(1) CASA may issue a Manual of Standards for this Subpart that provides for the following matters:
(a) standards and criteria for the establishment and disestablishment of an ARFFS;
(b) standards relating to the procedures, systems and documents required for the provision of an ARFFS;
(c) standards for facilities and equipment used to provide an ARFFS;
(d) standards, including competency standards, minimum qualifications and training standards, for persons engaged in an ARFFS;
(e) any matter required or permitted by these Regulations to be provided for by the Manual of Standards;
(f) any matter necessary or convenient to be provided for the effective operation of this Subpart.
Note: A Manual of Standards is a legislative instrument--see subsections 98(5A) and (5B) of the Act. It must be registered in accordance with the Legislation Act 2003 and must be tabled in both Houses of the Parliament within 6 sitting days after its making.
(2) CASA must give a copy of a notice about a Manual of Standards for this Subpart (being a notice referred to in subregulation 11.275(3) or regulation 11.280) to each ARFFS provider.
Note: Subpart 11.J (including regulations 11.275 and 11.280) sets out procedures for the issue, amendment and revocation of a MOS.