Requirement to have personnel
(1) The operator of a certified aerodrome must have personnel who carry out the responsibilities of the following positions for the aerodrome:
(a) accountable manager;
(b) reporting officer;
(c) if aerodrome works are being carried out at the aerodrome--works safety officer;
(d) any other position prescribed by the Part 139 Manual of Standards.
(2) Without limiting subregulation (1):
(a) the personnel of an operator of a certified aerodrome may include any of the following persons:
(i) an employee of the operator;
(ii) a person engaged by the operator (whether by contract or other arrangement) to provide services to the operator;
(iii) an employee of a person mentioned in subparagraph (ii); and
(b) more than one person may carry out the responsibilities of a position mentioned in subregulation (1).
(3) The operator of a certified aerodrome contravenes this subregulation if the operator does not have the personnel for the aerodrome mentioned in subregulation (1).
(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person contravenes subregulation (3).
(5) The responsibilities of an accountable manager for a certified aerodrome are:
(a) ensuring that the operator of the aerodrome complies with the civil aviation legislation; and
(b) ensuring that the operator of the aerodrome operates and maintains the aerodrome safely and with a reasonable degree of care and diligence; and
(c) ensuring that the operator of the aerodrome operates and maintains the aerodrome in accordance with the aerodrome manual for the aerodrome.
Reporting officer
(6) The responsibilities of a reporting officer for a certified aerodrome are:
(a) monitoring the serviceability of the aerodrome; and
(b) reporting information to AIS providers as required under regulation 139.080; and
(c) reporting changes or occurrences at the aerodrome as required under regulation 139.085; and
(d) monitoring airspace and reporting as required under regulation 139.090.
(7) The responsibilities of a works safety officer for a certified aerodrome are ensuring aerodrome safety while aerodrome works are being carried out at the aerodrome.