Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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Issuing approval

  (1)   Subject to regulation   11.055, CASA must approve an applicant as a Part   145 organisation if CASA is satisfied that:

  (a)   the applicant has an exposition that complies with the requirements specified in the Part   145 Manual of Standards; and

  (b)   the applicant has facilities, equipment, materials, maintenance data and tools that are suitable for:

  (i)   providing maintenance services for the kinds of aircraft or aeronautical product for which the applicant proposes to provide maintenance services; and

  (ii)   providing the specialist maintenance that the applicant proposes to provide; and

  (iii)   providing the permitted training that the applicant proposes to provide for its employees; and

  (c)   the facilities, equipment, materials, maintenance data and tools mentioned in paragraph   (b) comply with the requirements specified in the Part   145 Manual of Standards; and

  (d)   the applicant has nominated an individual for each of the following positions in the organisation:

  (i)   accountable manager;

  (ii)   quality manager;

  (iii)   safety manager; and

  (e)   the applicant has nominated an individual for each position of responsible manager in the organisation; and

  (f)   each individual nominated for a position mentioned in paragraph   (d) or (e) is appropriately qualified to hold the position; and

  (g)   the audit requirements of the applicant's quality management system will be carried out by a person who is not:

  (i)   the accountable manager; or

  (ii)   a responsible manager.

Note:   Under regulation   201.004, an application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of:

(a)   a decision refusing to issue, or cancelling, suspending or varying, an approval; or

(b)   a decision imposing a condition on an approval.

  (2)   If CASA decides to approve an applicant as a Part   145 organisation, CASA must determine:

  (a)   the approval rating for each kind of aircraft or aeronautical product for which the applicant is approved to provide maintenance services; and

  (b)   the approval rating for each kind of specialist maintenance that the applicant is approved to provide; and

  (c)   any limitations applying to an approval rating mentioned in paragraph   (a) or (b); and

  (d)   the permitted training that the applicant is approved to provide for its employees.

  (3)   In approving the applicant, CASA also approves the applicant's proposed exposition.

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