 5.11--Balloon flight crew licensing--commercial pilot (balloon) licences
5.138. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--qualifications
5.139. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--authorisation
5.140. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--authorisation: balloon classes
5.141. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--authorisation: balloon types
5.142. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--rating required
5.143. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--regular balloon flight reviews required
5.144. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--recent experience requirements
5.145. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--aeronautical experience required
5.146. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--balloon flying training required
5.147. Commercial pilot (balloon) licence--flight tests
Division 8--Use of aerodromes
93. Protection of certain rights
Division 9--Removal or marking of obstructions or other hazards
94. Dangerous lights
95. Removal or marking of objects which constitute obstructions or potential hazards to air navigation
Division 1--Air Traffic Services
105. Temporary medical unfitness of holder of licence
115. Medical unfitness of holder of licence
Division 1--General
206. Prescribed purpose--miscellaneous
210A. Flight time limitations
Division 2--Requirements to ensure the safety of commercial operations
211. Division 2 not to apply to New Zealand AOC holders with ANZA privileges
212. Operator
213. Organisation
214. Training of maintenance personnel
Division 3--Conduct of operations
224A. Commercial operations carrying passengers--requirements if pilot in command 60 or more
235. Take - off and landing of aircraft etc
Division 4--General provisions relating to the operation of aircraft
262. Carriage of examiners
Division 6--Operating limitations for aircraft certificated in certain categories and experimental aircraft
262AK. Application of this Division
262AN. Limited category aircraft--approved organisations
263. Interpretation
264. Refusal to grant certificate under Division 3 of Part 4
265. Suspension of licence or authority for purpose of examination
267. Variation of authority, certificate or licence at request of holder
269. Variation, suspension or cancellation of approval, authority, certificate or licence
270. Effect of effluxion of time for suspension of approval, authority, certificate or licence
272A. Effect of suspension of approval, authority, certificate or licence
Division 1--Penal provisions
282. Offences in relation to licences, certificates and authorities
287. Power of Court to order returns etc to be furnished
288. Detention of aircraft
289. Creation of fire hazard
290. Firearms--Federal airports
291. Stationary aircraft within precincts of an aerodrome
292. Aircraft on movement area to be reported
293. Removal of aircraft from movement area
294. Prohibition of entry etc on prohibited area
Division 2--Prosecutions
296. Time for commencing prosecutions
Division 3--Infringement notices
296A. Definitions for Division 3 of Part 17
296B. When can an infringement notice be served?
296C. Can an infringement notice be withdrawn?
296D. How are infringement notices and withdrawals of notices to be served?
296E. What must be included in an infringement notice?
296F. What happens if you pay the prescribed penalty?
296G. Evidentiary matters
296H. Can there be more than one infringement notice for the same offence?
296I. What if payment is made by cheque?
296J. This Division does not prevent a matter being prosecuted in a court and does not mean that an infringement notice must be served in all cases
297. Evidence
297A. Review of decisions
298A. Cheating by examination candidates
298B. Examination misconduct by persons other than examination candidates
298C. Personation at examinations
298D. Person not permitted to sit examination until Tribunal decides
298E. Sitting examination when not permitted
299. Further examination of holders of flight crew licences etc.
301. Surrender of documents
302. Production of licences
303. Conditions subject to which licences or certificates are granted
304. Directions and instructions--section 23 of the Act
305. Access of authorised persons
306. Liability for damage to aircraft during official tests
Division 1--Transitional provisions--miscellaneous
312. Definition
313. Transitional: certificates of type approval
314. Transitional: certificates of airworthiness
315. Transitional: suspension of a certificate of airworthiness
318. Transitional: certificates of approval
319. Transitional: approval to manufacture amateur - built aircraft
320. Transitional: suspension of certificate of approval
321. Transitional: notices of events
325. References to Parts, Divisions or Subdivisions renumbered by Civil Aviation Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 6)
Division 2--Transitional provisions relating to Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 of CASR
328. Application of Part 4A to aircraft
330. Application of Part 4B to aircraft
331. Application of Part 4B to Part 145 organisations--dealing with defects
Division 3--Transitional provisions--amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) (substitution of Part 5)
333. Certain civil aviation authorisations not affected by substitution of Part 5 on 1 September 2014
334. Civil Aviation Orders for Part 5--balloons
335. Civil Aviation Orders--flight time limitations
Division 4--Transitional provisions--amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters) Regulation 2013
Subdivision 1--Transitional provisions
336. References to certification of completion of maintenance and authorised release certificates (regulation 42W)
337. Application of regulation 214 (Training of maintenance personnel)
Subdivision 2--Part 145 organisations approved to undertake CAR maintenance activities
338. Definition of approved system of certification of completion of maintenance
339. Compliance with regulation 42G (Flight control system: additional requirements)
340. Compliance with Division 4 of Part 4A (How maintenance is to be carried out)
341. Who may carry out maintenance for regulation 42ZC (Maintenance on Australian aircraft in Australian territory)
342. Application of regulations 42ZF to 42ZM (which deal with approved systems of certification of completion of maintenance)
343. Compliance with Part 4B (Defect reporting)
SCHEDULE 5 CASA maintenance schedule
SCHEDULE 6 CASA system of certification of completion of maintenance
SCHEDULE 7 Maintenance that must not be carried out on a Class B aircraft by a person referred to in paragraph 42ZC(4)(b)
SCHEDULE 8 Maintenance that may be carried out on a Class B aircraft by a person entitled to do so under subregulation 42ZC(4)
SCHEDULE 9 Maintenance control manual and maintenance controller
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