(1) Part 45 does not apply to a Part 103 aircraft that is not a sailplane.
(2) If the approved functions of a Part 103 ASAO include administering a Part 103 activity in relation to Part 103 aircraft that are not sailplanes, the exposition for the Part 103 ASAO must:
(a) include requirements relating to the display of markings (within the ordinary meaning of the term) on the aircraft; and
(b) prohibit the operation of the aircraft if the aircraft does not meet the requirements mentioned in paragraph (a).
Note: An ASAO, and the holder of an authorisation issued by an ASAO, must not contravene the ASAO's exposition: see regulations 149.345 and 149.410.
(3) Without limiting subregulation (2), the exposition must include requirements relating to the following:
(a) when markings must be displayed;
(b) the number of sets of markings that must be displayed;
(c) the location of sets of markings on aircraft;
(d) the characters to be used in each set of markings, including height, width and font requirements.
Subpart 103.C -- General obligations