(1) A Part 141 operator commits an offence if the operator does not maintain a reference library that complies with subregulation (2).
(2) For subregulation (1), the reference library must:
(a) include the following documents:
(i) all operational documents and material;
(ii) the civil aviation legislation that is relevant to the operator's authorised Part 141 flight training;
(iii) the parts of the AIP that are relevant to the training;
(iv) documents that include information about the flight operations of each kind of aircraft operated by the operator to conduct the training that is necessary to ensure the safe conduct of the training;
(v) documents that include information about the operation or maintenance of each kind of flight simulation training device operated by the operator to conduct the training;
(vi) any other publications, information or data required for the reference library by the operator's operations manual; and
(b) be readily available to all members of the operator's personnel; and
(c) be up - to - date and in a readily accessible form.
(3) A Part 141 operator commits an offence if the operator does not keep up - to - date records of the distribution of operational documents to members of the operator's personnel.
(4) An offence against this regulation is an offence of strict liability.
Subpart 141.E -- Part 141 operators--instructors