(1) The operator of an aeroplane for a flight contravenes this subregulation if, when the flight begins, a cabin crew member for the flight does not hold a valid annual emergency and safety equipment check under subregulation (2) for the operator and the aeroplane.
(2) A cabin crew member holds a valid annual emergency and safety equipment check for the operator of an aeroplane and the aeroplane if:
(a) the flight crew member has successfully completed training and assessment in:
(i) the operation and use of emergency and safety equipment on an aeroplane of that aeroplane type that is relevant to the cabin crew member's duties; and
(ii) emergency evacuation procedures for an aeroplane of that aeroplane type; and
(b) the check is valid in accordance with subregulations (3) and (4).
(3) Subject to subregulation (4), an annual emergency and safety equipment check is valid for the period:
(a) beginning on the day the check is completed; and
(b) ending at the end of the 12 month period beginning at the end of the month in which the check is completed.
(4) If:
(a) a person's annual emergency and safety equipment check (the existing check ) for the operator of an aeroplane and the aeroplane is valid in accordance with subregulation (3); and
(b) the person successfully completes another annual emergency and safety equipment check (the new check ) for that operator and aeroplane in accordance with paragraph (2)(a) less than 3 months before the day the existing check is due to expire;
the new check is valid for the period of 12 months beginning at the end of the day the existing check expires.
(5) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person contravenes subregulation (1).
Subpart 121.V -- Emergency evacuation procedures