(1) In this regulation:
"MOS" has the same meaning as in Subpart 11.J.
(2) If there is an inconsistency between a MOS and a provision of the Act or these Regulations, the provision of the Act or these Regulations prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
(3) To avoid doubt, a MOS may not do the following:
(a) create an offence or civil penalty;
(b) provide powers of:
(i) arrest or detention; or
(ii) entry, search or seizure;
(c) impose a tax;
(d) set an amount to be appropriated from the Consolidated Revenue Fund under an appropriation in these Regulations;
(e) directly amend the text of these Regulations.
Note: A MOS (Manual of Standards) is a document that supports CASR by providing detailed technical material, such as technical specifications or standards. See generally 'Incorporated Manuals' (paragraphs 52 and 53) in the Guide.
Table of contents
Subpart 11.A--Preliminary
11.005 Purpose of Part
11.010 What is in this Part
11.015 Definitions for Part
11.018 Approval of forms
Subpart 11.B--Applications for authorisations
11.020 Effect of this Subpart
11.025 Application of Part 11 to authorised persons
11.026 Application of Part 11 to approved design organisations
11.027 Application of Part 11 to relevant approved organisations
11.028 Application of Part 11 to examiners, instructors and approval holders
11.030 When application taken to be complete
11.032 Application for authorisation after previous authorisation cancelled
11.033 Applications by agents
11.034 Requirements for applications made by agents
11.035 Other things CASA can ask applicant to do--test or interview
11.040 Other things CASA can ask applicant to do--provide more information
11.045 Other things CASA can ask applicant to do--demonstrate a service or facility
11.047 Other things CASA can ask applicant to do--statutory declarations to verify applications
11.050 Material that CASA may or must take into account
Subpart 11.BA--Granting authorisations etc
11.055 Grant of authorisation
11.056 Authorisation may be granted subject to conditions
11.060 Notice of decision
11.065 When authorisation comes into effect
11.067 Imposing and varying conditions after grant of authorisation
11.068 Conditions imposed on class of authorisations
11.070 Conditions of authorisations--change of name or address
11.071 Conditions of authorisations--change of nationality
11.072 Conditions of authorisations--change of business status
11.073 Conditions of authorisations--notice of death, dissolution etc
11.074 Conditions of authorisations--notice required by CASA
11.075 Conditions of authorisations--provision of information
11.077 Breach of conditions--offence
11.080 Authorisations not transferable
Subpart 11.C--Authorisation documents, certificates and related matters
11.090 Authorisation document--authorisations to which Chicago Convention, Annex 1 applies
11.095 Authorisation document--maintenance operation authorisations
11.100 Registration certificate (Chicago Convention, Annex 7)
11.105 Certificate of Airworthiness (Chicago Convention, Annex 8)
11.110 Authorisation document--other authorisations
11.115 Replacement documents
Subpart 11.D--Applications for variation, suspension and cancellation of authorisations
11.120 What Subpart 11.D is about
11.125 Application of Subparts 11.B and 11.BA to variation of authorisation
11.130 Suspension or cancellation of authorisation
11.132 Effect of suspension
Subpart 11.E--Time - limited authorisations
11.135 Purpose of Subpart
11.140 Continuation of authorisation until application decided
11.145 Application of Subparts 11.B and 11.BA
11.150 Conditions on new authorisation
Subpart 11.F--Exemptions from provisions of these Regulations and Civil Aviation Orders
Division 11.F.1--Grant of standard exemptions
11.155 Purpose of Division
11.160 What exemptions can be granted under this Division
11.165 Applications for exemptions
11.170 Consideration of applications
11.175 Renewal of exemptions under this Division
Division 11.F.2--Grant of exemptions in exceptional circumstances
11.180 Purpose of Division
11.185 Exemptions in exceptional circumstances
11.190 Application
11.195 Consideration by CASA
Division 11.F.3--Exemptions generally
11.200 Purpose of Division
11.205 Conditions
11.210 Offence: failure to comply with condition
11.220 Notice of grant of exemption
11.225 Publication of exemption
11.230 When exemptions cease
11.235 Exemptions not transferable
Subpart 11.G--Directions
11.240 Purpose of Subpart
11.245 CASA may issue directions
11.250 Period of effect of direction
11.255 Contravention of direction
Subpart 11.H--Delegation of CASA's powers
11.260 Delegation
Subpart 11.J--Manuals of Standards--procedures
11.265 Purpose of Subpart
11.267 Application of Subpart to amendment or revocation of Manual of Standards
11.270 Definition-- MOS
11.275 Notice of intention to issue Manuals of Standards not required in certain circumstances
11.280 Notice of intention to issue Manuals of Standards
11.285 Comments on draft Manuals of Standards
11.290 CASA to consider comments on draft Manuals of Standards
11.295 Failure to comply with procedures not to affect validity of Manuals of Standards